who was that girl Logan hooked us up with

ghost901's Avatar
Let's say we live in my dream world. You talk to this girl and let her know your going to give a few buddies her number that have been here long and that you think are decent guys =)
I just hope I get added into that PM list!
misterburns's Avatar
Logan - you always had the most entertaining posts. Always a great read! Crank out a few more if you can.
did any one happen to get info and logan if u still read can you pm info thanks
luv2luv's Avatar

Let me be the first, and perhaps only, guy to urge you to NOT post or PM any information on this young girl. Can you imagine the chaos you would bring into her life and that of her mother? In all likelihood, the least they would have to do is get a new number. Possibly, they would have to move. Some things just don't need to happen.
Logan brother add me to that list.
toohappy's Avatar
Has anybody heard from Logan on this new girl? I asked for pm and never got one
Chung Tran's Avatar
Has anybody heard from Logan on this new girl? I asked for pm and never got one Originally Posted by toohappy
I think Logan was clear in post #28, that he doesn't think it's a good idea to give her information..
I think Logan was clear in post #28, that he doesn't think it's a good idea to give her information.. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

In b4 no one receives a PM.

Hey guys, I know a mother daughter team who love tag teaming, too. But sorry, no contact info for you guys. They told me not to give it out, because they hate making lots of money.