JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Indiana GOP in a shitstorm.

Only the fucking republicans would pass a law allowing discriminatory behavior against gays and try to justify it in the name of Christian charity....oh, and I see Pence is now saying it's Obama's fault.

Shameful behavior. Originally Posted by timpage
This is the same law passed and signed by Bill Clinton as president. It is also the law passed by 20 states with democratic governors and legislatures. So much for blaming republicans limp dick hack.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I love how the Repubs claim to want religious freedom, but reality is they only want Christian favoritism. Practicing other religions in America will get you imprisoned, by Republican made laws with felonies attached. Glad to see them losing this one. Originally Posted by nwarounder
Okay, so we know that you haven't read the law and I know you don't care a thing about gay rights. You just want to bitch like a little girl (sorry little girls). This law also protects Jewish people from having to provide services to groups a Neo-Nazis, Muslims from having to serve pork from their eatery, and Buddhists from having to serve meat.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Faith McGregor Sues Omar Mahrouk, Muslim Barber, For Refusing To Cut Her Hair

In June, Faith McGregor requested a man's haircut at the Terminal Barber Shop in downtown Toronto. Co-owner Omar Mahrouk told her that his Muslim faith prohibits him from touching a woman who is not a member of his family. All the other barbers in the shop said the same thing.
400 years ago, our fore fathers left Europe for this kind of BS. Some of us anyway.
  • DSK
  • 04-02-2015, 06:30 AM
. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
That's what the government idiots deserve with their poorly thought out immigration policies and anti-discrimination laws - both in Canada and the US.
Prove it, back it up... come on Mr libertarian? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
It is forbidden here to discuss. Have to go to an uncensored political forum to get educated on this subject.
Okay, so we know that you haven't read the law and I know you don't care a thing about gay rights. You just want to bitch like a little girl (sorry little girls). This law also protects Jewish people from having to provide services to groups a Neo-Nazis, Muslims from having to serve pork from their eatery, and Buddhists from having to serve meat. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Lol, I'm not bitching, I think it is funny as hell to see the religious whackadoodles going bat shit crazy over gay rights and already having to shut their doors from the backlash of their own words. AR just passed a re-write of their discrimination law today, Indiana will soon as well.

I doubt it would have even made it in the state papers, much less the msm and gone viral, if they would have created a law that spelled out that Jews didn't have to serve neo-nazis, muslims don't have to serve pork, or Buddhists don't have to serve meat. But we all know they didn't spell it out because that is not why the law was crafted and passed.