When your provider ref is rude beyond words

Kayleehotchick's Avatar
So, without reading all the drama, what did the requester say about ? The cunty reply? Originally Posted by Tsmokies

That is not important and it's not about shit pot stirring (by giving writing the details of what happened). It's about feed back on a legit hobby topic.
tml's Avatar
  • tml
  • 01-27-2014, 05:11 PM
I know I'd like to know, myself. Fortunately, my principal references for the past couple of years are complete sweethearts, and have highly professional attitudes towards their industry/trade.
Knight2554's Avatar
I would want to know so as not to use, or see, them again.

So a provider didn't' treat you good. Can you just man up and move on to the next?
Jessika Sweetz's Avatar
I hate when I'm talked rude at as well. This incident has happened to me as well. I am very friendly and have no problem giving a ref check because I agree we must keep each other safe and look out for one another. Not everyone feels the same way but I can only control my actions and how I do things. Hope you don't let it get to you girl and have a great week!!
So a provider didn't' treat you good. Can you just man up and move on to the next? Originally Posted by Tsmokies

Tsmokies, this is a common problem. Not only attitude but dealing with providers who then go so far as contacting the hobbyist who is asking for a reference and cock-blocking the provider he is trying to see after she requests the reference from previously seen provider (hope that made sense).

Trust me. It's not personal. It's a question I'm sure many ladies have asked themselves but don't feel comfortable asking a man directly. Hence the reason for "INFORMATION EXCHANGE".
I know you can take it, but it's totally uncalled for.
You are one of the sweetest people I have had the pleasure of meeting, and as a man and a friend I would want to know something like this happened.
And I would let her know she just lost my business forever.
We are all in this together and should treat each other with respect, even if we have issues with each other.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
I would think most hobbyist would want to know if there is a provider is cock blocking him by being rude.

Believe it or not, it happens a lot....
So why don't you ladies post the cock blocker's info?
I would say its the difference between feedback and flame throwing.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
That would be drama shit pot stirring. I'm asking a legit hobby question for constructive feed back from the hobbyist point of view/

Putting someone on public blast for that would be down right shitty and immature.

I think I'm smelling a troll here.
melannie_star's Avatar
I believe it is far more common than one might think.
Sad, but true.
I dont agree with the way some may run their business.
I am just glad they are not running mine..lol

I am always willing to help any of the ladies for a reference if needed,
Yes, even if they have been known to cock block or be snobbish to me.
I just wont ask one from them in return.
That is why providing more than one reference for screening is important.
Exactly, Kaylee. We can't post that in an open forum for a boatload of reasons. We'd be accused of being jealous, lying, posting a threAD, and etc. Nothing positive can come from posting that kind of information. Think about it, if posting accusations of rudeness was allowed, within hours, this site would have complaints (read "look at me!") posts, followed by cat fights, in every forum. And it would get ugly fast. Not good.

That would be drama shit pot stirring. I'm asking a legit hobby question for constructive feed back from the hobbyist point of view/

Putting someone on public blast for that would be down right shitty and immature.

I think I'm smelling a troll here. Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick
My Fav circle of providers have been professional to the inquirer and happy to give me a positive reference when asked. As one lady wrote "We are all in this together" Right??
TexasDave555's Avatar
When I see someone new... I usually tell them I will use them a reference. I usually also ask them if they have an issue with it? If we both enjoyed the time the reference works both ways. I make that quite clear.

I have stopped seeing a few because of this issue and have contacted them and told them exactly why. If they can't be nice and give the proper response, they no longer get my cash. Life happens, but when someone flies off the handle or tries to pussy block.... that's a no no.