WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-10-2014, 09:12 AM
Looks like neither assup nor any of his fellow libtards on this board is willing to touch this one. No surprise there. Libtards always have a big problem coming to terms with the reality of evil in the world and their own role in spawning it.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
in this case it was the people who raped and the authorities who looked the other way....kinda like over here in the Warren Jeff case.

any more stupid question dick licker?

lustylad's Avatar
You're another that bithes about debt...
. Originally Posted by WTF
Stay on topic, fagboy. We're talking muzzies, not debt.

Oh, and what the fuck is "bithe"? If you mean "blithe", that's an adjective, not a verb.
What we have here is the evil of multiculturalism. You know, the idea that all cultures are equal and we cannot no judge. I will say this, our culture (western culture) is superior to most Middle Eastern cultures, most African cultures, many Asian cultures, and even some European cultures. We don't recognize the gang rape of women as a strategic initiative like the Russian, Slavs, and Turks. We don't smile at serial rapists like they do in India, the Middle East, and Africa. We don't nod our heads in agreement with the brutal murders of entire villages like the do in the Middle East and Africa, and....there is just too many thing bastardly things the rest of the world does to list.
We believe that everyone has the right to exist for their own pleasure (unless you're a liberal in government) and live their life unimpeded (unless they have a pimp or are Beyonce' or Rice's wife). Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Fucking bozo, you, Whirlytard and the rest of the clown posse on here are the living, walking talking proof that western culture has just as many lowlife, hating, intolerant, racist shitbags as every "culture." Go fuck yourself.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Fucking bozo, you, Whirlytard and the rest of the clown posse on here are the living, walking talking proof that western culture has just as many lowlife, hating, intolerant, racist shitbags as every "culture." Go fuck yourself. Originally Posted by timpage

At least in America, we have the freedom to be that fucking stupid. these shitheads should be grateful.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar

At least in America, I have the freedom to be that fucking stupid. I'm a shithead, and should be grateful. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
FTFY Assup. Now it makes sense.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Like you'd know, felon.
lustylad's Avatar
At least in America, we have the freedom to be that fucking stupid. these shitheads should be grateful. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Another idiot comment by assup. And the reason other cultures think and act stupidly is because - unlike in America - they lack the "freedom to be that fucking stupid".

Oh wait, that doesn't make sense...

Oops, that's not what I mean...

Gimme a sec, lemme figure out what i'm trying to say...

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Like you'd know, felon. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Is that a slanderous accusation, Assup? Or do you have any proof?

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Fucking bozo, you, Whirlytard and the rest of the clown posse on here are the living, walking talking proof that western culture has just as many lowlife, hating, intolerant, racist shitbags as every "culture." Go fuck yourself. Originally Posted by timpage
How does one person's opinion prove there are "just as many"?
I think you need to provide substantive proof we have as many as they fucking asshole.
What we have here is the evil of multiculturalism. You know, the idea that all cultures are equal and we cannot no judge. I will say this, our culture (western culture) is superior to most Middle Eastern cultures, most African cultures, many Asian cultures, and even some European cultures. We don't recognize the gang rape of women as a strategic initiative like the Russian, Slavs, and Turks. We don't smile at serial rapists like they do in India, the Middle East, and Africa. We don't nod our heads in agreement with the brutal murders of entire villages like the do in the Middle East and Africa, and....there is just too many thing bastardly things the rest of the world does to list.
We believe that everyone has the right to exist for their own pleasure (unless you're a liberal in government) and live their life unimpeded (unless they have a pimp or are Beyonce' or Rice's wife). Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Very well said! And you Timmie's panties in a bunch...
You're a fucking idiot whir-LIE-turd.

Is there a YouTube conspiracy video you DONT ascribe to?

Or are you comfortable that you've moved past the MLK disaster and are ready to pollute the board with more of your narcissistic blather? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
And this affects you in, where are you, Idiotville?, how?

You haven't provided any reasoning while this YouTube video is valid in the US. NONE.

you're just foolish.

But when you put yourself in between the Muslim horde and the we min and chirren ... Snick ... Be sure you wear your Kevlar. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You are, without a doubt, the most vapidly drooling idiot that has ever graced this site.

First, you dismiss the thread topic as a Youtube conspiracy. Now, I will confess my initial reaction was also extreme skepticism. A claim that upwards of 1,400 children had been raped over a 16 year period in England of all places just sounded too outlandish to believe.

Do you know what I did? I went to trusty Google and in about 10 seconds discovered that the story is true. So much for the whole Youtube conspiracy angle.

So what do you do Assup? Every response you posted here is nothing but ad hominem vitriol. You offer absolutely no substance whatsoever. In any post, on any thread. You contribute exactly nothing to anything. If you were to step in a pile of dog crap, you would actually be improved for having some depth and substance until you ruin it by scraping the dog crap off of your shoes.

Everyone else here usually comes up with some interesting contributions. A few facts, some opinions. Even when I don't agree with those opinions, they at least bring something to the table. Something worth reading, considering, and then responding to.

But not you Assup. The only thing you know how to do is insult, belittle, and act like a 5 year old. That is why I find your Five D's in your signature so ironic. I guess you put it in your signature to use as a crib sheet in case you are ever stumped for a response.

You truly need help. Of the laying on the couch variety, and probably accompanied by a prescription or two.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You are, without a doubt, the most vapidly drooling idiot that has ever graced this site.

First, you dismiss the thread topic as a Youtube conspiracy. Now, I will confess my initial reaction was also extreme skepticism. A claim that upwards of 1,400 children had been raped over a 16 year period in England of all places just sounded too outlandish to believe.

Do you know what I did? I went to trusty Google and in about 10 seconds discovered that the story is true. So much for the whole Youtube conspiracy angle.

So what do you do Assup? Every response you posted here is nothing but ad hominem vitriol. You offer absolutely no substance whatsoever. In any post, on any thread. You contribute exactly nothing to anything. If you were to step in a pile of dog crap, you would actually be improved for having some depth and substance until you ruin it by scraping the dog crap off of your shoes.

Everyone else here usually comes up with some interesting contributions. A few facts, some opinions. Even when I don't agree with those opinions, they at least bring something to the table. Something worth reading, considering, and then responding to.

But not you Assup. The only thing you know how to do is insult, belittle, and act like a 5 year old. That is why I find your Five D's in your signature so ironic. I guess you put it in your signature to use as a crib sheet in case you are ever stumped for a response.

You truly need help. Of the laying on the couch variety, and probably accompanied by a prescription or two. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh

And if I showed up on your doorstep with a handful of bennies and my 50+ vouches, you'd suck my dick, my Toyota Prius' dick, my universalist neighbor's dick and any other dick in town and I could fuck you in the ass until the cows came home. So could the Universalist preacher!

Lets get real here! Get off your high fucking horse ... Unless you plan to blow him later too!

I asked for a rate card. You were offended because I didn't scrape to you? Blow me, whooker!

We all do what we do for money. You. Me. All of us. Nobody has any fantasies or compunctions. We're all whores, but some of us aren't ignorant.

Think about that between sticks of doublemint and Scope cocktails, and then let me know how much it'll cost to bite your ass! Girl, I likes dat azz. You'll never know it was me! (Dipshit)


And if I showed up on your doorstep with a handful of bennies and my 50+ vouches, you'd suck my dick, my Toyota Prius' dick, my universalist neighbor's dick and any other dick in town and I could fuck you in the ass until the cows came home. So could the Universalist preacher!

Lets get real here! Get off your high fucking horse ... Unless you plan to blow him later too!

I asked for a rate card. You were offended because I didn't scrape to you? Blow me, whooker!

We all do what we do for money. You. Me. All of us. Nobody has any fantasies or compunctions. We're all whores, but some of us aren't ignorant.

Think about that between sticks of doublemint and Scope cocktails, and then let me know how much it'll cost to bite your ass! Girl, I likes dat azz. You'll never know it was me! (Dipshit)

Slunt. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Thanks for proving my point.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You got it. Obviously you only read what you're told to read.

Doesn't matter which thread it is, there's always a conspiracy, a plot or a plan.

I don't know how you manage to sell your product, considering the stampede of ne'er do wells, Muslims and Methodists out to ruin your world.

If I were you, I'd be... Well we ALL know the answer to that sentence, don't we HK?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Directed toward the faggot Assup

You are, without a doubt, the most vapidly drooling idiot that has ever graced this site.

First, you dismiss the thread topic as a Youtube conspiracy. Now, I will confess my initial reaction was also extreme skepticism. A claim that upwards of 1,400 children had been raped over a 16 year period in England of all places just sounded too outlandish to believe.

Do you know what I did? I went to trusty Google and in about 10 seconds discovered that the story is true. So much for the whole Youtube conspiracy angle.

So what do you do Assup? Every response you posted here is nothing but ad hominem vitriol. You offer absolutely no substance whatsoever. In any post, on any thread. You contribute exactly nothing to anything. If you were to step in a pile of dog crap, you would actually be improved for having some depth and substance until you ruin it by scraping the dog crap off of your shoes.

Everyone else here usually comes up with some interesting contributions. A few facts, some opinions. Even when I don't agree with those opinions, they at least bring something to the table. Something worth reading, considering, and then responding to.

But not you Assup. The only thing you know how to do is insult, belittle, and act like a 5 year old. That is why I find your Five D's in your signature so ironic. I guess you put it in your signature to use as a crib sheet in case you are ever stumped for a response.

You truly need help. Of the laying on the couch variety, and probably accompanied by a prescription or two. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Assup probably got beat up on the playground everyday, but was too stupid to realize it was his own fucking fault. His monumental idiocy is one of the many reasons he was voted Dipshit of the Year for 2014.
I would happily kick his ass if he would ever show up at a mutually agreeable place, but he is too much of a little pussy.