The GOP shows it's stupidity once again.....

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Sir, are you off your meds? Do you think Obama really hates this country? Do you honestly believe Obama hates America?
So let's Barack Obama a Black man when born probably had a snow balls chance in hell of become POTUS. Yet, he works hard, educates himself at an IVY league school- a school which many of you fuckatrds wouldn't come close to entering- eventually becomes POTUS- against all odds. Passes affordable health care for all americans- KILLS Publicy Enemy 1- who by the way was a man that the previous POTUS couldn't find in 8 years and also is on record stating that he doesn't think much about his whereabouts.
And remind me again how Obama is unpatriotic??? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Bullshit. Rudy is right. Did he kill OBL? Did you see the body? Affordable health care? Really? Have you read any of the news about how Democrats are scrambling to lower the penalties? Millions still don't have healthcare. It's a bullshit plan that's not working. And the Presidency was purchased for Obama by George Soros and his cronies. And they are the benefitting from it. And you mention that Obama was not calling Bush unpatriotic, even though that is what he said. He was just complaining about the huge debt Bush was leaving for future generations. Now that the debt has almost DOUBLED since then, by Obama's terms, Obama is TWICE as unpatriotic as Bush.

Get out of the Kool-Aid pool and take off your blue colored glasses. You're blind and drowning.
Bullshit. Rudy is right. Did he kill OBL? Did you see the body? Affordable health care? Really? Have you read any of the news about how Democrats are scrambling to lower the penalties? Millions still don't have healthcare. It's a bullshit plan that's not working. And the Presidency was purchased for Obama by George Soros and his cronies. And they are the benefitting from it. And you mention that Obama was not calling Bush unpatriotic, even though that is what he said. He was just complaining about the huge debt Bush was leaving for future generations. Now that the debt has almost DOUBLED since then, by Obama's terms, Obama is TWICE as unpatriotic as Bush.

Get out of the Kool-Aid pool and take off your blue colored glasses. You're blind and drowning. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Just like the Koch brothers bought the last midterms. So what? And you're confusing debt with deficit. As for Osama, name one time you've told two people something and it died a secret with them. Now you've got an entire ship full of people and NOBODY has ever come out and said it was bullshit? You're grasping at straws.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Did OBL help NASA produce the moon landings videos, Whiny?
Just like the Koch brothers bought the last midterms. So what? And you're confusing debt with deficit. As for Osama, name one time you've told two people something and it died a secret with them. Now you've got an entire ship full of people and NOBODY has ever come out and said it was bullshit? You're grasping at straws. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Pillboxes Knifeblade w torque plates. 1957! Override! Barren plains, high airplanes, floaters overhead, I see red. 1957! Wandering spew if so, crabby tart if not.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Nuttier than a fruitcake.
Nuttier than a fruitcake. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Well I for one am glad you finally admit it... Thanks, Shit Eater
southtown4488's Avatar
It was Hillary who started the Kenya debate. A higher percentage of republicans voted for civil rights than did democrats. Missed the stories of WMDs found in Iraq obviously. CNN reported on the no go zones six months before Fox. Jenny McCarthy, a liberal, led the charge against vaccines and global warming (its 12 degrees outside) is being proven to be a hoax. As for rape, I guess it depends if it is rape rape or just plain rape. Ask Whoopie about it. I don't think you can be more wrong. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Hillary did not start the false Kenya rumors, perhaps some dumbass supporters, but the VAST majority of Dems/Liberals condemned that crap. . . compare that to the lot of republicans that helped perpetuate the lies. Anyone with basic knowledge of American civil rights history knows that Dixiecrats opposed civil rights in the south as "dems" in name only, and many of them switched parties to officially become republicans.
WMDs were not found in Iraq, that's a flat out lie. . . even GW Bush admits that.
If CNN reported "no go zones" then they were wrong too, fact is I don't hear any elected or leading Dems referring to these lies except to point out that they are false.
as for vaccines, I don't give two shits about jenny McCarthy, shes not an elected official nor is she any kind of leading voice of the Dem party, there have been republicans in and out of office who have lended legitimacy to these false rumors.
"rape rape or just plain rape"? - uhhhh ok, I hope police don't ask women who report rape. . ."ma'am was it rape rape or just plain rape? cause one might get you pregnant and one wont".
lustylad's Avatar
Whirlaway and Budman are being very deceptive- Obama is not using "unpatriotic" in the same tone... Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

Huh? Seriously? Puuuleeeze! You're busted, limpdick. Don't try to double down. Unless you want to look even lamer and say you weren't offended by Guiliani's choice of words, only his "tone"?
lustylad's Avatar
Now that the debt has almost DOUBLED since then, by Obama's terms, Obama is TWICE as unpatriotic as Bush. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
And you're confusing debt with deficit. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
No he isn't.

Gross national debt on Jan. 20, 2009 - $10.67 trillion. Gross national debt today - $18.13 trillion.

A higher percentage of republicans voted for civil rights than did democrats. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
And you're wrong again on civil rights.... If you're going to lie at least make it something that can't be proven wrong. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Take your own advice, dumbass. If you're going to call someone a liar, at least make it something that can't be proven right. JD is correct:

1964 Civil Rights Act

Senate vote breakdown:
Democratic Party: 46–21 (69%–31%)
Republican Party: 27–6 (82%–18%)

House vote breakdown:
Democratic Party: 153–91 (63%–37%)
Republican Party: 136–35 (80%–20%)

Busted you again! This is fun. Are you always so lazy, stupid and careless with the facts?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Just like the Koch brothers bought the last midterms. So what? And you're confusing debt with deficit. As for Osama, name one time you've told two people something and it died a secret with them. Now you've got an entire ship full of people and NOBODY has ever come out and said it was bullshit? You're grasping at straws. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
I don't know if you write this crap because you believe it or because you just want to stir up shit. Kind of like the difference between smelling and stinking. If you work all day in the sun then you smell, if you haven't had a bath in five days then you stink. If you believe this then you smell, if you're just trying to stir up some shit then you stink.

Do you smell or stink?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
[QUOTE=southtown4488;1056407365]Hillary did not start the false Kenya rumors, perhaps some dumbass supporters, but the VAST majority of Dems/Liberals condemned that crap. . . compare that to the lot of republicans that helped perpetuate the lies. If you want to get technical, Obama started the story by registering himself as a foreign exchange student for college. Writing that he was from Kenya on the dust jacket of his first book. In the campaign, Philip Berg and Mark Penn along with the Clinton campaign put forth the argument that Obama was born in Kenya and it took how many years for Obama to come up with more than one birth certificate (I can only come up with one). Anyone with basic knowledge of American civil rights history knows that Dixiecrats opposed civil rights in the south as "dems" in name only, and many of them switched parties to officially become republicans. The Dixiecrats ran for president in 1948, the Civil Rights Act was in 1964. When did these fellows change parties...and philosophies? Of course people like Robert Byrd, Al Gore Sr., J. William Fulbright never changed parties or philosophies. They stayed racists.
WMDs were not found in Iraq, that's a flat out lie. . . even GW Bush admits that. The New York Times has written stories about how service people were injured by exposure to caches of WMDs in Iraq. It was discussed on this site.
If CNN reported "no go zones" then they were wrong too, fact is I don't hear any elected or leading Dems referring to these lies except to point out that they are false. Actually, I was in Germany and France in 1981 and we were specifically told not to go to certain parts of Kiel, Hamburg, and Marseilles as they were Muslim. Wouldn't you call that a "no-go" zone. As for elected democrats, they can't even say Muslim terrorist and you use them as a source???
as for vaccines, I don't give two shits about jenny McCarthy, shes not an elected official nor is she any kind of leading voice of the Dem party, there have been republicans in and out of office who have lended legitimacy to these false rumors.
"rape rape or just plain rape"? - uhhhh ok, I hope police don't ask women who report rape. . ."ma'am was it rape rape or just plain rape? cause one might get you pregnant and one wont". To finish this, that comment was made by Todd Akins and he is not a conservative or Tea Party person. He is and always was a fool and in this case he was supported in his election bid by none other than democrat Claire McCaskill. So why don't you take up her choice with her and the term rape-rape with democrat Whoopie Goldberg. She was referring to a 13 year old being raped by a 40 some year old man by the way. [/QUOTE]

I think you better go to the library and do some research. All your "arguments" are nothing but talking points.

Scroll down to the story about an Iraq veteran and chemical weapons.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Hillary did not start the false Kenya rumors, perhaps some dumbass supporters, but the VAST majority of Dems/Liberals condemned that crap. . . compare that to the lot of republicans that helped perpetuate the lies. Anyone with basic knowledge of American civil rights history knows that Dixiecrats opposed civil rights in the south as "dems" in name only, and many of them switched parties to officially become republicans.
WMDs were not found in Iraq, that's a flat out lie. . . even GW Bush admits that.
If CNN reported "no go zones" then they were wrong too, fact is I don't hear any elected or leading Dems referring to these lies except to point out that they are false.
as for vaccines, I don't give two shits about jenny McCarthy, shes not an elected official nor is she any kind of leading voice of the Dem party, there have been republicans in and out of office who have lended legitimacy to these false rumors.
"rape rape or just plain rape"? - uhhhh ok, I hope police don't ask women who report rape. . ."ma'am was it rape rape or just plain rape? cause one might get you pregnant and one wont".
Originally Posted by southtown4488
You'd be the one lying.

C.I.A. Is Said to Have Bought and Destroyed Iraqi Chemical Weapons

In confidential declarations in the 1990s to the United Nations, Iraq gave shifting production numbers, up to 18,500. It also claimed to have destroyed its remaining stock before international inspectors arrived after the Persian Gulf war.

No clear evidence ever surfaced to support Iraq’s claim, which meant that questions about whether Boraks remained were “carried forward as one of the big uncertainties,” said Charles A. Duelfer, a senior United Nations inspector at the time who later led the C.I.A.’s Iraq Survey Group. There was “a big gap in the information,” he said.

Continue reading the main storyContinue reading the main story
The mystery deepened in 2004 and early 2005, when the United States recovered 17 Boraks.

The analysis of sarin samples from 2005 found that the purity level reached 13 percent — higher than expected given the relatively low quality and instability of Iraq’s sarin production in the 1980s, officials said...

The new data became grounds for concern. “Borak rockets will be more hazardous than previously assessed,” one internal report noted. It added a warning: the use of a Borak in an improvised bomb “could effectively disperse the sarin nerve agent.”
Regarding those "no-go zones" CNN's lib-retarded minions don't want to mention:

CNN, too, trafficked in ‘no-go zone’ chatter

Friday, Jan. 9, when anchor Wolf Blitzer was chatting with anchor Chris Cuomo:

BLITZER: Chris Cuomo, you are there in Paris for us. Have you sensed from the few days that you’ve been there, a growing anti-Muslim sentiment on the streets of Paris?

CUOMO: No. That would be a very difficult thing to tell. Certainly, I haven’t seen anything that I could report on that way. I mean, we have been getting read in about what cultural tensions do exist here. There’s a large part of the population that is assimilated. What’s happened in north Paris is not a secret. We know there were riots there several years ago. There are what they call a ‘no-go zone.’
Later that same night ...

[O]n Anderson Cooper’s program, the concept crept again into the conversation, as retired CIA officer Gary Berntsen told the host, “Anderson, the Europeans and the French in particular have problems that are the result of also 751 ‘no-go zones’ in France where you have Islamic communities that have formed councils that are managing these areas. And the police don’t go in. If you look at Sweden there are 55 ‘no-go zones’ there. You know, firefighters or ambulance drivers go in there and they’re attacked. Their vehicles are lit on fire, their tires are slashed, and the Europeans have not pushed back against this. They can’t surveil people inside the ‘no-go zones’ if they get and go in there,” said the analyst, who called the zones “enclaves that are completely separated from the government.”

Later in the same broadcast, Cooper himself, a CNN star, put his own name behind the “no-go zone” talk. In posing a question to a Brookings Institution scholar, Cooper said, “Although we have seen in a number of Western European countries, new immigrants particularly from Muslim countries not making as much effort to assimilate into the larger population. We’ve seen that in Sweden, obviously in England, here in France and as one of the guests earlier was talking about, there are kind of ‘no-go zones’ where police don’t even really go into and again it does cut both ways.”
It continued on Saturday, Jan. 10:

CNN military analyst Maj. General James “Spider” Marks said this to host Fredricka Whitfield: “And through policies that have been in place, both existing policies that are on the books and what I would call behaviors that exist, for example, the ‘no-go zones,’ there are ‘no-go zones’ not by legal status, was because the police have chosen not to penetrate, and there has been an open effort to keep them isolated.”

Also on that Saturday, retired NYPD detective Harry Houck explained on CNN’s air, “Well, one of the thing – they’re going to have to go into these ‘no-go zones’ and take over again.

And try as you might, you can't deflect from the fact that a large portion of anti-vaxxers are Odumbo supporters.

[T]he anti-vaccination movement is fueled by an over-privileged group of rich people grouped together who swear they won't put any chemicals in their kids (food or vaccines or whatever else), either because it's trendy to be all-natural or they don't understand or accept the science of vaccinations. Their science denying has been propelled further by celebrities such as Jenny McCarthy, Robert Kennedy Jr. and actress Mayim Bialik [all three are dim-retards or former dim-retards], who is also a neuroscientist and even plays one on TV....

Researchers analyzing records for about 55,000 children born in 13 northern California counties between 2010 and 2012 found five geographic clusters of 3-year-olds with significantly higher rates of vaccine refusal.

These included East Bay (10.2 percent refusal rate); Marin and southwest Sonoma counties (6.6 percent refusal); northeastern San Francisco (7.4 percent); northeastern Sacramento County and Roseville (5.5 percent); and south of Sacramento (13.5 percent). By comparison, the vaccine refusal rate outside these clusters is 2.6 percent, according to the study published in the journal Pediatrics.

These are some of the most privileged parts of the Bay Area, although South Bay counties around Silicon Valley aren't on the list. The median household income in Marin is $90,535, compared to $61,094 in the state of California. In Alameda County (home to towns like Berkeley) in the East Bay, it's $72,112. One exception is Sacramento, where median income is only $55,064.

And they're also among the most liberal. Marin County, San Francisco County and Alameda County all voted overwhelmingly for Odumbo in 2008. In Marin, 78 percent of the vote went to Obama. In San Francisco, it was 84 percent. And in Alameda, it was 79 percent. That's all higher than what Odumbo got in his own home county of Cook County, Illinois. Here, too, Sacramento is an exception. Only 58 percent of the county went for Odumbo in 2008.

And speaking of rape, noticed how you lib-retards never want to talk about Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator and Juanita Broaddrick.

Furthermore, Odumbo is the liar who said he was born in Kenya:

gfejunkie's Avatar
Here is Presidential Candidate Obama calling Bush "unpatriotic" for running up our national debt. And then what did the liar Obama do as president? Doubled the debt added by Bush!

Need any more proof Obama is unpatriotic than his own words?
Does Obama now "sicken" you?

I only wish Giuliani had added "liar" and "contempt for this country" to his criticisms of Obama. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
So Osama Obama (a little tribute to Ted Kennedy there, ) is either unpatriotic, a hypocrite, or both.

Looks like Rudy's right no matter what.
No he isn't.

Gross national debt on Jan. 20, 2009 - $10.67 trillion. Gross national debt today - $18.13 trillion.

Take your own advice, dumbass. If you're going to call someone a liar, at least make it something that can't be proven right. JD is correct:

1964 Civil Rights Act

Senate vote breakdown:
Democratic Party: 46–21 (69%–31%)
Republican Party: 27–6 (82%–18%)

House vote breakdown:
Democratic Party: 153–91 (63%–37%)
Republican Party: 136–35 (80%–20%)

Busted you again! This is fun. Are you always so lazy, stupid and careless with the facts?

. Originally Posted by lustylad
You didn't bust shit except a nut and even that probably took an hour to coax out of your shriveled up testes and then it was nothing but dust. You failed to break it down into southern and northern republicans. That's where the story is. NO SOUTHERN REPUBLICAN voted for it, out of both houses. NONE. They were all northern republicans. Out of northern democrats, between both houses, they voted 190-10 in FAVOR of the legistlation. As I said, the southern democrats who voted were commonly referred to as dixiecrats and were democrat in name only, voting with republicans most of the time. If you don't know this, you're seriously ignorant. Are you always so lazy and stupid and careless about facts? Nice try, dicknips.
No he isn't.

Gross national debt on Jan. 20, 2009 - $10.67 trillion. Gross national debt today - $18.13 trillion.

Take your own advice, dumbass. If you're going to call someone a liar, at least make it something that can't be proven right. JD is correct:

1964 Civil Rights Act

Senate vote breakdown:
Democratic Party: 46–21 (69%–31%)
Republican Party: 27–6 (82%–18%)

House vote breakdown:
Democratic Party: 153–91 (63%–37%)
Republican Party: 136–35 (80%–20%)

Busted you again! This is fun. Are you always so lazy, stupid and careless with the facts?

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Bush doubled the debt, so did Obama, fixing all Bush's fuck ups. So what?