Providers I bet you get tired of guy's asking for a discount

Yowzer's Avatar
Well, Thanks ladies! But I'm going to remove my WK hat and tell you something that I've seen that I don't care for with respect to rates.

Here is an example and I've seen it happen here with more than one provider:

Sensuous Sally, the flavor of the week hottie, joins ECCIE and posts her rate at 150. Then the positive reviews start the roll in and line outside her door gets longer and longer. So she raises her rates to 200. (I have no problem with this). After her newness wears off she settles down to a pattern of seeing regulars with a few irregulars thrown in. Of course, the repeat customers normally get priority and perhaps receive discounts. (Still got no problem here).

But sometimes this pattern evolves, which I do have a problem with:
She settles down to almost exclusively an "inner circle" of regulars she charges a grandfather rate of maybe $$. But what irks me is that she bumps her price to 300 or more for anyone else.

Personally, I've fought with being outside the "inner circle". I did in High School, the military, and now at the small Mom and Pop software company I've worked almost 20 years for. And I don't feel like I'll ever have a "seat at the table".

I'm guessing I'm not the only person who has experienced this exclusion. And I feel that I'm not the only client that had felt this way about some providers.

So, I've complained and whined about it. What's my idea of a solution?

Well, I can certainly understand certain providers who have enough business not to need to get more. Well, if that's the case, then just put down: "Not seeing anyone but regulars at this time, check the provider's ad section to see when I might have some free time for you."

The other solution would be when a guy that's been around awhile and has good references, you might think about a compromise in price between the newbie and the regulars price. Afterwards, if he asks about another session, then if you like or are comfortable with him and have room for him, offer the regular's price.

Still, the bottom line is it really up to the ladies to decide any price on any client. Guys, If you don't like it, there are dozens upon dozens of other providers in our great city. And I bet you will find someone in the price point you are looking for. Unless you are a real cheapskate. If you are then I'd recommend the SWs around 59 and Bissonnet. But remember, you get what you pay for. And if you pay too little you might come way with something that you didn't bargained for

Hey I appreciate the fact that the majority of providers here do not, in my mind, have GPS. Thankfully they never took what they read or heard on reality shows like the ones about Vegas Brothels and try to set their prices here likewise. The bell curve still centers around 200 in the middle. And a range of 150-250 covers the vast majority of providers here in Houston.

Hat's off to the H-town providers: Short of going to a border town or out of country, I'd venture to say that Houston and probably Texas would be in the top 5 for most reasonable provider prices in the US.
carkido45's Avatar
I just set my buget and stay there 160-180 I will go once in a great while up to 250 but it's rare.
I get beautiful lil latinas for 160 an hr so when I see someone I like offering 200 and above
I shrug my shoulders and go for the lower donation provider no muss no fuss .
Yowser we most definitely have it pretty good here in HTOWN I checked the Dallas forum and saw no real latina agencies there they may have may more Indys but we kick there ass in Latina agencies no where in the state is there more Latina Agencies.
Yowzer's Avatar
I guess I forget my tagline about with money. And I forget that I can get a "seat at the table", as it were, in the provider world if I'm willing to pay the price.

Yep, Charlito or whatever his name was back in ASPD "golden days" set the 160 price for Latina Agencies. It was a new low price point back in the day for quality providers. Glad to see Latina Agencies running strong on ECCIE/Houston for the same great rate of 160. I think it also puts downward price pressure on other providers and keeps them from not to getting too expensive.

Remeber that back in the golden age, Escapes were 240/hr, then Wildflowers got in at like 200 and lower over time. Westside/Eastside Clinc was 180 for a half hour! Indies I think were more expensive. So today to have this much selection of indies at the 200 price point is great in my mind.
I hate it when clients think they can decide my rate for me..

example: i saw a client for a half hour and he paved the half hour rate, no problems there. the second time we got together we were together for about 45-50 minutes. well he takes it upon himself to prorate the time.

i have never ever offered a 45 minute rate and now this had happened 2 times with 2 different people. i have never asked for money up front and honestly its been my last priority during the time but now im going to have to i guess. it just irks me that some guys can think they can decide what my time is worth.

Im sure y'all have thoughts so let me have it!
Yowzer's Avatar
Well, most guys don't like clock watchers. But guys have to realize that an half hour is a quicky in my book. Get in, get out. 15 minutes would not cut it unless I'm with a SW (which I have my own standards and don't see).

Our counter argument for having an hour is: we paid for the full hour, allow us MSOG if we are up for it. Don't show us the door after the first pop, even if we don't go for another. But guys, don't stay much past an hour. She has other plans and unless you tip for her extra time, go home. But it would be nice to ask first if the hour is drawing near. Time is money. Don't waste hers.

I thought only staying your allotted time was in the client guidelines. Along with good hygiene, seperate as far as possible any discussion of money and service, have donation already in envelope to be left in plain sight and don't talk about it, etc, etc. The rules are pretty simple for both sides and over the years have been honed to where they are at now.

Providers here on ECCIE are not SWs. Well, maybe a few. But the vast majority of them are not. They are not whores or prostitutes. Don't treat them as such. They are providers with a business/personal service. I don't abuse my business clients and I don't let them abuse me. Treat providers the same way.
carkido45's Avatar
I hate it when clients think they can decide my rate for me..

example: i saw a client for a half hour and he paved the half hour rate, no problems there. the second time we got together we were together for about 45-50 minutes. well he takes it upon himself to prorate the time.

i have never ever offered a 45 minute rate and now this had happened 2 times with 2 different people. i have never asked for money up front and honestly its been my last priority during the time but now im going to have to i guess. it just irks me that some guys can think they can decide what my time is worth.

Im sure y'all have thoughts so let me have it! Originally Posted by emmabunnie
If I go over the thirty minutes I need to donate the 1hr rate but I already know how long I'm going to stay and I get that straight from the beginning .
Emma your donation rate is reasonable sorry that happen to you

I think i'm more of a clock watcher than the provider I'm with because some providers do cut us short on the time we spend with them it does happen both ways.
I always give repeat and regular clients a discount.. Like someone above me stated, I wouldn't offer a discount for someone who stops by every blue moon and isn't a regular with me. I've made that mistake several times... Such as giving a guy a discount ahead of time for writing a review (which some guys took advantage of, and some never even wrote my review) or putting up with hagglers who eventually talked my rate down a bit.
Now that I know better, I only give a discount to those who deserve it and who I feel are loyal clientele.
I hate it when clients think they can decide my rate for me..

i have never ever offered a 45 minute rate and now this had happened 2 times with 2 different people. i have never asked for money up front and honestly its been my last priority during the time but now im going to have to i guess. it just irks me that some guys can think they can decide what my time is worth.

Im sure y'all have thoughts so let me have it! Originally Posted by emmabunnie

Yeah Emma this has happen with me also. I NEVER watch the clock. There is one in the room but im not a rusher at all. I enjoy the convo, or what ever happens in your time with me. And I too never ask for money up front unless the guy is from BP, but even then I dont push the issue unless I feel I SHOULD. I have had several stay 20 30 over their time, and most are in action..not But what do you do? I dont want to be rude and risk them posting a bad review because they went waaaay over and i asked for more $. I havnt figured that one out yet.
carkido45's Avatar
Yeah Emma this has happen with me also. I NEVER watch the clock. There is one in the room but im not a rusher at all. I enjoy the convo, or what ever happens in your time with me. And I too never ask for money up front unless the guy is from BP, but even then I dont push the issue unless I feel I SHOULD. I have had several stay 20 30 over their time, and most are in action..not But what do you do? I dont want to be rude and risk them posting a bad review because they went waaaay over and i asked for more $. I havnt figured that one out yet. Originally Posted by NIKKILOVE
It's not being rude, handle your business NIKKI let them know that if they go over there thirty minutes then they need to donate for an hour but get that understood from the beginning.
I can understand maybe 5 minutes but 15 or 20 minutes they're taking advantage of you.

NiKKi no one takes advantage of you unless you let them.
I am very proud to say i am not a clock watcher. I really don't even mind going over time because generally i really do enjoy the conversation and getting to know someone. honestly i have only had one person ever compensate me for going over and i truly appreciated it.

i guess when i make apps from now on i have to be specifically clear about times and rates. I just really like being a genuinely sweet and laid back provider like most of the ladies on here, i don't want to have to be a hard ass when it comes down to the business end of evvery thing :-/
It's not being rude, handle your business NIKKI let them know that if they go over there thirty minutes then they need to donate for an hour but get that understood from the beginning.
I can understand maybe 5 minutes but 15 or 20 minutes they're taking advantage of you.

NiKKi no one takes advantage of you unless you let them. Originally Posted by carkido45

I totaly agree Carkido,

Trust me I am one lady with a mouth and know how to use it(in many ways) Before I was a member here on Eccie, I only used BP. As every one knows, the calls from there are much different then dealing with yall on here. If your a member here, you know there will be consiquences if you don't go by the "rules", and most of you have no problems following the rules.
Ya'll are great!

It is the guys from other sites who have no way of being outed that I get issues from. They are used to other BP ladies who are just as rude & nasty as they are and so when they come to ME they try to act the same way. I STILL us BP, because well, hell there are not THAT many guys who visit BBW so I have to use the other sites to advertise. The thing I have ran in to lately is that I get calls and they say, "I seen you on backpage" so after screening and they get here, then some where in the conversation some one slips and says "ECCIE" .. so there are eccie members using bp as well and avoiding the consequences.. My first review came from a BP caller and to my suprise later that night.. there was my first review, luckily he was a very nice guy, but I had no clue I would be reviewed so you always have to be on top of things to avoid a bad one.

I just dont want the bad reviews, some of you will not care about a bad review, but the majority of yall will, and I would like to avoid that. The ones I have had issues with, of corse I never answer their calls again. But Ill be glad when I no longer have to use
carkido45's Avatar
I am very proud to say i am not a clock watcher. I really don't even mind going over time because generally i really do enjoy the conversation and getting to know someone. honestly i have only had one person ever compensate me for going over and i truly appreciated it.

i guess when i make apps from now on i have to be specifically clear about times and rates. I just really like being a genuinely sweet and laid back provider like most of the ladies on here, i don't want to have to be a hard ass when it comes down to the business end of evvery thing :-/ Originally Posted by emmabunnie
I don't want to be a hard ass in my business either but if I'm not firm in my business I won't have a business. What's worse than someone asking for a discount is someone asking if they can pay later ....WTF?
Yowzer's Avatar
Even the big boss in my company complains about when he sends out the best quote he can offer on our software/hardware. Then clients come back with: "is that the best you can do?" or "Can I get a discount?"

I'm sorry, we are not in a boarder town talking to street vendors or elsewhere where its impolite not to bargin. This isn't a used car we are taking about here. This is professional services, not done cheap.

"Dirty Jobs Done Dirt Cheap" is not the ECCIE provider motto (would be funny if it was )

People will do it if they think they can get away with it. Human nature. If they ask, the worst response is no, nothing lost. The best is yes, got a discount. Its a no lose situation for the asker. So, they will ask if they think there is no repercussions. Piss off someone, no big deal, there is another right behind her they can ask!

But, Its still just plain rude in my book.
TexasGator's Avatar

I'm a low volume provider...very low volume Originally Posted by boardman
carkido said you're a screamer
. ijs
Sarunga's Avatar
Ha Ha.. just have to love the comments of ECCIE. No it wouldn't be free but yeah he would get a discount. But on a POSITIVE NOTE.. atleast it wouldn't be a 'no' REVIEW ... if it was $$$$$ or Free!

If you want free STAY HOME. Originally Posted by NIKKILOVE
Are you sure....he seems like a very nice guy.