More fun with Covid

All the temporary morgues that hospitals set up in their parking lots was done to make Trump look bad so he would not get re-elected? If you believe that then you believe in Dorthy and Wizard of Oz.

@Tiny how many people do you think died from CoVid? I trust you. I don't trust Lev17. He get's his information from his personal doctor. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Yeah trust Tiny the guy who has a collection of Masks and goggles. He must know everything about Covid. The only thing he knows is what the fraudulent Government Health Officials are feeding to him.
  • Tiny
  • 06-04-2023, 01:04 PM
You are always a class act Tiny.
Cheers! Originally Posted by Ducbutter
Thanks Ducbutter, much appreciated!
  • Tiny
  • 06-04-2023, 01:42 PM
The "vaccine" doesn't stop the spread nor make the virus less virulent to the person who contracts it. It's personal protection. Like masks. I've never advocated for anything else.
BTW, I've chided you about excessive boosters too and now there's peer reviewed evidence that they are counter productive. Originally Posted by Ducbutter
I disagree with the first item in bold text. There's plenty of evidence that the vaccine did reduce the probability of severe disease, hospitalization and death.

As to the second item, there's plenty of evidence that the boosters were effective. Scroll down to the graph, "Rates of COVID-19 Deaths by Vaccination Status in Ages 18 and Older," here.

Compare the blue and green lines. The fatality rate from COVID among those with updated boosters was substantially less than the fatality rate for those who were vaccinated without updated boosters, up until February of this year. Yes, the fatality rates converged in late February and March. But how many people are dying from COVID now?

Not nearly as many as before. At this point weekly deaths are comparable to the average flu deaths during an average to somewhat-worse-than-average year:

Like I said earlier, we're probably arguing about history. Everybody's gotten vaccinated and/or gotten the disease. We've all got some immunity. And yes, there are risks associated with the vaccines. And yes, there's evidence that the bivalent vaccine isn't that effective in preventing infection from the latest Omicron variants.

I got the bivalent booster in October, 2022. I most likely won't get another unless the CDC recommends it. Right now, the CDC is not recommending another bivalent booster, although recently it provided guidance that people over 65 and with pre-existing conditions consult with their doctors.

I'll link again to Guido's summary of this issue,

There are three studies which noted higher rates of infections in people with more boosters, one of which is discussed in your OP. None noted a higher level of severe disease in people who were boosted. Two looked mainly at younger people, who were unlikely to die of COVID. And the evidence is strong that the bivalent booster "remains very protective against severe disease" for the elderly, presumably including severe disease caused by the XBB variants.

This looks like a nonissue to me. There won't be a significant number of excess deaths or hospitalizations caused by people getting too many boosters. Rather, the boosters saved lives.
  • Tiny
  • 06-04-2023, 01:47 PM
@Tiny how many people do you think died from CoVid? Originally Posted by adav8s28
Why, not a single one Adav8s28. You need to read the thread again. All those people died of cardiac arrest!

About 6.9 million officially died worldwide though in 2020 to present as a result of being infected by the COVID 19 virus. And the true number is probably greater.

Your number of estimated deaths may end up being pretty close to the mark, although we can all hope it won't.
  • Tiny
  • 06-04-2023, 01:50 PM
Yeah trust Tiny the guy who has a collection of Masks and goggles. He must know everything about Covid. The only thing he knows is what the fraudulent Government Health Officials are feeding to him. Originally Posted by Levianon17
If it was created instead of being naturally occurring the only way a person could become infected was through injection. It's been rumored that the Flu Vaccine during the 2018 and 2019 season various #Lots of vaccines were tainted with a protein similar to the spike which would induce illness. They referred to cases as Covid-19 in 2020 when the Flu cases were almost non existent. Covid-19 is really an Insilico Virus which actually means Computer generated. Covid-19 is not naturally Occurring nor is it airborne because it doesn't actually exist. Then they came up a "Vaccine". The vaccine was manufactured through Military Contracts, Pfizer and Maderna were paid to put their name on it to give the illusion of an actual Pharmaceutical. This information comes from RFK Jr. the Democrat Presidential Candidate for 2024. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Ducbutter's Avatar
I disagree with the first item in bold text. There's plenty of evidence that the vaccine did reduce the probability of severe disease, hospitalization and death.

As to the second item, there's plenty of evidence that the boosters were effective. Scroll down to the graph, "Rates of COVID-19 Deaths by Vaccination Status in Ages 18 and Older," here.

Compare the blue and green lines. The fatality rate from COVID among those with updated boosters was substantially less than the fatality rate for those who were vaccinated without updated boosters, up until February of this year. Yes, the fatality rates converged in late February and March. But how many people are dying from COVID now?

Not nearly as many as before. At this point weekly deaths are comparable to the average flu deaths during an average to somewhat-worse-than-average year:

Like I said earlier, we're probably arguing about history. Everybody's gotten vaccinated and/or gotten the disease. We've all got some immunity. And yes, there are risks associated with the vaccines. And yes, there's evidence that the bivalent vaccine isn't that effective in preventing infection from the latest Omicron variants.

I got the bivalent booster in October, 2022. I most likely won't get another unless the CDC recommends it. Right now, the CDC is not recommending another bivalent booster, although recently it provided guidance that people over 65 and with pre-existing conditions consult with their doctors.

I'll link again to Guido's summary of this issue,

There are three studies which noted higher rates of infections in people with more boosters, one of which is discussed in your OP. None noted a higher level of severe disease in people who were boosted. Two looked mainly at younger people, who were unlikely to die of COVID. And the evidence is strong that the bivalent booster "remains very protective against severe disease" for the elderly, presumably including severe disease caused by the XBB variants.

This looks like a nonissue to me. There won't be a significant number of excess deaths or hospitalizations caused by people getting too many boosters. Rather, the boosters saved lives. Originally Posted by Tiny
As to your first point, that was a pretty inartful sentence on my part. What I meant is if you are vaccinated and then contract the virus and then pass it to another, your vaccination doesn't lessen the severity of the disease in that person.

As to the second point, now there is evidence that increased numbers of boosters correlate with infection.

BTW, I was vaccinated with a follow up in the Spring of 2020. No booster since and contracted Covid in Jan this year. Virtually non symptomatic.
  • Tiny
  • 06-04-2023, 02:46 PM
As to your first point, that was a pretty inartful sentence on my part. What I meant is if you are vaccinated and then contract the virus and then pass it to another, your vaccination doesn't lessen the severity of the disease in that person.

As to the second point, now there is evidence that increased numbers of boosters correlate with infection.

BTW, I was vaccinated with a follow up in the Spring of 2020. No booster since and contracted Covid in Jan this year. Virtually non symptomatic. Originally Posted by Ducbutter
Thanks for the clarifications Ducbutter. I've never gotten COVID. And you're probably better protected right now than I am from severe disease, especially if you were infected with the XBB variant back in January.
  • Tiny
  • 06-04-2023, 02:53 PM
So we are to believe that the flu, influenza, took it's first ever vacation in 2020-2021. Yet nobody even got a postcard from some sunny beach from it. Apparently it has come back, but nobody is celebrating or even noticed any tan lines on the flu. Seems odd. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
See adav8s28's post. 400,000 (COVID deaths in a year) is a lot more than 40,000 (flu deaths in a year).

I'd add that with people staying at home, social distancing, and wearing masks, they were less likely to catch and spread the flu.
All the temporary morgues that hospitals set up in their parking lots Originally Posted by adav8s28
There was a lot of temporary morgue's because families who lost someone were not allowed to have a funeral so they kept them on ice until a proper funeral was allowed. NY had to resort to mass graves on Hart Island it got so bad
As to your first point, that was a pretty inartful sentence on my part. What I meant is if you are vaccinated and then contract the virus and then pass it to another, your vaccination doesn't lessen the severity of the disease in that person.

As to the second point, now there is evidence that increased numbers of boosters correlate with infection.

BTW, I was vaccinated with a follow up in the Spring of 2020. No booster since and contracted Covid in Jan this year. Virtually non symptomatic. Originally Posted by Ducbutter

If you had no symptoms how do you know you contracted Covid-19?
Ducbutter's Avatar
Sorry, virtually non symptomatic. Had the slightest post nasal drip. Was inpatient at a facility that tested everyone and came back positive along with my roomate who, BTW, was in his mid 70's. He's fine, spoke to him @ 2 weeks ago.
  • Tiny
  • 06-05-2023, 03:09 PM
Sorry, virtually non symptomatic. Had the slightest post nasal drip. Was inpatient at a facility that tested everyone and came back positive along with my roomate who, BTW, was in his mid 70's. He's fine, spoke to him @ 2 weeks ago. Originally Posted by Ducbutter
Thank goodness you got vaccinated! Else you’d probably be dead!
Ducbutter's Avatar
Thank goodness you got vaccinated! Else you’d probably be dead! Originally Posted by Tiny
That post nasal drip is no joke.
Sorry, virtually non symptomatic. Had the slightest post nasal drip. Was inpatient at a facility that tested everyone and came back positive along with my roomate who, BTW, was in his mid 70's. He's fine, spoke to him @ 2 weeks ago. Originally Posted by Ducbutter
Who yeah the PCR Test. Very far from accurate. I took the PCR Test it came back negative about thirty minutes later I had the worse nasal drip due to the irritation the swab caused lasted for several hours. By the way the PCR Test is not a diagnostic tool.
adav8s28's Avatar
If it was created instead of being naturally occurring the only way a person could become infected was through injection. It's been rumored that the Flu Vaccine during the 2018 and 2019 season various #Lots of vaccines were tainted with a protein similar to the spike which would induce illness. They referred to cases as Covid-19 in 2020 when the Flu cases were almost non existent. Covid-19 is really an Insilico Virus which actually means Computer generated. Covid-19 is not naturally Occurring nor is it airborne because it doesn't actually exist. Then they came up a "Vaccine". The vaccine was manufactured through Military Contracts, Pfizer and Maderna were paid to put their name on it to give the illusion of an actual Pharmaceutical. This information comes from RFK Jr. the Democrat Presidential Candidate for 2024. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Experimental and molecular medicine disagrees with you and RFK Jr. SARS-Co-V2 evolved over time. It was not created in the lab.
SARS-Co-V2 has been found in multiple animals.

Also, the common cold has never put anyone on a ventilator. Nor has it ever been shown that the virus that causes the common cold cold can bind to the ACE2 protein found in the cell membrane of lung cells like the Delta Variant of SARS-Co-V2 or the original variant from Wuhan China (that was never given a Greek alphabet nickname).

You have some explaining to do Lev17. You better study up. LOL.