Marisa of Dallas Morning News Article

marisaofdallas's Avatar
Drama is stuff that is created
Things you cant actually see, touch, feel or prove
I am asking, are you calling the Dallas Morning News a bunch of morons that dont know the difference between REAL and what you fancy as DRAMA?????
Boltfan you are seriously completely wrong for that
But if forgive you because of my previous actions, you may be judging me a bit more harshly BUT I REASSURE YOU
If you call me or contact me I would be more than happy to have you see, hear or provide any documentation that would help you confirm that my story is NOT DRAMA

and that I am deserving of respect from YOU AND EVERYONE ELSE

I apologize for whatever I have done to make you feel that way, My story is not here for DEBATE nor is IT HERE FOR ENTERTAINMENT or RIDICULE
Sweetie, you continuing to come here is like an alcoholic hanging out at his old bar: its just a really, really bad idea.

If you are serious ya need to walk away. But like that alcoholic, no one is gonna believe it until you take the action that show you are serious.

Best of luck to you.
marisaofdallas's Avatar
I dont have an addiction to sex or my profession, this is my community of friends and people I care deeply about , I dont hate my profession and if it werent for the last few years of bad things, I would HAVE NEVER LEFT MY PROFESSION
I was very happy and VERY SUCCESFUL
No one is going to believe WHAT???????
Jesus Christ, so youre telling me that retired providers HAVE NO RIGHT TO STILL BE MEMBERS??????????
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
...Jesus Christ, so youre telling me that retired providers HAVE NO RIGHT TO STILL BE MEMBERS?????????? Originally Posted by marisaofdallas
Sigh. There are plenty of retired ladies still active on the boards. I know of a couple that I can think of just right now.

However, you have an interesting history on this board and others. I do believe that is what the others are alluding to. Or actually coming right out and stating it.

That's all. Pretty simple, really. And there isn't a need for a response to this post, either.

marisaofdallas's Avatar
OK so I have spent a few hours here and IM starting to get really upset and that is not something I want or need
Nothing is that important anymore
I thank you for your responses and I appreciate all the well wishes
As insincere as some of them are, I hope you find the ability to not let this forum become a bashing , hateful, ridiculing one
Be supportive of the other people in this community

EVery now and then, hold back from being mean
Try and give the benefit of the doubt..
Refrain form negative behavior and bullying

I cant apologize any more than I have

If I were to die tomorrow, and all I had was the years I spent in this community, maybe all I wanted was a kind word from people Ive seen and known, but I guess thats too much to ask today
Kayleehotchick's Avatar

Stress isn't a good thing when you have health problems.

Given your history, there are A LOT of people that are going to feel the way they feel for legit reason and sometimes, bridges are so burnt that no amount of apologizing will work.

It is what it is.

With that being said, just focus on you and your health. Part of the growth process it to recognize when things are to damaged fix and move forward. It all about taking care of you and yours without causing harm to others. Live and let live I always say. Embrace your future and have faith it is a bright one.

I hope things turn around for you soon.
marisaofdallas's Avatar
My sentiments exactly! COMPLETELY AGREED AND UNDERSTOOD and thats exactly what I am saying, I understand

This post wasn't me coming back to be an escort, i wanted to say I've had alot of time to think and how I would have done things differently ...

I do have alot of guilt and remorse about things


and I also shared this post for other ladies and gents to really think about what you do everyday so that you never have to apologize nor feel bad about anything

Because life can change in an instant...

I love you all, very very much

Thank you for considering me today
mtabsw's Avatar
Marisa - we never met, but I wish you the very best. I sincerely hope you get things going the way you want, and can move on through this.

Good luck, live long and prosper.
Bob the Nailer's Avatar
Bob the Nailer be careful could be your Mother, Daughter, Sister or Wife dealing with the same issues. ..
I don't understand your reply Originally Posted by marisaofdallas
Too bad. As to my family, they will never be dealing with the same issues as you are my dear.

Her submit button has been overwritten with "drama"

Please, just go past this one retort and act like you don't understand it for the good of all mankind.
marisaofdallas's Avatar
Obnoxious and in VERY BAD TASTE
Shame on you

Now go away if you have nothing positive or kind to say

Now for the Good of All Mankind SHUT UP
Bob the Nailer's Avatar
not gonna happen, wouldn't be prudent. Thanks anyway!!!!!!!!!
marisaofdallas's Avatar
Youre welcome sweetheart, Love ya
Your medical bills must be overwhelming. Do you have insurance?

I would like to help you with your medical bills if you need it.
marisaofdallas's Avatar
That isvery kind of you, but to tell you the truth I have full medical coverage with medicaid..

it covers 100 percent of all doctor visits, medical procedures, and prescriptions, for that I am truly grateful

the only thing that it doesn't cover AND THAT I do need help with Isthe water therapy that I was given to do For 6 weeks. .
Baylor Tom Landry Water Therapy is the only of its kind

the doctor at Parkland ordered it, but didn't know that it was not going to be covered by Medicaid, Baylor does not accept any form of Medicaid

the therapy will not only help me physically but the therapist report of the severity of my disability will also help my disability case

I had started therapy 2 weeks ago, I did one appointment and have not been able to afford it since, it is $150 twice a week

that's why I went out and even try to get a job at a restaurant, because I really needed and wanted to do this therapy, I no longer have my job at the cafe, I am simply an on- call employee

if you are someone could help me take care of this directly, I would be so happy!!!

I can give you the direct contact information for my therapist and any other information

please feel free to contact me privately, 2149987701
marisaofdallas's Avatar
The most amazing thing happened to me
I'VE FALLEN IN LOVE WITH AN AMAZING PERSON AND I'VE MOVED TO FORT WORTH And HAVE started a new life with amazing opportunities and family !!
So happy. ..

Miracles do happen
May your miracle find you too....

can anyone give me advise as to whether or not I can completely erase any remnant of my existence on this board? Pictures?my real name and email address are related to this account so when someone googled me they can find things here, can anyone help me figure out how to just disappear? Or is it even possible?