
I always TIP people for places I frequent. Hair salons, Nail salons, restaurants, bars ect. You are supposed to tip. And if you get good service you tip a little more. I always appreciate when people love my massages and they offer me a little tip at the end of the session. It shows me just how much they appreciate me and my worth...
I still give excellent services to those who can't afford to tip, because it shows my character....

Tip the waitresses and waiters... they need it!!

Sinclar's Avatar
If the service goes beyond and above standard, I have been known to leave a 25-50% tip.

If the service is standard, 12-15%

If the service is below standard, no more than 10%

If the service is shitty, a nice shiny penny with a note explaining why. Originally Posted by meet_the_focker

+1 exactly what I do
I see what I was saying has been overlooked.
There are some 'fair skinned'
people who birthed racism so therefore they would never understand what certain conversations are about.

I do understand what you are saying... You are saying "white folks", don't get what you are saying. You are always telling me how differently you and other African Americans are treated as opposed to people of caucasian descent when it comes to certain things. I am sorry you were treated unfairly at the restaurant, I am sorry some guys won't screen for you, but will give their info. to caucasian people for appt's.

What YOU are saying has not been overlooked by me.....I GET it.

I do my best to tip fairly and evenly all across the board..I love to dine out, so therefore I must tip my waiter(ess).....

so therefore they would never understand what certain conversations are about.

IJS Originally Posted by Seeking ~P

unfortunately =/

loverlove17's Avatar
True true P
I always TIP people for places I frequent. Hair salons, Nail salons, restaurants, bars ect. You are supposed to tip. And if you get good service you tip a little more. I always appreciate when people love my massages and they offer me a little tip at the end of the session. It shows me just how much they appreciate me and my worth...
I still give excellent services to those who can't afford to tip, because it shows my character....

M.M. Originally Posted by Melissa Madyson
This thread is not about you.
This thread is not about you. Originally Posted by Seeking ~P

This thread is not about you. Originally Posted by Seeking ~P

I was not making it about me, I was simply stating the obvious... You were stating about YOUR experience at the restaurant and the thread was about tipping.

You also made it clear that people of fair skin, meaning white people don't get your post.

It seems like you get salty when you think people of "fair skin" as you call us aren't in tune with what you are trying to convey....

I simply said I get it, as you and I speak often and one of the things you bring up a lot is how you are treated differently than people of caucasian descent when it comes to screening guys and such... and now you have mentioned the waitress at the restaurant, and I simply said "I get it" and I was sorry that happened to you...

I also mentioned about the places I tip frequently, as the thread is about TIPPING...

Tipping is the threads subject. I am not as dense as you think ~P...

Audreyg's Avatar
^Well she never said a word to me but she did bring out the food.
I would have thought she was a mute waitress but she was conversing
with all the other fair skinned diners.

They always say a certain group of folks never tip, well in this situation they're right. I was not going to reward her with a tip
for treating me less than. It was a simple courtesy to at least fake it and speak to me. She chose that job.
I was dining alone so it was clear to me what her issue was.
It does no good to complain to management when they are not like me b/c they would never understand. Originally Posted by Seeking ~P
Thank you for taking the time to explain this to me.

tipping is considered an insult in Iceland

Lia88's Avatar
  • Lia88
  • 09-11-2018, 03:06 PM
Whew child lol
Thank you for taking the time to explain this to me. Originally Posted by Audreyg
If she treated you poorly because of your race, then you were well within you right not to tip her not feel guilty. However, speaking to the manager might have been effective because what she thinks is “another cheap black person who didn’t tip me” and continue getting away with her shitty behavior.

It’s not your responsibility to change the world, but conveying your true thoughts might have made you feel better (since you said you felt somewhat guilty).
Do you tip the Uber driver if the inside of their vehicle is dirty?
Dirty stained seats. Dog hair. Trash on the floor and not to mention the smell
of cigarette smoke.

I hate cigarette smoke! Originally Posted by Seeking ~P
No. Good Uber drivers deserve to be tipped. But their pay structure is not based on requiring tips to make more than minimum wage. Different than your racist waitress scenario. Xoxo