Attention Ladies.. Don't See Donald Trump, He Will Give Out Your Number, LOL

Roger.Smith's Avatar
Doesnt matter who is in tne office...all of them are full shit.....we will be in the same shape today if Romney was in is all bullshit Originally Posted by plove35
That's true. Other than a few social issues, all people vote for is who gets to take lobbyists money to write their laws. Most Americans are pretty fucking clueless about how government actually works. The majority don't know how a bill becomes law, what committee their congressman works on if they even know who their congressman is, or truly understand the details of the issues being dicussed. I've learned most people are simple-minded with poor reading comprehension. Politics is tribalism, "Us vs. Them". Humans have the need to divide themselves and fight for various reasons.

Look at state governments, whether those governments controlled by Democrats or Republicans, they are in debt and poorly run. The problem is the American public. Americans understand headlines, but not the details. People ARE the government, but because people are ignorant, they've abdicated that power to corporations, de facto oligarchs.
Chung Tran's Avatar
well, unfortunately you're right.. it's hard to get fired up over new, fresh candidates knowing the system will chug-along as it always does.. Obama talked like he would buck the system in 2008, as Trump does today.. Obama did not, Trump likely can not.
It's all about the emails. Wtf needs affordable healthcare? ME. I would love to retire early butt not wo healthcare.
Back to corp greed... They don't want to lose good people. IMO

I get paid well enough to play a little :-) (too much) butt I'm not a young man anymore
doug_dfw's Avatar
Again, so much anger, so much fear. I'm with the Democrats these days because I don't hate gay people and think defaulting on the T-Bill is an extremely bad idea, but if it were Sanders against Kasich or Pataki chances are I would vote Republican.

But communism, really? The government didn't hand out any rationing cards to me today, they didn't tell me what job I had to take, and I'm not driving around in a government (or American) car. Doesn't seem quite like communism to me. All of the guys on here can obviously afford to pay $300/hour for entertainment, so it seems we're all doing pretty much OK. This is my last post on this thread, this is getting way too much like talking to my parents ... Originally Posted by tonyromorocks
Get set seems to me you will be a candidate. Or do you have offshore assets that will survive your life? If yes, my apologies.
doug_dfw's Avatar
The problem is so much bigger. So much bigger. Bigger than your sound bites and headlines. You wanna be a one issue voter then be a one issue voter. You're still better than half the voters gearing up for the polls who only absorb their daily dose of the local top 40/TMZ morning show shit as adequate news. But please, stop acting like you have the answers. You don't. Not even one. None of us do. Damn.

You asked me who I THINK will win. I THINK Hillary will win. And not because of her politics or the shape of the nation or gun control or gay marriage or any other of that other wag the dog bullshit. She'll win because her camp knows how to run a fucking campaign. She'll win because the dumbasses who don't watch the dog shit in the yard will find any reason they can to vote for her for whatever reason they can find because they want to - and her campaign will make you want to. Its basic pop psychology. How that escapes the masses is beyond me, but who am I to argue with millions and millions of "informed" voters.

Enjoy your blame games and cherry picked issues fed to you by whoever bid best on that hour of air time you listen to.

I'll be over here sucking and fucking and making lives better one dick at a time. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Ok I will do a wager with you: 3 sessions. I say Hillary will not be President.
doug_dfw's Avatar
what is going to potentially suck is Trump is not going to get his way with the RNC so he's going to drop out throwing his usual tantrum. Then he is going to go third party further dividing the non demo-commie votes which will virtually guarantee a demo-commie in the white house. Hillarys socialist agenda to reign everyone into government programs so that everyone except for the politicians are essentially under government control. Originally Posted by MILFEater
You are right.

But Bush won't be the nominee either.
doug_dfw's Avatar
Doesnt matter who is in tne office...all of them are full shit.....we will be in the same shape today if Romney was in is all bullshit Originally Posted by plove35
He who can dilute the bureaucrats is the one who can start the swing back to conservatism and the traditional pre 1990's American Dream.
Dang Doug, you have less reviews than me butt I will take that THn bet.

Hillary has no competition unless you count the top 5% you're not in.
Chung Tran's Avatar
so, the latest Trump fodder is that he was in a deposition with a female attorney back in 2011.. and she requested a break to pump breast milk.. allegedly she desired to express her milk in front of Trump, who raised Hell and called her disgusting, while storming out of the room.

here is the attorney.. I'm not going to lie, had I been Trump I would have not only watched her pump the milk, I may have been brave enough to ask for a sip from her nipple..

I gotta wonder if Donald is fit to be President, LOL...
Why would she ask to do that in a professional setting in front of her colleagues and superiors? I'm all for breast feeding but there's a time and place.

Relieving oneself is a natural act too, but you don't see a bunch of special interest shitters wanting to do it in front of everyone just to prove a point. I swear it amazes me how stupid some "smart" people can people can be over their "cause".

Granted, a presidential type would know when and where to pick his battles. That was neither the time or place either. Trump is the best thing to happen to the DNC in a while. He's like a wild frieght train pushing almost everything out of his path.

All the Dems have to do now is make benign, empty promises to the stragglers who don't really know who they want but are in 100% agreement on who they don't want: Trump (e.g. that evil, crazy Republican). Its really sad that he's such an egomaniac he can't appreciate his real value in the current political environment.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Why would she ask to do that in a professional setting in front of her colleagues and superiors? I'm all for breast feeding but there's a time and place.
Originally Posted by thathottnurse
I'm speculating, but my guess is she thought nothing about it... public breast-feeding is normal and common in Asia (note she is Korean).. however, she has likely been in the US a long time; she is Yale-educated, and she surely knows what is normal in this country.
Maybe she was baiting him. And he probably took it.

I lived in Tokyo for three years and never saw anyone breastfeeding in public. Europe, yes. But not Japan. No clue about Korea though.
Duthgar1976's Avatar
fuck trump fuck clinton, Bernie Sanders all the way, an indiependent runnin as a dem but all well hope he wins he is the best hope for this country.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
He doesn't seem to have a sense of humor:
bojulay's Avatar
Iran................Your Nuked!!!

That one never gets old.