Do you believe in the coming Civil War?

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-30-2022, 12:09 PM
........I am too old to fight a second civil war.......I am heading to Canada to buy legal pussy Originally Posted by soldierboy44

Spend the summer in Canada and the winters in Mexico!
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
It has been my observation (prompting this poll) that the left seems to want a civil war today. Elected leaders, loud, shrill voices of activists, and even a couple of celebs walk the line for violence. The right, on the other hand, does not want civil war but like any soldier accepts that it may be thrust upon them involuntarily.
What does a modern civil war look like. Once again, you separate the shallow thinkers from the rest. There is a large faction that sees groups of men standing in a field shooting at each other. Might as well look for a unicorn. Others see something more like Bosnia with a lot of dirty guerrilla fighting and a lot of innocents get hurt. Much more likely. Note our major cities with what we are calling "crime" in the streets and mass shootings. It could be economic warfare with those that have and those that control denying it from those that need it. We already have a number of banks openly saying that they will not work with certain people because of their political beliefs. Maybe it's a denial of services? Social ostracization? Ask any democrat about semi-Nazis, deplorables, terrorists, and any other term that they use to refer to certain fellow Americans.

We could already be in a civil war just like the border war of the 1850s in my neighborhood of Kansas/Missouri. Only time will tell.

Note: Since this has nothing to do with it, any mention of the January 6th riot is an attempt to hijack this thread. Moderator, take note.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Civility will continue to decline in this country. Whether it will come to hand to hand combat on a scale of the Civil war, I don't think so, but it isn't going to be a pleasant experience.

I see no way to avoid what is coming. The Progressive narrative has now infected our military, academics and media ( social media included ) and I don't see it stopping even with a Republican Congress which I predict.

I'm even starting to see hope for taking back the Senate. How the same hell does a sane American vote for somebody who tells you their priority is emptying prisons?
Only a few idiots believe thinking about the possibility of anything like a civil war of any type is even a possibility. You only have to read a few posts in this thread to understand who those idiots are.
Brot's Avatar
  • Brot
  • 10-01-2022, 08:48 AM
Nah. The facists are scurrying back under their rocks now that they see their champions getting squashed.
ICU 812's Avatar
Lets vote our way out of this in November.

"Winter is coming."
winn dixie's Avatar
Our Country was set up for the citizens to replace a tyrannical govt. like we have now. It no longer functions as intended. Time to take our Republic back!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-02-2022, 11:43 AM
Our Country was set up for the citizens to replace a tyrannical govt. like we have now. It no longer functions as intended. Time to take our Republic back! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Be a proud boy, storm the Capitol again!
Precious_b's Avatar
Our Country was set up for the citizens to replace a tyrannical govt. like we have now. It no longer functions as intended. Time to take our Republic back! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Be a proud boy, storm the Capitol again! Originally Posted by WTF
He's too busy looking in the Constitution on how to make that change of government. Seems the 1/6 way was not the prescribed path to legal change over but no one on the right seems to look at that.

As stated, just show up at the voting booth.
HedonistForever's Avatar
He's too busy looking in the Constitution on how to make that change of government. Seems the 1/6 way was not the prescribed path to legal change over but no one on the right seems to look at that. I get it, some times hyperbole can't be held back.

As stated, just show up at the voting booth. Originally Posted by Precious_b

The vast majority of Conservatives/ Republicans not only didn't support the riot and it was a riot though not an insurrection if there were no weapons, ( guns inside the Capital ) they condemn it for that very reason, acting outside the bounds of our Constitution that Republicans and Conservatives revere, I condemn it in no uncertain terms and as I say, the majority will tell you that, unless you think the self described Republicans/ Conservatives on this board represent that majority. You aren't really saying that, are you? It was a relatively small group of "militia style people", I'll call them, no difference than those on the violent left like ANTIFA, BLM and your random assortment of hoodlums having no connection to White Supremacy.

But you are right, cast your vote to continue this, what ever this is, what ever new word you want to make up to describe it or get back to sanity, restore our energy policy to reflect the actual "needs" of the humans on this planet not to mention our National Security needs, for at the very least another 20 years. Just because the USA wants to "participate" in this "suicidal economic policy" doesn't mean China and India will too. They won't.

What will the left ( on this board ) say if Republicans take back the House and Senate? What will the reason be if Americans reject the Biden administration and all those that supported the slow destruction of America?

What will I say if Democrats manage to keep the House and increase their vote in the Senate?

Luke 23: 34 Father, forgive them for they no not what they are doing.

And if I just live a few more years, I'll be able to say "I was there, I saw the end". I can do hyperbole too.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Didn't they make a movie about this already??
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Didn't they make a movie about this already?? Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
They did.

Red Dawn.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Didn't they make a movie about this already?? Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter

The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire? How a great empire can come to an end?
ICU: The sense that I get there is that many posters have serious experience from many eras going back to Korea and Viet Nam (WW-II vets are nearing the C-mark). These guys have the experience, skills.........Do you read what you type????? holy crap you really think a 100 year old WW2 Vet or a 85 year old Vet from Korea, or a 70 year old Vet from Nam is REALLY going to fight a war.......ROFLMAO.....what the hell are you smoking man????/

WD: YES I have been in the shit too.........didn't really enjoy it if I can tell you the truth.........but Son.......1) Thank you for your combat service 2) how many IEDs did you take? because your crazy man......but then again you are a's some extra tasty crayons for you.......enjoy them. LOL
In a Civil war the magatards will be easy to spot and snipe. Look for the stupid red hat, fuck biden flags, or lets go brandon stupidity. The rest of us will be camouflaged in regular American attire and Birkenstocks.