Men Who Dine At The Y.

Prowordsmith's Avatar
After the calamities caused by my being at the center of the building when it came down, all I have left is a tongue! Mr.Happy doesn't feel much anymore and therefore sometimes can't be awakened from his slumber.
The ladies I've been with have been gracious, understanding and all have tried their best. But it's okay play for me as long as they have a good time.
Guess it's all part of the fantasy but most have said (he turns his head a little, drags the toe of his shoe aimlessly in the dirt and blushes ) that I'm pretty good. Shucks.
DianaDeepthroats's Avatar
Pretty much, I think what you said is right. It was a rant, but it wasn't "a straight forward vent" to describe how "I'd wish you'd stop & let me get on with my business". Nope, not at all. Essentially, that IS a part of my "business".. & I do not necessarily have a "menu". Whatever happens, is just the way it happens. There's no methodical approach to this.. I do what feels good.

But anyway, it had to do with the reply given in a previous thread I'd tapped into. She said, men could make up for what they lacked, by daty & it has nothing to do with size. - Now, I've found in my case (personal & play) that is not always the case & instead of voicing that opinion in that thread, I did so in my own.

I don't dislike DATY.. I don't dislike it at all. It's one of the highest forms of entertainment, pleasure, & euphoria, in my opinion. & I have a gf who rocks my socks everyday & during p4p. But, when in referenced to what SubCilla said, in my op, with a man (& this is probably only bc I'm in a relationship with a woman) there is no better pleasure to be than to orgasm from penetration. This is partially bc some men are incapable of licking & swirling on the right parts & the rest is because, I just enjoy the hardware.

Therefore, from my standpoint, a man quite possibly could make up for his lack of the aforementioned by taking a trip downtown.. especially, if he's willing to take directions. (Which I stated, 9/10 they aren't really interested or don't voice it, if they are.)

There's no request for tips or insight. You clearly state in plain English that most men, even those that think they do it well, don't do it well because providers/women fake their own response to get them to hurry up and finish. Originally Posted by Carl
I didn't say they'd do this to get you to hurry up & finish. I simply stated that they'd fake an orgasm or wouldn't initially volunteer information to tell you how to fix it. Some women don't want to taint a man's pride.. some don't care enough.. & others, like myself, will try to give direction. Also, I didn't request for tips or insight because.. I don't need any tips. I know how to eat a peach. It's not something I can give direction into doing online, over a computer, which is why later when that came up, I said - "I'll go back to doing Teach Me Dates with couples."

Your post never asks men to share their tips or techniques, presumably because most men that think they are cunning linguists are laboring under a delusion created by women/providers they have seen. So how do guys then know for sure that they're doing it well? You seem to be claiming in a later post the territory of the expert but don't seem to be forthcoming about sharing what you know because you say that the information is available everywhere already. Originally Posted by Carl
Presumably, you would be wrong. I didn't & didn't have to ask for the men to share their techniques. They did so on their own, which, I figured they would, because, I did say "they didn't know what they were doing" & that I was "waiting for the objections". I got both. & these guys know that they're doing it well, bc they've gotten different responses from different women who don't know each other (& while I said woman fake it, I didn't say all women) & they completely changed my thoughts when some of them said, women HAD given them direction.

Also, I was responding to what WorknMan said about "they don't teach guys how to eat pussy in high school. There are no government pamphlets on the art of dining at the Y. And as far as I know, there's no classes that a guy can enroll in to hone his craft." when I said there were other outlets. As I said before, I can't teach, tell, or show you how to do anything over a keyboard, through a computer screen. But, I did try to give a little insight with this.

(i.e. the left side is the most sensitive side of the clitoris - for most women, small flicks up/down & in small circles right under the clitoris bulb, is pleasurable for most, as well.)
Originally Posted by DianaDeepthroats

But, I'll say again, in my case, if you don't know what you're doing & aren't willing to ask or make it seem like you willing to learn, I'd rather orgasm through penile insertion (excuse my language). - again, this is my response to the quote.

Which is what my first post was to begin with.

DianaDeepthroats's Avatar
We need more like you.

Books are awesome though. I didn't think a book would be of any substance but there's this one book (I have to find it) it gives you a wide variety of erogenous zone & pressure pints & oh it was a great find.

A lot of my guy friends, I tell them to buy lesbian books.


by Lou Paget

That's a pretty good one.. I have it here. Lol.

I think I'll leave it on my table, bedside. Ha.

She's also the reason I'm DianaDeepthroats & not DianaDoesntSuck.


P4P maybe;
But that is the freedom hobbyists have when we spend money; we can choose how to spend our time. One could talk the whole time, or just get hugs; some like bondage, some like greek; some like DATY.

I like it, and I ask what works and what does not; I am usually told and guided even; maybe I don't ask for directions when I get lost, but in this situation, I do.

Everyone is different; some just want you to focus on the clit, others there & more; some don't want you to give it; some love it. Books....are good, but i like to to get my training on the job!! Originally Posted by
DianaDeepthroats's Avatar
I've slowed down on DATY.. very few are fresh or groomed enough for my taste..... kills my performance & mood. Originally Posted by Elephant

I am absolutely apologetic for that.

Ladies, if you must RePhresh !
Omg. - the last thing you want is a guy to say he didn't even WANT to dine at your Y. That's.. that's just unprofessional.

So, how groomed do you like your platform? You know, I didn't even stop to think about that one. Maybe some men are timid to even get down with the get down because of past "ungroomed" circumstances..

Wow. Learn something new everyday.
Dianna teach me so I can be your boyfriend!
Happy Diver's Avatar
There are no government pamphlets on the art of dining at the Y. instruction.
Originally Posted by WorknMan
Just another way the stimulus money was wasted...
I think its like anything else. If you really enjoy doing it, you are probably going to get good at it.

I find that so few women are really good at sucking cock that I'd rather them not put a lot of effort there. I've probably had 5-10 that have gotten me to orgasm from head. I like receiving oral but it's just part of foreplay for me with most gals. The exception is my last girlfriend. She loved sucking my cock so I just kind of let her have at it because she liked it. Within a short period of time she became awesome at it because she loved doing it and wanted to do a good job. Now I ask her for head and I haven't asked a GF for head in probably 15 years.

Its the same with guys. The ones who REALLY enjoy going down on the ladies for its own merits are going to get good.
pyramider's Avatar
I enjoy it. I usually listen to their breathing pattern, and watch for body clues, but verbal confirmation works best. I am always willing to take instructions. Originally Posted by texasjohn1965

I have found that its difficult to hear the instructions with her thighs squeezing my head tight and covering my ears.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I have found that its difficult to hear the instructions with her thighs squeezing my head tight and covering my ears. Originally Posted by pyramider

You must be doing it right
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 08-19-2010, 06:01 PM
That happens to me all the time whenever I start making motorboat sounds down there. I must be awesome!
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
That happens to me all the time whenever I start making motorboat sounds down there. I must be awesome! Originally Posted by Carl

I am serious..I love that done to me....
DianaDeepthroats's Avatar
I mean - really, it sounds like you know exactly what you're doing.
Grab a seat. Here - . Now Dine At My Y.

I have found that its difficult to hear the instructions with her thighs squeezing my head tight and covering my ears. Originally Posted by pyramider
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 08-19-2010, 10:00 PM
I am serious..I love that done to me.... Originally Posted by VictoriaLyn
We should talk.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
We should talk. Originally Posted by Carl

Will you throw in a few raspberries too?
Can I do it while underneath you??
