Board Libs: Why Do You Hate President Trump?

I mean really....
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
The Libs hate Trump because Trump has common fucking sense.
I swear to God - common sense has left the libs and it shows.
..... Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Hmmm. Are you speaking to me this afternoon?

Give an example of common sense that personifies what a great guy he is and what insight he possesses. Heck, go for it!

Give two examples. Inspire us with your insight. Please. I beg of you.

You're hijacking the topic, though. The OP is asking the liberals for their opinions. But I'd adore reading your examples. After all, you're from the land of "glitter and sparkles" and I've never heard any political opinions from folks who reside in that place.

bambino's Avatar
Give an example of common sense that personifies what a great guy he is and what insight he possesses. Heck, go for it!

Give two examples. Inspire us with your insight. Please. I beg of you.

You're hijacking the topic, though. The OP is asking the liberals for their opinions. But I'd adore reading your examples. After all, you're from the land of "glitter and sparkles" and I've never heard any political opinions from folks who reside in that place.

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Everybody’s entitled to their opinions. Just like your “rotten tomato” opinions. Which you’ve not backed up with any facts. It takes a lot more than “common sense” to take his Queens based family business into a multi billion dollar global enterprise. Or become an entertainment mogul with a top rated show. And for the cherry on the sundae, won the Presidency on his first try for public office. Yeah, just admit it, Trump is pretty smart.
cinderbella's Avatar
The Libs hate Trump because Trump has common fucking sense.
I swear to God - common sense has left the libs and it shows.
Excuse the language - but I'm a woman who says fuck alot when it comes to politics. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

Wow, there is a lot of viciousness in that comment. Like the time you said that I yapped like a chihuahua. Very cold blooded and cruel. I am grateful that my heart and soul does not hold that much indignation for my fellow human beings. I cannot imagine harboring such hatred for anyone who disagrees with your politics.

I do not consider myself a freak liberal at all. Just a Libertarian type who is very concerned about the tone of the Trump presidency and the seething anger directed toward anyone who is not in complete compliance and agreement with it. I am concerned by your comment, and I am deeply concerned about our country under this administration. I also believe that Mitch McConnell is just a bad.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Reports are that some 80 million copies of Fifty Shades of Grey were sold in this country since it was published; yet, many in that same audience say, "orange man say bad words"?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Wow, there is a lot of viciousness in that comment. Like the time you said that I yapped like a chihuahua. Very cold blooded and cruel. I am grateful that my heart and soul does not hold that much indignation for my fellow human beings. I cannot imagine harboring such hatred for anyone who disagrees with your politics.

I do not consider myself a freak liberal at all. Just a Libertarian type who is very concerned about the tone of the Trump presidency and the seething anger directed toward anyone who is not in complete compliance and agreement with it. I am concerned by your comment, and I am deeply concerned about our country under this administration. I also believe that Mitch McConnell is just a bad. Originally Posted by cinderbella

I'm concerned about the seething anger too. by the Democrats. and the press. and radical socialists who hate America.

are you?
cinderbella's Avatar
No, not at all.

I have many friends and relatives who are GOP Republicans.
They know very well that I am not. Yet they do not scream
or yell at me about it. We listen to each other with respect.

The only thing we tell each other during election season is
to vote. Not who to vote for, just to vote and make our own
individual voices heard.

I am a veteran. I am a parent. I am a human being who is
very concerned about the rhetoric out of the Trump cabinet.

The press is a problem, but more concerning to me is the
hate filled rhetoric toward anyone who is not rich, white
and male out of our president.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
No, not at all.

I have many friends and relatives who are GOP Republicans.
They know very well that I am not. Yet they do not scream
or yell at me about it. We listen to each other with respect.

The only thing we tell each other during election season is
to vote. Not who to vote for, just to vote and make our own
individual voices heard.

I am a veteran. I am a parent. I am a human being who is
very concerned about the rhetoric out of the Trump cabinet.

The press is a problem, but more concerning to me is the
hate filled rhetoric toward anyone who is not rich, white
and male out of our president. Originally Posted by cinderbella

you should be.

cite an example of Trump's hate filled rhetoric. I'll wait.
cinderbella's Avatar
You must be very lonely and bored.

I just got a call from a GOP supporter friend.

He is taking me out to dinner. After he listened patiently
while I yelled and cried about the very real concern about
a possible war with Iran a couple weeks ago.

We still manage to remain friends. That is who I am going
to share my time with right now.
bambino's Avatar
No, not at all.

I have many friends and relatives who are GOP Republicans.
They know very well that I am not. Yet they do not scream
or yell at me about it. We listen to each other with respect.

The only thing we tell each other during election season is
to vote. Not who to vote for, just to vote and make our own
individual voices heard.

I am a veteran. I am a parent. I am a human being who is
very concerned about the rhetoric out of the Trump cabinet.

The press is a problem, but more concerning to me is the
hate filled rhetoric toward anyone who is not rich, white
and male out of our president. Originally Posted by cinderbella
Please present samples of what “rhetoric” from Trump and his cabinet makes you uneasy.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You must be very lonely and bored.

I just got a call from a GOP supporter friend.

He is taking me out to dinner. After he listened patiently
while I yelled and cried about the very real concern about
a possible war with Iran a couple weeks ago.

We still manage to remain friends. That is who I am going
to share my time with right now. Originally Posted by cinderbella
See? you can't do it. 99% of people who repeat the MSN mantra of "Trump the Hateful" cannot name one thing that he's ever said that is hateful.

when pressed for specific examples of Trump's so-called hateful remarks, you cut and run to go have dinner with a rich white republican .. who will no doubt pick up the tab.

what was that you posted earlier? oh yeah .. this.

The press is a problem, but more concerning to me is the
hate filled rhetoric toward anyone who is not rich, white
and male
out of our president. Originally Posted by cinderbella

do you not see the hypocrisy in that???
bambino's Avatar
See? you can't do it. 99% of people who repeat the MSN mantra of "Trump the Hateful" cannot name one thing that he's ever said that is hateful.

when pressed for specific examples of Trump's so-called hateful remarks, you cut and run to go have dinner with a rich white republican .. who will no doubt pick up the tab.

what was that you posted earlier? oh yeah .. this.

do you not see the hypocrisy in that??? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Isn’t it hilarious how all these anti Trumpers in this thread haven’t posted one cogent argument why they dislike him? Not one factual reason. They just don’t like him. Low information voters.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You must be very lonely and bored.

I just got a call from a GOP supporter friend.

He is taking me out to dinner. After he listened patiently
while I yelled and cried about the very real concern about
a possible war with Iran a couple weeks ago.

We still manage to remain friends. That is who I am going
to share my time with right now. Originally Posted by cinderbella


always with the lonely and bored reply. you sound like someone else on this board ..

After all the crap you post on here none stop with no life you're expecting Us tobelieve this review. Lol I don't. I think you just got tired of people saying you're a looser on a ho bored with no life. Originally Posted by HoustonRiley

ah .. my "fan club" .. they are passionate aren't they? I'll be interested to see how Riley replies. Once her ban ends.
Oh no, Elizabeth,
I would speak to you outright. I don't do that passive aggressive thing. That was not directed at you.

It's clear from your post that Trump is not your President.
So common sense tells me that you really don't want to know about what appeals to me about Trump.
Therefore,why bother!

I'll just keep on Trumpin.

Hmmm. Are you speaking to me this afternoon?

Give an example of common sense that personifies what a great guy he is and what insight he possesses. Heck, go for it!

Give two examples. Inspire us with your insight. Please. I beg of you.

You're hijacking the topic, though. The OP is asking the liberals for their opinions. But I'd adore reading your examples. After all, you're from the land of "glitter and sparkles" and I've never heard any political opinions from folks who reside in that place.

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
I don't hate anyone hun - I have no clue as to what you are talking about as usual. But carry on,peace and love and whatever makes you happy,ect.

Wow, there is a lot of viciousness in that comment. Like the time you said that I yapped like a chihuahua. Very cold blooded and cruel. I am grateful that my heart and soul does not hold that much indignation for my fellow human beings. I cannot imagine harboring such hatred for anyone who disagrees with your politics.

I do not consider myself a freak liberal at all. Just a Libertarian type who is very concerned about the tone of the Trump presidency and the seething anger directed toward anyone who is not in complete compliance and agreement with it. I am concerned by your comment, and I am deeply concerned about our country under this administration. I also believe that Mitch McConnell is just a bad. Originally Posted by cinderbella