Review: Inspired and Recommended By: :dante0322"..."Starrluvsyou Worst TCB and Attitude Experienced By SL In Some Time!

Ignorance is so unbecoming in a woman when displayed every time she tries to share something. Originally Posted by Whispers
Ignorance ?????? Really lol you make me laugh Whispers!!!!!!!!! Ignorance is when you think your king shit on this board, youve scared off alot of girls from being part of this community, or how many nice non-drama guys that you and you other minions have scared off because there tired of feeling like there at jeopardy to getting in trouble, outed, or they are tired of YOU bashing them alllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllll the fucking time.

Ignorance is when you fill the fucking coed board up with your stupid ass threads that YOU think are great and informational.

Ignorance is how you put alot of the girls down on here and treat the girls here like shit (except the ones you like) But be damned if a girl you all are interested in does the same to you and oh shit the worlds come to an end.

You remind me of one of those fat kids in school that always thought they knew everything and no one liked because of it...

The sad thing is that some of these guys and girls on here that are very sweet, good guys or really sweet good providers on here have to deal with your fat fucking mouth and until something happens about it, it will continue....

You have immunity here and you know it and so does alot of other people, youve done shit and said shit to people that alot of others have gotten banned or warnings or points for and you get to sit on your ass and smile about it cause your riding the owners cock so hard they look the other way.

Your fucking pathetic, and when others point that out you will get all defensive and start another damn thread about some dumb shit.
Well it looks like people are all finally getting tired of the shit, girls and guys.
Oh have a nice day
Still Looking's Avatar
I believe she has asked the same question when you all have bashed her. I believe this is the button yes??????????? lol Originally Posted by shayla84
Yes! Great job! Makes it easier to see who you are addressing. Thank you.
LOL Still Looking some reason I just dont hate you as much as your butt buddy
Mike Vronsky's Avatar
She has more credibility in my eyes than you do. You can call me a white knight all you want, does not make it so.

Your just pissed because we won't play by your or your groups rules. You guys don't control ECCIE and we are not going to allow you guys to write the rules - PERIOD!

This board is for everyone and everyone is allowed to have an opinion and yes even disagree with you without being retaliated against.

How can "anyone" have a cordial conversation with anyone with this kind of attitude? You have involved yourself with something that's NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS! You do not know the facts first hand and even when they are presented to you it's your opinion to believe or choose to believe a visiting hooker who can handle her own problems. This could frustrate just about the most patient and understanding of people. The m inion choose to kick up dust and move from one issue to next and keep repeating themselves until members have repeatedly read the same thing over and over in a hopes to discredit me. Maybe in another week or two Starr will be the one who showed and I NSNC her? What bunch of BULL SHIT!

So lets simplify this... I had a P411 appointment scheduled. I was there! She was not! Now if she was there I would have met her and you'd be reading a review and scratching your head wondering how I get so lucky and get to be one of the first ones to meet some of these ladies. But that's NOT the case! SHE WAS NOT THERE! The rest.... made up fucking bull shit to cloud the issue at hand which is her TCB skills SUCK and I don't mean in a good way. So play your WHITE KNIGHT GAMES... the facts don't change! Originally Posted by Still Looking
Mike Vronsky's Avatar
Reading Starrluvsyou response I think it describes SL's in my opinion. I have personally experienced it. The below post regarding SL is relevant to this issue

This has gotten way out of hand. From my point of view: I did have a scheduled appointment with you and I let you know the morning of the location and everything. I had 2 other appointments that day. Later that day my other 2 appointments cancel for various reasons (did I make a big to do? No.) I ended up hitting pretty bad traffic when I started that way as I am pretty far from Austin. So I thought to myself I don't need to rush and stress myself out to get to hotel for my one appointment when I can visit family on my way down there or do a few things and just relax and not beat myself up to try to get there on time. An hour before appointment, I told SL the truth that I was running behind and that I needed to reschedule. In my book that's a cancelation. He continued to text me and tried calling etc to try to get more out of me of why? Or the details etc. which frankly is none of his business. I gave you an hour notice of cancellation. It's not my fault you show up anyways?! I got a weird feeling from him just from commumnicating over that. I looked at his p411 again and eccie and everything and just had a weird feeling. I finally just said "maybe 9 or 11 in the morning but I would have to check and get back to him." Well I never sent one text or phone call after that to confirm a time. I kinda forgot or maybe I felt the need or want to forget. Maybe I thought he forgot or just moved on which I think is what I wanted. Next morning I still hadn't heard from him and at this point I honestly forgot all about him. After a early appointment I go to check out as I was switching locations that day. I sit in my car for a minute and check my phone and text app and sure enough he had been blowing up my phone and just showed up at 11 assuming I wanted to see him. I never confirmed anything. I simply told him that. I apologized to him even. I have the text that prove I never confirmed. He continued to call and text and leave voicemails and harass me basically. I would write him back until I relaized this person will not let it go and for my safety I stopped talking to him. I didn't even want to get involved on here because it's not very professional but I'm tired of him "trying" to drag my name through the mud. That's not a NCNS and even if it is then it's happened to the best of us, move on. Does that make me a bad provider? I don't know. Should maybe I just told him I didn't want to see him? I feel like this would have played out a bit different, but same outcome nonetheless. I'm independent, I make mistakes, we all do. I'm very glad I didn't see you SL because that's not the type of client I want to see. I do not owe you anything. The amount of okays you have and reviews you have do not make you anymore of a gentleman or attractive. I like men who have an understanding heart and can show a little empathy. I enjoyed my time in Austin very much and I WILL be back.

323-856-1315 Originally Posted by Starrluvsyou
Still Looking's Avatar
LOL Still Looking some reason I just dont hate you as much as your butt buddy Originally Posted by shayla84

Nicest thing you've ever said to me!
Whispers's Avatar
Ignorance ?????? Really lol you make me laugh Whispers!!!!!!!!! Ignorance is when you think your king shit on this board,

No... Ignorance is something else. Look it up....

youve scared off alot of girls from being part of this community, or how many nice non-drama guys that you and you other minions have scared off because there tired of feeling like there at jeopardy to getting in trouble, outed, or they are tired of YOU bashing them alllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllll the fucking time.

Ignorance is when you fill the fucking coed board up with your stupid ass threads that YOU think are great and informational.

I think I have 2 threads going. How do you define "full"?

Ignorance is how you put alot of the girls down on here and treat the girls here like shit (except the ones you like) But be damned if a girl you all are interested in does the same to you and oh shit the worlds come to an end.

You remind me of one of those fat kids in school that always thought they knew everything and no one liked because of it...

The sad thing is that some of these guys and girls on here that are very sweet, good guys or really sweet good providers on here have to deal with your fat fucking mouth and until something happens about it, it will continue....

No. None of them nor you need to deal with anything. The site offers you all an ignore button....

You have immunity here and you know it and so does alot of other people, youve done shit and said shit to people that alot of others have gotten banned or warnings or points for and you get to sit on your ass and smile about it cause your riding the owners cock so hard they look the other way.

Suggesting the owner is gay and enjoys fucking me is totally uncool.... or that I am is also very uncool.....

Your fucking pathetic, and when others point that out you will get all defensive and start another damn thread about some dumb shit.
Well it looks like people are all finally getting tired of the shit, girls and guys. Originally Posted by shayla84

Yeah? Who is tired of it?

Still Looking's Avatar
She has more credibility in my eyes than you do. You can call me a white knight all you want, does not make it so.

Oh Ok... A traveling hooker (STARRLUVSYOU) admits what she did and that she apologized and you support her but your NOT a White Knight?

Your just pissed because we won't play by your or your groups rules. You guys don't control ECCIE and we are not going to allow you guys to write the rules - PERIOD!

I'm not pissed no where close to it! It's fun watching "you" and "your" group jump from one thing to another making yourselves look ridiculous. you say "WE"? How many of you are in there?

This board is for everyone and everyone is allowed to have an opinion and yes even disagree with you without being retaliated against. Originally Posted by dante0322
Interesting you feel when YOU disagree you are simply disagreeing. When I disagree I'm "retaliating". You can't have it both ways.

Whispers's Avatar
You guys don't control ECCIE

We don't?

and we are not going to allow you guys to write the rules - PERIOD! Originally Posted by dante0322
Who is "We"?

I am starting to be really concerned as you keep saying "We" but I don't see anyone else here with you...... What am I missing here?

Still Looking's Avatar
Reading Starrluvsyou response I think it describes SL's in my opinion. I have personally experienced it. The below post regarding SL is relevant to this issue Originally Posted by dante0322

LMFAO.... Starrluvsyou refused to pick up the phone. All the text could have eliminated in a one minute call. Funny how you are ONLY concerned about Starrluvsyou reply as it pertains to me NOT that she confirmed virtually EVERTHING I stated and apologized. That's not worth taking a look at. Can you say WHITE KNIGHT... I knew you could!
Still Looking's Avatar
Who is "We"?

I am starting to be really concerned as you keep saying "We" but I don't see anyone else here with you...... What am I missing here?
Originally Posted by Whispers
All I hear is Blah blah blah and you make it EVERYONES business when you post on open forum, blah blah blah blah blah fuck you and have a nice day.
Mike Vronsky's Avatar
Great, you admitted that you were harassing her. Thank You. There was NO reason to be texting her that much!

One good thing that has come out of all of this from your harrasment of starrluvsyou and your retaliation on me is that EVERYONE gets to see who you really are. Especially the providers.

LMFAO.... Starrluvsyou refused to pick up the phone. All the text could have eliminated in a one minute call. Funny how you are ONLY concerned about Starrluvsyou reply as it pertains to me NOT that she confirmed virtually EVERTHING I stated and apologized. That's not worth taking a look at. Can you say WHITE KNIGHT... I knew you could! Originally Posted by Still Looking
Whispers's Avatar
Great, you admitted that you were harassing her. Thank You. There was NO reason to be texting her that much!

One good thing that has come out of all of this from your harrasment of starrluvsyou and your retaliation on me is that EVERYONE gets to see who you really are. Especially the providers. Originally Posted by dante0322

And you really thing that matters more than the money he spends?