I'm Watching President Obama on 60 Minutes Right Now

Maybe the moderators at the upcoming "Democrat Love Fest" disguised as a debate will take note and actually ask Hillary some questions besides......."what will be your choice of color for the Oval Office Drapes"?

Or look straight at her and asked that still unanswered question......."what's the difference between a socialist and a Democrat"?, which stumped DNC head Debbie Wasserman Shultze Originally Posted by Jackie S
The answer to the question is self-evident. What's the difference between a fundamental christian candidate like Huckabee or Cruz and a totalitarian regime? Both think they have the market cornered on superiority and that the masses should submit to laws based on some religious dogma/delusional construct. What's the difference between a democrat and a socialist is one of those questions that gets republitards all tingly but in reality it's just one more stupid question that doesn't really mean anything. It has 'socialist' in it, which is a buzzword for conservatives. It's the dirtiest word they can think of. I love that Bernie embraces it. It's a big fuck you to the establishment.
Its going to take decades to repair the damage the 0zombie King has done to this country...

And I'll bet you would rather watch Duck Dynasty
Classic Obama Derangement Syndrome on parade in this thread. Irrational, crazy rage at the very sight of the President of the United States. From the folks who think that Donald Trump should be POTUS. Pure crazy on display.
  • DSK
  • 10-12-2015, 10:18 AM
Let Russia deal with them. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Amen to that!!
  • DSK
  • 10-12-2015, 10:37 AM
Classic Obama Derangement Syndrome on parade in this thread. Irrational, crazy rage at the very sight of the President of the United States. From the folks who think that Donald Trump should be POTUS. Pure crazy on display. Originally Posted by timpage
So disappointment in the Presidency, accompanied by criticism, constitutes crazy in your opinion?
Many people were at least as irrational in their attacks on every Republican Presidency in my lifetime.
So disappointment in the Presidency, accompanied by criticism, constitutes crazy in your opinion?
Many people were at least as irrational in their attacks on every Republican Presidency in my lifetime. Originally Posted by DSK
Irrational is the key word you missed
LexusLover's Avatar
... the very sight of the President of the United States.... Originally Posted by timpage
The "sight" of Obaminable is not disturbing .....

.... it's when he starts jacking his jaws trying to justify his incompetence.....

.... like explaining why he blew $500 million to train 5 people.
.... like explaining why he blew $500 million to train 5 people. Originally Posted by LexusLover
That was classic. Trying to defend the indefensible.
That was classic. Trying to defend the indefensible. Originally Posted by Jackie S
It was a mistake. Let me know when you find someone who hasn't made any.
  • MrGiz
  • 10-12-2015, 03:52 PM
It was a mistake. Let me know when you find someone who hasn't made any. Originally Posted by WombRaider
As much of an idiot as you are... how often do you make $500,000,000.00 "mistakes"?
As much of an idiot as you are... how often do you make $500,000,000.00 "mistakes"? Originally Posted by NTJME
Bush made a 7 Trillion dollar mistake. It's called Iraq. Go fuck yourself.
Bush made a 7 Trillion dollar mistake. It's called Iraq. Go fuck yourself. Originally Posted by WombRaider
And, it's a mistake that keeps on giving....oh,but wait....we can't talk about George Bush, the last fucking idiot that you clowns put into the White House.