SO TX - Low Participation

Spoken like a true corporate whore. You still trying to sell that same bulls hit that we are treated equally? We showed what liars you and your boys are dickhead.

This forum went south when you appeared on the scene. Track it. It's clear.

You pricks set up the boys who brought us quality pussy because you wanted them gone. Now that is gone and you tell us we get the board we deserve? Fucking hypocrites!!! Originally Posted by rjdiner
You really need to get with your therapist to work out your delusions!
whatacrock's Avatar
You really need to get with your therapist to work out your delusions! Originally Posted by Optimator
Luigi! How dare you back talk your daddy like that! Why it's almost sacrilegious!
I lurk, i read, i stay away from the bickering and back and forths by people that i don't know. I'm new so i chill and read, i don't participate. #1 rule, if i can't quip in with a funny or pertinent post, i just read. There's no "Shitloads of Drama" vote category, but that's it for me.
I've become rather disgusted with the board lately. When you logon all you read is bickering and insults. And it is not just limited to the recent agency/utr/regulations/violations fiasco. We have certain members, that when certain other members make ANY kind of post, they feel the need to hurl insults. Is this a forum for adults or children?
Just stop the insults and bickering!
We have members that make interesting posts. Keep it up.
If you never or rarely post, give it a shot.
Review the providers you see.
If providers (other than Majesty) would post (other than ads) it would liven up the board (and probably increase their business) !
Let's keep it civil and make this forum enjoyable again.

The preceding was a PSA from the Reasonable Mongers Committee
I've become rather disgusted with the board lately. When you logon all you read is bickering and insults. And it is not just limited to the recent agency/utr/regulations/violations fiasco. We have certain members, that when certain other members make ANY kind of post, they feel the need to hurl insults. Is this a forum for adults or children?
Just stop the insults and bickering!
We have members that make interesting posts. Keep it up.
If you never or rarely post, give it a shot.
Review the providers you see.
If providers (other than Majesty) would post (other than ads) it would liven up the board (and probably increase their business) !
Let's keep it civil and make this forum enjoyable again.

The preceding was a PSA from the Reasonable Mongers Committee Originally Posted by lance58
I wonder how many people left to avoid the cross-fire & drama of threads similar to this.

A few years ago we had flame wars like this on my home board. We chased most of the ladies away from the discussion board. They still advertised, but didn't interact with the community. But then mgmt. started handing out infractions for rude behavior. Discussions are much more civil now & both sides of the aisle are represented.

Yeah, I know - a newbie waltzing in & telling folks how to run their show. But this thread has asked for our opinions on why participation is low. I may be a newbie on this particular board, but I've been dealing with hobby boards for almost 30 years, back to the days text-only newsgroups. Mud slinging & insults will kill a group faster than anything short of a power outage. The usual dynamic is that the group splits into three factions: Hatfields, McCoys, and bystanders (The RMC). First the RMC leave, often for greener pastures. Eventually someone pulls the plug on the feuding group, because the RMC were the ones financially supporting the ladies - our rationale for being here in the first place.

Put me in the Reasonable Mongers Committee (The RMC).
  • STF
  • 12-31-2015, 06:03 PM
We have made claims that most of the revenue comes from the people the most resembles the "RMC" as described by Bit_Banger and Lance58.
Count me amongst the RMC, I'm just here to have fun and enjoy the girls. I'll continue to post reviews of each new girl I encounter and share my experiences. Hope you all sort this drama BS out, And move forward. The choice of girls down here is already limited, and we have (or had) guys who find them for us to go and see. Had a good thing going for sure, don't let it slip away else all we left with is BP and you know how sketchy or unpleasant that can be
hobbylover's Avatar
We have made claims that most of the revenue comes from the people the most resembles the "RMC" as described by Bit_Banger and Lance58. Originally Posted by STF
Revenue for whom? The providers or the board? Having thousands or tens of thousands of views on a thread doesn't benefit anyone but the owners of the board. who do we know that jumps on a thread, stirs the shit and has had tens of thousands of views on threads he/she participated on or started with crazy accusations with nary a ban nor penalty?

Do your research folks...
I've become rather disgusted with the board lately. When you logon all you read is bickering and insults. And it is not just limited to the recent agency/utr/regulations/violations fiasco. We have certain members, that when certain other members make ANY kind of post, they feel the need to hurl insults. Is this a forum for adults or children?
Just stop the insults and bickering!
We have members that make interesting posts. Keep it up.
If you never or rarely post, give it a shot.
Review the providers you see.
If providers (other than Majesty) would post (other than ads) it would liven up the board (and probably increase their business) !
Let's keep it civil and make this forum enjoyable again.

The preceding was a PSA from the Reasonable Mongers Committee Originally Posted by lance58
I don't just post ads. I post memes. lol

Attachment 488099
rjdiner's Avatar
rj, I don't care one way or the other whether you finally get it. What you won't get is your way anymore.

Scream against the machine. The machine rolls on. Learn to function within the guidelines or don't.

I don't give a shit that you don't like it. Those that wish to be informed as to why something like the loss of your SNATCH thread happened will learn. Your schilling for your cronies is just sweet summer rain. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Awe gee did I insult you Dickhead. You're just like the powertripping fuckers who think they're important here. You live to get people banned. The fact is you're a lame lot who has been appointed some limited power because you could never be successful enough to ACHIEVE power on your own. With 20,000 posts we know you need a life. Go ahead and hit the RIM button again.
Victoria Columbari's Avatar
I am sure it is the economy and time of year for how slow it is. Drama may keep some folks away but it does bring
Victoria Columbari's Avatar
oops hit post too soon. Drama is always around and brings some folks in while keeping others out. That is what i meant to finish with.
rjdiner's Avatar
You really need to get with your therapist to work out your delusions! Originally Posted by Optimator
And you need to a 12 step program.
dearhunter's Avatar
Awe gee did I insult you Dickhead. You're just like the powertripping fuckers who think they're important here. You live to get people banned. The fact is you're a lame lot who has been appointed some limited power because you could never be successful enough to ACHIEVE power on your own. With 20,000 posts we know you need a life. Go ahead and hit the RIM button again. Originally Posted by rjdiner
Your whining is sweet music to my ears. Thanck you for participating.