Is real world civi sex better than Hobby Sex

tortpicker's Avatar
Sex with love has always been the best for me. Originally Posted by Luke Skywalker
pyramider's Avatar
If my RW sex was as good or better than Hobby sex I wouldn't feel the need to hobby. Originally Posted by Von Spieler
RW is more about the chase. The hobby is about the deed. Each has its own pros and cons.
Charlie Brown's Avatar
I have tended to see a limited number of ladies over & over. Not intentionally, it just seems to have worked out that way and I'm pretty satisfied with it.

That being said, for me, I've been able to get familiar enough with a lady or two that the atmosphere of the hobby disappears to a great degree and we react towards one another as being in the RW.

Some might disagree but I know it when I feel it and all the actions are near perfect. You feel like you're with a fuck buddy. It's best when time is of no issue and there is nothing to concentrate on but each other. You can feel it when you first lay eyes on each other each time. It's like teenagers realizing they have the whole house to themselves overnight.

Just the other day I heard the words: " Are you ready to go again ? ". Neither time or money was involved. It was just about perfect ! She was just wanting to have crazy wild sex with me again and we did almost everything without having to talk about it. There is good deal of trust between us. It's as if we both try to not make it like hobbying. Pretty cool actually.

Reaching this point in a relationship can be dangerous too. Other RW stuff comes into your head and it's tough to get it out. I start thinking.......what if ?
RW sex with my SO/GF is better.......there is real passion..and you can lay in bed for hours, sleep and wake up and do it again.......for free.

hobby sex.........timed, costly, arrangements need to be scheduled, and you risk the women not being into it

That said.......when the SO/GF gets into one of her moods and cuts me off......repeatedly then it is time to get rid of the GF and get back into the hobby full time.......and that is what I did.........
rexdutchman's Avatar
When the SO gets older , she don't want sex any more and when she does the attitude is so bad , well you know. just saying
Here is the way I see it....Pros/Cons of each one:

Civi Sex Pros:
-You know the girl "wants" to fuck you...not fuck you because you're paying

Civi Sex Cons:
-You don't know how many dates or time you're going to need in order to finally fuck the civi girl
-Civi girls typically want a relationship - especially after you fuck them..

Provider Sex Pros:
-You know when you're going to fuck and how much it will cost you
-Providers don't want a relationship with you and won't bug you after you fuck them..

Provider Sex Cons:
-Nothing I can think of....
icansmile's Avatar
No comparison. Sex with the SO blows away 99% of provider sex. Which always leaved me wondering, and in a moral quandry. Which I quickly get over obviously. It is all pretty good!
doug_dfw's Avatar
After 60 years of sex, the most rewarding was with the Mother of my children. The most fun has been in the Hobby. With civvies you know not the real price until much later. Even then I have never had as much fun with a civvie as with 75% of the Providers I have known. I have only meet one Provider who was worse than anybody but at least a dozen RW encounters not quite as bad.

The Hobby is treating me well still even with snow on the roof.
Leaving aside the money issue, hobby all the way. I sometimes fuck a mom I met at my kid's school. She's hot. But she doesn't know how to suck dick. And there is always the fear of being busted. Stick with the pros. Originally Posted by Walkin' Dude

This made me LOL. For real.

You guys all come to us because none of your "civies" will suck a dick. Edited: Many of your civies won't.

And shit, even when I was married, or in a RL relationship, and now with a fwb (whom I chose), I still suck dick on the regular...and I expect him to go down on me as well, although not every time. Sometimes we are a little heated, and well shit, we just need to get to fucking and get that first round out of the way.

But, many of you stray because you need a good hoover.
And some of us are the best. Or some of the best.
TexTushHog's Avatar
RW is more about the chase. The hobby is about the deed. Each has its own pros and cons. Originally Posted by pyramider
When I was a kid, I thought chase was a pretty dumb game, at least compared to the others options. I still do.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Here is the way I see it....Pros/Cons of each one:

Civi Sex Pros:
-You know the girl "wants" to fuck you...not fuck you because you're paying Originally Posted by SNL9933
Not sure I really agree with his in some cases. They go out with you because you took them to a great restaurant. Or for your car. Your job. You condo. Your condo out of town. Because you'll take them to NYC for a long weekend. The Caribbean for a week. Paris to two weeks, etc. It can be just as traditionally suspicions and the same doubts creep in unless you're as poor as a church mouse. For Joe Six Pack it's not a trip to Paris, but it's because he has a job, puts three squares a day on the table, and doesn't beat the shit out of her.

You always wonder unless they have a lot more money than you. I have almost never experienced that.
Chung Tran's Avatar
No comparison. Sex with the SO blows away 99% of provider sex. Originally Posted by icansmile
I have a feeling there's a relationship between this statement, and your signature line "if you are a Latina provider I WILL find you"..

the SO is not a Latina, right?
Not sure I really agree with his in some cases. They go out with you because you took them to a great restaurant. Or for your car. Your job. You condo. Your condo out of town. Because you'll take them to NYC for a long weekend. The Caribbean for a week. Paris to two weeks, etc. It can be just as traditionally suspicions and the same doubts creep in unless you're as poor as a church mouse. For Joe Six Pack it's not a trip to Paris, but it's because he has a job, puts three squares a day on the table, and doesn't beat the shit out of her.

You always wonder unless they have a lot more money than you. I have almost never experienced that. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
All girls fuck for 'something'...some civi girls fuck for a couple of drinks you buy them out at a bar, some girls fuck for dinner...some girls fuck for a weekend getaway...the list goes on and the end of the day everyone fucks for something...hobbying just cuts out all the bullshit in between...

Although...I have fucked plenty of girls in RW just because they wanted to fuck "me" for me....and no I never paid for anything...
TexTushHog's Avatar
Although...I have fucked plenty of girls in RW just because they wanted to fuck "me" for me....and no I never paid for anything... Originally Posted by SNL9933
But isn't that more a quick hook up rather than a regular arrangement? Truthfully, I rarely find myself in any situation where that is likely to happen. I'm usually pretty scheduled for business or traveling with a GF. Never just "hang out" like I might have done in HS or early college, thought frankly I wasn't much for that even back then. If I have significant free time, I'm traveling (with a companion) or finding some new work of some kind or another to do.
Boltfan's Avatar
I suppose I am unique because I do not seek passion when I hobby. Sometimes it is value, but most is because is seek unique experiences that I don't get on the regular at home. Wife condones and encourages the hobby.

Whether the play is the adrenaline of public play in a club, the body worship of a good amp girl or a regular who is submissive, they are experiences. If I pull a Josh Hamilton and fuck a chick in the restroom it is an experience.

Why compare? Hopefully they are all unique and rife with excitement.