Let's Talk about reviews... the good, the bad, and the ugly

  • EZ.
  • 11-13-2014, 11:33 AM
I've been trying to figure out this attitude. It is actually foreign to me but it shouldn't be.

I was a year younger than my friends, in my class, and the smallest. I grew 4 inches my senior year and another after graduating. I had the worst Napoleon complex, ever. I had to get four stitches in my tongue smarting off to a guy that had forty pounds on me. My dad signed me up for golden gloves. He was afraid someone was going to kill me.

The military cured me. There was only one guy in my unit that was over 5'10". The big guys were too slow, couldn't carry as much weight, relative to their size, didn't tolerate the heat and were lousy when it came to the long distance runs, pull ups and especially the obstacle course. They also made too much noise, in the jungle, and made big targets.

I guess this is a product of feminism/gender equality. It didn't occur to me that girls could have Napoleon complexes. Feeling inferior due to your size is a disorder. There is no upside to this.

Sadly, I'm sure that there are women, on here, that have been on the wrong side of confrontation with some man that is twice their size. I can't think of anything much more despicable than men beating on women. I'm sure that there are some that will testify to what I am saying. Having this, "I'm going to kick your ass" attitude is going to get you hurt.

I'm old school. I open doors, pull out a chair and offer my coat when it's cold. Not everyone was raised this way.
  • !VI!
  • 11-13-2014, 11:43 AM
I've been trying to figure out this attitude. It is actually foreign to me but it shouldn't be.

I was a year younger than my friends, in my class, and the smallest. I grew 4 inches my senior year and another after graduating. I had the worst Napoleon complex, ever. I had to get four stitches in my tongue smarting off to a guy that had forty pounds on me. My dad signed me up for golden gloves. He was afraid someone was going to kill me.

The military cured me. There was only one guy in my unit that was over 5'10". The big guys were too slow, couldn't carry as much weight, relative to their size, didn't tolerate the heat and were lousy when it came to the long distance runs, pull ups and especially the obstacle course. They also made too much noise, in the jungle, and made big targets.

I guess this is a product of feminism/gender equality. It didn't occur to me that girls could have Napoleon complexes. Feeling inferior due to your size is a disorder. There is no upside to this.

Sadly, I'm sure that there are women, on here, that have been on the wrong side of confrontation with some man that is twice their size. I can't think of anything much more despicable than men beating on women. I'm sure that there are some that will testify to what I am saying. Having this, "I'm going to kick your ass" attitude is going to get you hurt.

I'm old school. I open doors, pull out a chair and offer my coat when it's cold. Not everyone was raised this way. Originally Posted by OldLRRP

i can see where you could think of this, but it's not a fraud related envy ... as my sig says, but the thing is i'm not just talking at this point. If you decide to fight me i will not think twice to shoot you, because as you said, it's you vs me and i don't care at that point..

for you to say that is wrong makes me question what you are saying ... ijs
The big guys are playing football
And getting glorified by people of the usa while veterans are somewhat neglected other than on veterans day
Wulf-Pussy u sound ignorant do yourself a favor and limit your post shooting people doesn't solve a thing
  • EZ.
  • 11-13-2014, 12:15 PM
Decide to fight you? You vs me? I don't want to hurt you or anyone else.

Seriously, you should consider counseling.
  • !VI!
  • 11-13-2014, 12:32 PM
Decide to fight you? You vs me? I don't want to hurt you or anyone else.

Seriously, you should consider counseling. Originally Posted by OldLRRP

holy crap, OldLRRP i see where my English is not going well, i showed my posts to my roommate and asked them why is this still going... i am not addressing you specifically this is in general... if you (indirectly) true to fight me i will not think twice if you are a danger to my physically

to me it's annoying to have to "defend" myself here but it doesn't matter at this point.

I am tested every 3 weeks, because of my habits

but i do only see 1 person with in 12 hour time frame by choice.

i have never had any form of STD or STI, or have i ever been pregnant lol

and honestly it's because of the people i see. to me sex is about trust to some extent ijs