Houston Red Lght Cameras....

LexusLover's Avatar
If they wanna make us safe delay the lights !!!! Originally Posted by adi
The red or the green?


Notice the vehicles coming to a stop on the otherside of the intersection ...

.... they are in the "majority"... as in more of them!
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 07-12-2011, 05:46 AM
LL, very good explanation...much appreciated....

D_J, damn bro, once again we think exactly alike. My views on this are exactly what you just articulated. I could not have said it any better.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
You mean the former mayor and asshole city council members who passed the 3 ft rule law?

Or the other former mayor and asshole city council members who passed the 750 foot from a school or church law?

Yeah, I didn't vote for them again either...but somehow they got re-elected.
Originally Posted by gnadfly
A bit off topic but since this has truned into a political discussion the 3 ft 750 ft thingy cam into being in 1998. Old Big Bob Lenier was the Mayor but the chief blamies would be the city council.
LexusLover's Avatar
A bit off topic but since this has truned into a political discussion .... Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
In today's economic environment a "cost-benefit" analysis is political.
LittleSpike's Avatar
The bottom line is that the cameras are a revenue generating scam. I received one of their tickets in the mail, and it wasn't even my vehicle (or license number) in the photo.
Needless to say I didn't pay it, but it was a waste of my time to straighten out the matter.

It is my understanding that the judge ruled that the vote was improperly put on the ballot... aka it was a procedure issue...

Had they followed the rules doing that, the vote would have been legit.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Needless to say I didn't pay it, but it was a waste of my time to straighten out the matter.

LS Originally Posted by LittleSpike

Exactly. My dad felt the same way.
Darth Houston's Avatar
The city put the case in federal court because it knew it was more likely the judge would rule the way it wanted (in favor of the red light cameras) in federal court. Typical politicians: we know what is best for you, never mind what you say, and give us money to feed our corruption machine.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Some times the air is a bit fresher at the higher levels of discourse. Try it. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I've always considered you to be opinionated, but the "higher levels of discourse" is another subject for another day. I guess we can agree to disagree on that subject.

...until the taxpayers cough up the dough to post an officer at every friggin controlled intersection in the city ... 24/7 ... at an estimated cost of about $250,000 or more a year FOR EACH INTERSECTION.... so knuckleheads cannot exercise their "right" to blast through intersections to save a few minutes of their precious time. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Oh please...don't you think that statement is (putting this nicely) a little over the top?

D_J, damn bro, once again we think exactly alike. My views on this are exactly what you just articulated. I could not have said it any better. Originally Posted by Satin
High praise from 'THE MAN!'. Thanks amigo.
Smoke2nd's Avatar
I got a violation notice a couple years ago. It was my vehicle, and it did run the red light. I asked for an administrative hearing, and the reply was a dismissal.
Apparently they are not set-up to contest someone who wants to fight them. They are set-up to collect the revenue they receive.
These violation notices are not under the jurisdiction of any court, so it is a pure scam.
This was my experience.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
I got a violation notice a couple years ago. It was my vehicle, and it did run the red light. I asked for an administrative hearing, and the reply was a dismissal.
Apparently they are not set-up to contest someone who wants to fight them. They are set-up to collect the revenue they receive.
These violation notices are not under the jurisdiction of any court, so it is a pure scam.
This was my experience. Originally Posted by Smoke2nd
Aren't we supposed to be able to face our accusers? Or is this just one big intimidation scene where we are just supposed to write a check because we just got a 'bill'?
  • adi
  • 07-13-2011, 12:33 AM
[QUOTE=LexusLover;1464778]The red or the green?


Notice the vehicles coming to a stop on the otherside of the intersection ...

.... they are in the "majority"... as in more of them![/QUO

No disrespect LL but thats 1 in a million . I dont want big brother controlling everything this stuff has to stop.
LexusLover's Avatar
No disrespect LL but thats 1 in a million . I dont want big brother controlling everything this stuff has to stop. Originally Posted by adi
You don't want "big brother" controlling intersections?

What's one in a million?

Idiots accelerating to run red lights?

I hate to break it to you, but the cameras were not set up to spy on you, nor were the ones on the toll roads. They were set up because people either are too ignorant of the laws regulating traffic or they simply are so self-centered that they believe that "the laws" apply to everyone else but them. And that is just the folks who are driving sober.

Never have seen more people advocating or excusing running red lights....in writing no less. Some funny stuff.

Here's #2 "in a million"...

In that one the pedestrian was not as fortunate. Remember?
LexusLover's Avatar
It is my understanding that the judge ruled that the vote was improperly put on the ballot... aka it was a procedure issue...

Had they followed the rules doing that, the vote would have been legit. Originally Posted by Spirit13
+1 ....

The operative phrase in this discussion and this thread is ...

"Had they followed the rules ..... "

See: Texas Transportation Code.
topcat19542001's Avatar
I think we should take the sledge hammers and not only take down the cameras, but take down the traffic lights too. We’ll just operate on the “honor system.” But let’s not stop there, let’s remove the Mayor and all the councilmen. Who needs them, they just do stuff to piss us off. The city/county court system??? Take it down, it’s just a bunch of laws that nobody's paying attention to anyway. But let’s not stop. The Governor, he’s gotta go. Lieutenant governor too, and the Senators and state legislators. And let’s repeat this with all 50 states and territories. But wait, we’re not done. Let’s move to the Feds, they all gotta go, from the President on down. The courts? Gone. The prisons? Burn them down with the prisoners still in them! Or maybe a good hunt. And do we need a military? Nope. Total waste of money.

So there we have it. No taxes, no laws. Finally, only the people that work will have any gold to spend. That’s right… there’s no money in a lawless land. Just gold. Everything will be easy to understand. Everything will be black or white. The middle class won’t complain, hell, there won’t BE any middle class. You ask about the poor and disabled? Yeah, there’ll be a few beggars at first. No problem there, you’ll learn to ignore them. Most of us true Libertarians have been doing it for years. And eventually they’ll “starve, starve, starve,” like that American hero John Hagee said. That man truly comes from Gawd. We could call ourselves the United States of Somalia. Oh Somalia, that’s already taken. No matter, where’s my hammer, damn it? Let’s take ‘er down!

I'm just sayin'.