kerwil62's Avatar
Shit I don't know. It's waaayyyyy too many that I wanna smash.

OK here goes off the top of my head:

1. Undecided
2. Avatar chick
1) Choosing from this board is tough, but if it's a Doomsday fuck, I'm going down with Amusemeant.

2) Melissa McCarthy - I'm one of the few guys who watched Gilmore Girls (the SO kinda made me). Sookie made it more than bearable.

Originally Posted by Justin_Scott
Ok Justin you got me!!!!! Thank you so much!!! I'm totally down!!!

Of course I hope you won't mind me inviting all the mods and holding a super gang bang!!!!!

Superstar - anyone on the planet hmmmmm....that's not easy for me...maybe I would have a threesome with T.O. and Ocho Cinco!!!!
Are we talking someone we haven't seen?

1. Bianca Page
2. Rose McGowan
I'm a believer of the doomsday in December next year and live my life accordingly now!

1. Holly of Houston

2. Anna Faris I've had a boner for her now since The Hot Chick and The House Bunny!!!

Originally Posted by Holysheepshit
Well, if the nuclear crap in Japan doesn't get us first it could be 2012. But the latest updates don't look so good. So I say...PANIC SEX FOR EVERYONE!! BTW..Anna is indeed hottt.
Jessica Alba and Salma Hayek
i always want it more often
Ok Justin you got me!!!!! Thank you so much!!! I'm totally down!!!

Of course I hope you won't mind me inviting all the mods and holding a super gang bang!!!!!

Superstar - anyone on the planet hmmmmm....that's not easy for me...maybe I would have a threesome with T.O. and Ocho Cinco!!!! Originally Posted by amusemeant
Sweet! An apocalyptic gangbang... it's a date!
Sweet! An apocalyptic gangbang... it's a date! Originally Posted by Justin_Scott
Too Funny!
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 03-16-2011, 09:45 PM
Well sexy I'm under you again and I love it...

Wow, I can't believe I'm being mentioned in the same sentence as Vin Diesel! You serious? Ok, here's the question...if you had to pick between me and Vin, who would it be? Hmm...:-)

There's nobody I'm dying for on Icky, but there's plenty civilians I would love for me and you to have a 3-some with...Shakira,Rhianna, Jessica Alba, Ja- Lo, Scarlett
AshrDashr's Avatar
1. AllofAmber
2. Jessica Biel or Selma Hayek
1 Not sure
2 Kiana Kim Shes fucking hott!!!

AshrDashr's Avatar
Hot damn Homer. I have no idea who that is but she just made my top 10.
Top 10 Ashr?? You gotta show me who you would put above her, she's my top pick, I'd leave my SO in a heart beat for her.
ShysterJon's Avatar
1. shyster john -I've seen his dirty pics and he looks like a wild man
2. christian bale Originally Posted by incognito isis
Am I to understand I'm at the top of a girl's sex "to-do" list, ahead of Christian Bale? I feel honored. But I can't help thinking perhaps a mistake has been made. Haha.

And while I'm here -- HEY H-TOWN! Is Club "No Minor" still open, and that place near Westheimer and Kirby where you can have sex on a couch in the dark and get served drinks? Inquiring minds wanna know!
  • Taint
  • 03-18-2011, 10:11 AM
If you are talking about Marfreless, with the door underneath the fire stairs, yeah, pretty sure it's still there. It's off of West Gray on Peden St and McDuffie (near Kirby). I had some damn good times at that place...