Trump question

presidents are narcissistic by definition

those who aren't driven by a complex mixture of pride, a huge sense of self worth, a desire for the limelight and ego don't become president

of course this mixture is under more control by some then by others

daddy bush had it under control, son bush to a lesser extent

Clinton and Obama, not so much

when trump was running for the republican nomination I consoled a friend of mine who was anxious about trump becoming president by telling him trump's ego was such that he had to be successful and if nothing else, he will be driven to work extremely hard and do whatever was necessary to be a success as president

trumps real strength is he is one who can make course corrections because he is not an ideologue.

that quality tends to appear to partisans as perhaps wishy washy and not consistent, and we have seen some of that, but it can be a great strength as well, although in a hateful climate like Washington dc, its very difficult and that climate usually drives people into their own corners and being a success as president is extremely difficult because the two sides have fixed positions and power sharing is not a Washington strength

so does trump like trump? of course. does trump want the country to succeed, of course. the two are intertwined. can you separate bone from marrow and have each live? yes you can but only when there is heavy rationalization, of the type Obama is given to
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  • 12-06-2018, 09:24 AM
presidents are narcissistic by definition

so does trump like trump? of course. does trump want the country to succeed, of course. the two are intertwined. Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
The narcissist loathe themselves...

So you start out with a falsehood and then build upon it.

wHat you seem not to understand about narcissist is that they want all the credit and none of the blame. That is why Trump is always looking for someone to throw under the bus. That is why he speaks in double talk. to insulate himself from taking any blame...

So yes a narcissist can do good for society, he does not do it out of any altruistic tendencies but for credit and adulation.

Trumps problem is that he seems to only want to do for the 40% who support him. He will go out of his way to alienate the other 55 to 60%
Ok so I forgot to delete the 12.

What? Honey you don't know your stuff. Google is your friend, The $ 400,000 is per year, not per month. The Presidents salary of
$ 3,200,000 a year is kind of like that Socialist chick who wants a 40 trillion dollar program. The math doesn't work. Honest mistake. Your welcome.

Hell Donald made that the first day when his hotel in DC was booked by the Saudis for his inauguration. Originally Posted by themystic
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  • 12-06-2018, 09:39 AM
Ok so I forgot to delete the 12. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
You've been bragging about Trump donating that piddling 400k for a year now...

Shit I'd donate 400k if I could get a return of 10 million from the taxpayers like Trump has.
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Ok so I forgot to delete the 12. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Like I said. Honest mistake. I just didn't want fake news getting out about how much Trump was donating. I have to admit its rare for him to donate any amount to anyone. Does he get to write that off his taxes?
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presidents are narcissistic by definition

those who aren't driven by a complex mixture of pride, a huge sense of self worth, a desire for the limelight and ego don't become president

of course this mixture is under more control by some then by others

daddy bush had it under control, son bush to a lesser extent

Clinton and Obama, not so much

when trump was running for the republican nomination I consoled a friend of mine who was anxious about trump becoming president by telling him trump's ego was such that he had to be successful and if nothing else, he will be driven to work extremely hard and do whatever was necessary to be a success as president

trumps real strength is he is one who can make course corrections because he is not an ideologue.

that quality tends to appear to partisans as perhaps wishy washy and not consistent, and we have seen some of that, but it can be a great strength as well, although in a hateful climate like Washington dc, its very difficult and that climate usually drives people into their own corners and being a success as president is extremely difficult because the two sides have fixed positions and power sharing is not a Washington strength

so does trump like trump? of course. does trump want the country to succeed, of course. the two are intertwined. can you separate bone from marrow and have each live? yes you can but only when there is heavy rationalization, of the type Obama is given to Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
So basically the Bushes and Trump had it somewhat under control but Obama and Clinton didn't. Just curious Trumps personal interest first or the USA interests? Saudi Arabia and Russia comes to mind
So basically the Bushes and Trump had it somewhat under control but Obama and Clinton didn't. Just curious Trumps personal interest first or the USA interests? Saudi Arabia and Russia comes to mind Originally Posted by themystic
I believe I said daddy bush had it under control and son bush to a lesser extent

never said trump

I attempted to surmise that trump's strengths are his success driven nature and because he's not an ideologue, while he does have a huge ego

as far as Clinton, his ego was on full display but he survived by his use of triangulation and a laid back just looking for fun and not serious about anything except looking good nature, so he had give and take

there is no hope for obama
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I believe I said daddy bush had it under control and son bush to a lesser extent

never said trump

I said trump's is lessened due to his success driven nature because he's not an ideologue

as far as Clinton, his was lessened by his use of triangulation

there is no hope for obama Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
OK. I see your POV. I disagree but thats cool. I read it wrong.
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You've been bragging about Trump donating that piddling 400k for a year now...

Shit I'd donate 400k if I could get a return of 10 million from the taxpayers like Trump has. Originally Posted by WTF
The SS has spent $ 360,000 in golf cart rentals for Der Furher Tump while he golfs