Is every provider think that way?

In there it said that she would of been happy and would give a genuine smile if someone offered her a job. That's a buncha bull if i ever heard one. As bad as the economy is right now, I am sure that there are always jobs out there. I can list a handful of escorts that work a full-time job, go to school part-time and escort whenever they can on the side. I do feel bad about her situation with the boyfriend/pimp situation, but that was on her, not the hobbyists. What's next? Drug dealers farewell diary to their clients? Where they blame the buyers for making them choose a wrong profession?
I was not making fun of her. That's what I think os wrong with her. Hell this $$ pays my bills faster than a "normal" job. I'm happy when someone chooses me. I think I would hate if I was a broke unliked unwanted ho. How would she had felt if she didn't get those calls and her and her man had to sleep under a bridge. Some don't appreciate what they have. I like what I do, and blush when I get complimented. And when my skills are appreciated and complimented on. I'm proud of my reviews and the ability to make a man weak in the knees. I love it, and I think I'm spoiled I get $$ and get my world rocked all the time! I sleep good at night and do NOT feel bad!
Obviously she's an emotionally disturbed lady...unfortunate. However, she is an adult (I hope) and is responsible for making her own decisions. She can't expect sympathy for continuing to do something she knows is wrong for her as a person. If she is looking for someone to blame, a nice, clean full-length mirror would be a good place to start.