Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s $21 trillion mistake

themystic's Avatar
and she will get re-elected by her constituents like these gems:
1. Idiot Pelosi
2. Dumb as hell Maxine Waters
3. Indian Warrior Warren

and she will probably make a career out of it, and in 10 years, she will have over 30 million dollars in her bank account having been a government employee / elected official. Originally Posted by zingao
Funny how Trump fears these 3 women. Pelosi punked Trump on his wall lol
Your idea of fear and mine are obviously two different things. lol

Pelosi punked no one...just watch the tape again, mystic. Her grasp of the English language is slipping daily. Her ramblings are nothing more than incoherent half sentences these days.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-13-2018, 09:36 AM
We can all agree the DOD should have more financial accountability, no? Originally Posted by grean

As should Medicare...we should not call them Death Panels though when we try to account for where we spend the majority of money in Medicare.
  • oeb11
  • 12-13-2018, 05:16 PM
With the evident expertise in Budget issues
AOC should be nominated by the Dems to Chair the House Ways and Means Committee
Perhaps she will find a spare $21 Trillion
themystic's Avatar
With the evident expertise in Budget issues
AOC should be nominated by the Dems to Chair the House Ways and Means Committee
Perhaps she will find a spare $21 Trillion Originally Posted by oeb11
To bad she wasn't in Congress back in 2003. We could have saved 1.9 trillion dollars instead of "freeing" Iraq and Afghanistan. Only 19 trillion to go. She might be an idiot but she has a lot of company in Washington. Her 21 trillion is as stupid as raising the deficit during the "greatest economic" time in USA history according to Trump. Is that really any smarter than AOC?
  • oeb11
  • 12-14-2018, 08:01 AM
TM - Agreed with above.

Although doubtfull AOC would have prevented the military interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Iraq originally was a multinational intervention to liberate Kuwait from Saddam. Oil took precedence over American soldier's lives.

Afghans have kicked out the Brits, the Ruskies, and we need to leave that cesspit. The only thing the Afghanis like better than killing each other is killing outsiders.

We have been a part of Sanctions on Greece due to its financial bankruptcy.
While America goes merrily on it's increasing debt way. When the interest on the national debt tops the GNP - Russia and China will take over.
zingao's Avatar
why did the US give IRAN 1.9 billion dollars in Cash under Obama?
themystic's Avatar
why did the US give IRAN 1.9 billion dollars in Cash under Obama? Originally Posted by zingao
It was their money. Frozen assets. You already know that. Political deal making
I B Hankering's Avatar
It was their money. Frozen assets. You already know that. Political deal making Originally Posted by themystic
A Federal judge says it wasn't their money anymore -- before Odumbo gave it away.
bamscram's Avatar
A Federal judge says it wasn't their money anymore -- before Odumbo gave it away. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
  • oeb11
  • 12-31-2018, 12:34 PM
Thread is about AOC
New thread properly started on Iran money
Thank You - IBH
themystic's Avatar
AOC is the product of Trump voters parenting and grand parenting. Their your kids you raised them
themystic's Avatar
Is AOC the stupid bitch who said she was going to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it? Or is she the one who said on her first day in office she was going to repeal and replace Obamacare? I get these dump fuck lying politicians confused sometimes. Is this the porn star chick who Trump was fucking when Melania was pregnant?
Is AOC the stupid bitch who said she was going to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it? Or is she the one who said on her first day in office she was going to repeal and replace Obamacare? I get these dump fuck lying politicians confused sometimes. Is this the porn star chick who Trump was fucking when Melania was pregnant? Originally Posted by themystic
AOC is the gal who kicked out a 10 term old white liberal male congressman.

We need more like her so every elected official in the Democratic party is a non white person, and maybe then liberal white men will understand what non-white people truly think of them.

Then they should feel free to commit suicide.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
AOC is the gal who kicked out a 10 term old white liberal male congressman. Originally Posted by friendly fred

she hates whitey.