wellendowed1911's Avatar
No. Originally Posted by lustylad
Thank you and by the way- a good friend who still actively serves in the military- I ask him was Obama wrong in his words he stated regardless of the situation :"we(the U.S military) never leaves anyone behind and my friend personally feels based on the evidence that the soldier did abandon his post but believes his fate has to be decided in a military court-
The soldiers who served with and commanded Bowe Bergdahl are glad he's back too...and hope he faces charges. They are also not so happy that we put the Taliban Dream Team back in action against the soldiers who have to tough it out in Afghanistan for the next two years.
Thank you and by the way- a good friend who still actively serves in the military- I ask him was Obama wrong in his words he stated regardless of the situation :"we(the U.S military) never leaves anyone behind and my friend personally feels based on the evidence that the soldier did abandon his post but believes his fate has to be decided in a military court- Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
I agree, and your friend answered your question fine, but Bergdahl did abandon his post and that was a real dumb thing to do. Then he was captured and held captive for five years and that's on him, not to mention by virtue of his selfish actions he caused six guys to lose their lives looking for him. Regardless how this thing turns out by our standards or opinions. I suspect Bergdahl will always be in Afghanistan fighting this war and that again is on him. When you're in a hostile land and you don't protect your brothers in Arms and nor do you thwart the enemies advances you can't be deemed a hero.

wellendowed1911's Avatar
I agree, and your friend answered your question fine, but Bergdahl did abandon his post and that was a real dumb thing to do. Then he was captured and held captive for five years and that's on him, not to mention by virtue of his selfish actions he caused six guys to lose their lives looking for him. Regardless how this thing turns out by our standards or opinions. I suspect Bergdahl will always be in Afghanistan fighting this war and that again is on him. When you're in a hostile land and you don't protect your brothers in Arms and nor do you thwart the enemies advances you can't be deemed a hero.

JIm Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
ok and the evidence shows he abandoned his post let the judicial system decide his fate. Was Whirlaway this adamant when John Walker Lindh- the american who joined the Taliban and fought against american soldiers- John Walker was more of a threat than Bergdahl and did this country more of a disservice than Bergdahl.
Budman's Avatar
ok and the evidence shows he abandoned his post let the judicial system decide his fate. Was Whirlaway this adamant when John Walker Lindh- the american who joined the Taliban and fought against american soldiers- John Walker was more of a threat than Bergdahl and did this country more of a disservice than Bergdahl. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
It's not the threat that Bergdahl poses. It's the threat that the released terrorists pose.
You fuckers act like they will be going right into action against the troops. Did you see the statement that if they are found taking part in any action against out troops they will not be captured again?
Budman's Avatar
You fuckers act like they will be going right into action against the troops. Did you see the statement that if they are found taking part in any action against out troops they will not be captured again? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I'm sure they are shaking in their boots. Do you really think that will keep them from the fight? Assuming they do return to the fight and are killed. What do you say to the families of any soldier that died at their hands?
I'm sure they are shaking in their boots. Do you really think that will keep them from the fight? Assuming they do return to the fight and are killed. What do you say to the families of any soldier that died at their hands? Originally Posted by Budman
They would be laughing their ass off at you like I am. What part of they are confined for a year, at that time there will only be troops assisting, with no combat there don't you understand?
ok and the evidence shows he abandoned his post let the judicial system decide his fate. Was Whirlaway this adamant when John Walker Lindh- the american who joined the Taliban and fought against american soldiers- John Walker was more of a threat than Bergdahl and did this country more of a disservice than Bergdahl. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Oh I agree let the judicial system decide the rest. But what I haven't been able to fathom is why he left his command and without any weapons. So it's obvious he wasn't planning on confronting the enemy. Yeah, I know it's a noble thought that we don't want to leave anyone behind. But this guy placed himself deliberately in that situation. Another thing I've wondered about is how come the Taliban kept him for so long, what kind of information did they expect to get from him? I don't think they tortured him for info. I lean towards the Taliban causing him to become addicted to something in order for them to get information, if he had any to offer at all. No matter how ya slice it this guys life is so screwed up just because he decided take a walk one day. It's really hard to sympathize with someone who does this. Oh and Lindh is a screwball too.

Budman's Avatar
They would be laughing their ass off at you like I am. What part of they are confined for a year, at that time there will only be troops assisting, with no combat there don't you understand? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You can't be that naive. They are terrorists. They don't give a shit if you are a soldier or a civilian. Man, woman or child. As long as you are an American then you are a target. In fact you are a target if you don't believe in their perverted fucking religion. Do you honestly think the Qatari's will keep them under wraps? If you do then you are a fool.
You can't be that naive. They are terrorists. They don't give a shit if you are a soldier or a civilian. Man, woman or child. As long as you are an American then you are a target. In fact you are a target if you don't believe in their perverted fucking religion. Do you honestly think the Qatari's will keep them under wraps? If you do then you are a fool. Originally Posted by Budman
Stay in your bunker all will be well. Yes I do if it wasn't for the American military presence in Qatar they would have been over ran years ago.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Too many folks here keep ignorantly alluding to this matter being settled in some sort of civil trial -- that ain't goina happen! It will be military justice under the UCMJ. If the Army prefers charges, in all likelihood it will convict. That's the way the Army works.