There is no war on cops

Budman's Avatar
Everyone is a hypocrite at some point in their life. I'm just admitting it. Anyone who says they've never been one is a liar. That's the TROOF. Originally Posted by WombRaider

So if he is a hypocrite and not worth your time and everyone is a hypocrite then no one is worth your time. You're a fucking idiot.
So if he is a hypocrite and not worth your time and everyone is a hypocrite then no one is worth your time. You're a fucking idiot. Originally Posted by Budman
I said at some point, not all the time. Are you one of those retards that I need to spell everything out for? His statement is hypocritical. He is in the act of being a hypocrite. Unless he reconciles that, he's not worth my time. I continue to wonder why I'm worth yours... you're free to leave at any point.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Las Vegas is a myth too, spin doctor.
That graph is probably misleading. Don't think for a minute police work isn't dangerous. Cops are getting shot at all the time in large cities. The reason the death rate due to GSW is low in that graph is partly due to the fact more Police Depts are providing ballistic vests to their officers. So if there is a war on Cops maybe the cops are winning.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
And maybe the cops time on the range working on their shot groupings has a wee bit to do with who walks away from that gunfight too.
Budman's Avatar
I said at some point, not all the time. Are you one of those retards that I need to spell everything out for? His statement is hypocritical. He is in the act of being a hypocrite. Unless he reconciles that, he's not worth my time. I continue to wonder why I'm worth yours... you're free to leave at any point. Originally Posted by WombRaider

It's fun to point out your hypocrisy and foolish statements. I'm not on here everyday, all day like you but when I do log on it is only a matter of minutes before I find another foolish statement by you. You should really consider weaning yourself off of eccie. I think you're addicted to making a fool of yourself.
And maybe the cops time on the range working on their shot groupings has a wee bit to do with who walks away from that gunfight too. Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
That too.

OH never mind him. His research abilities are really bad. We all know what's going on. OH but I forgot the media he follows didn't inform him what the leaders of obama's panthers have said about open season on whites and cops. But I guess since it's afters whites, it's ok then. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Wait until he starts one of his spews about economics ! With as much money as he's making at the gloryhole franchises he has in Arkansas, you'd think he'd have a better "handle" on it !
I said at some point, not all the time. Are you one of those retards that I need to spell everything out for? His statement is hypocritical. He is in the act of being a hypocrite. Unless he reconciles that, he's not worth my time. I continue to wonder why I'm worth yours... you're free to leave at any point. Originally Posted by WombRaider
this coming from woomby a 30-year-old man who has never grown up. This is evident in his lack of ambition,(hanging out on the eccie political forum all day and nite ) the fact that he's living over his parents' garage, and maybe most apparent in his job at Tally Whackers . Hilarity ensues as woomby interacts with his family and friends while working the glory holes at the truck stops
Quote the post where I said that. ONE person made a phone call. One. And to you, that constitutes an absolute truth in the statement that there's a war on cops, but the countless incidents of police brutality against minorities doesn't indicate anything to you. Until you explain how you square those two things, you're a hypocrite and not worth my time. Originally Posted by WombRaider
The same thing happened in San Antonio Texas after 2 Sherriff's Deputies shot and killed a knife wielding chapete ( one of YOUR RAZA, woomby ! ) 2 weeks ago. There was an "anonymous" phone call to the local Police within days of the incident saying that if their wasn't justice for the deceased, then it would be open season on ALL law enforcement around San Antonio. So it NOT just one incident, you lying liberal cum guzzler !
Exactly. And with crime rates flat for the last 50 years, I'm not sure how there is more of a war now than there ever has been. I think it's a product of 24-hour news and being inundated with information. It tricks the mind into thinking something is more prevalent now than it really is. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Crimes rates have not been flat for the last 50 years. Don't you read any newspapers?

Crime has been dropping steadily since the late 80s, about 15-16 years after Roe vs. Wade (1973) started reducing the number of unwanted teenage boys who would be reaching the start of their criminal careers.

But before that, crime had been steadily rising.

So, if crime is now back down to the rate it was at in 1965, that doesn't mean it was flat for 50 years.

Climbing to a peak and then dropping off is not "flat" in any sense of the word.

And the War on Cops graphic is idiotic. It goes back past 1875.

The War on Cops only refers to an alleged rise in attacks on cops that has occurred in the last year or so.

I'm not saying its true that there is a War on Cops. I'm just saying the graph is utterly useless.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Exactly. And with crime rates flat for the last 50 years, I'm not sure how there is more of a war now than there ever has been. I think it's a product of 24-hour news and being inundated with information. It tricks the mind into thinking something is more prevalent now than it really is. Originally Posted by WombRaider
if that is true, how's that gun argument of yours working out?

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Exactly. And with crime rates flat for the last 50 years, I'm not sure how there is more of a war now than there ever has been. I think it's a product of 24-hour news and being inundated with information. It tricks the mind into thinking something is more prevalent now than it really is. Originally Posted by WombRaider

if that's a "flat" graph so are your brain waves.

It's a myth the numbers simply don't support. Originally Posted by WombRaider
If anything the cops are safer than ever, but they still cry out like a typical bitch.
If anything the cops are safer than ever, but they still cry out like a typical bitch. Originally Posted by The Black Tornado
I wouldn't say they are safer than ever. They still have to drive. Most cops fear getting into a fatal car accident than getting shot. In fact that's how most cops die on duty in this country is through fatal car crashes.

It's fun to point out your hypocrisy and foolish statements. I'm not on here everyday, all day like you but when I do log on it is only a matter of minutes before I find another foolish statement by you. You should really consider weaning yourself off of eccie. I think you're addicted to making a fool of yourself. Originally Posted by Budman
And you're addicted to sucking cock. We all have our cross to bear. Wean yourself off that dick. Probably help your marriage. Wait, no it won't, because it's your wife's dick you're sucking...