BOOM: Hunter Biden 'dossier' pushed by right-wing conspiracy theorists, including Trump's close associates, seems to be fake according to NBC. Martin Aspen who "authored" the report does not exist.

Jacuzzme's Avatar
Seems like Turcker Carlson “lost” the only documents that were going to incriminate Hunter Biden.

And then the dog ate his birth certificate. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
He didn’t lose anything, they had copies. Try’n keep up.
texassapper's Avatar
Boom indeed....
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Boom indeed.... Originally Posted by texassapper
Thanks, mate - for bumping this...

### Salty
... Well lookie there! ... The NY Times has FINALLLLY admitted
the Hunter Biden laptop is REAL after-all.

A lot of their-own "reporters" and main stream media hacks
and lowbrow celebritys were ALL telling us it was surely
"Russian dis-information" and would censure anyone who
wouldn't agree.

... There's yer honest press...

Wonderin' if the propaganda in Iran is this bad.

#### Salty
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SNICK Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

do you like to eat your SNICK with ketchup and mustard?

bambino's Avatar
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Well, that didn't age very well. We told you so.
Precious_b's Avatar
How many times they take this guy to court?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
U.S. Intelligence Operations Against Americans
The story is bigger than Hunter Biden's Laptop

The New York Times has confirmed what the public has long-known: that the Hunter Biden laptop, with all its incriminating e-mails and scandalous media, is authentic.

This is the laptop that launched a thousand lies.

The lies came from CNN’s Brian Stelter, who claimed the “real story” wasn’t the laptop (which he suggested was Russian disinformation), but the how the story was manufactured.

Then there were the lies from Leslie Stahl of 60 Minutes, who argued that the Hunter Biden laptop “can’t be verified.” Not that verification could or could not happen – but that it was impossible...

...Intelligence Operations against Americans

Anyways, back to the lies about Hunter Biden that helped influence an election. These weren’t limited to the usual suspects in media: Stelter, CNN, etc. Instead, we saw them from more than 50 former senior intelligence officials, from directors of the CIA to directors of the National Security Agency, who accused the damaging Hunter Biden information of being part of a Russian effort to interfere “in our democracy.”

Those officials included General Michael Hayden (a former director of both the CIA and NSA); John Brennan (former CIA Director); James Clapper (former Director of National Intelligence); and Leon Panetta (former CIA Director).

This was just another information campaign by the Intelligence Community, instituted for the purpose of influencing the 2020 election. The Intelligence Community (including those in its orbit and its former members) manipulated public opinion through the press to remove President Trump, to disenfranchise his voters and thwart President Trump’s agenda, to keep us in Afghanistan, and to keep us at odds with Russia...

Precious_b's Avatar
When did he go to court?
Surely all that "evidence" would cause a guilty conviction.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
SNICK Originally Posted by Yssup Rider