Koch brothers buying influence with Texas goobernatorial candidate Abbott

HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
As sure are the elite that will be their fall...you have no control over the people. . .need I say more?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You mention "Koch Brothers"...they only care about profit, not people. I have something to say about "privatization". . .it is not for the common good, neither is it democratic! Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie

Ahhhh, democratic.... Deb did you know that founders of this country hated the idea of democracy? They believed in the republican form of government. Democracy is nothing more than mob rule...with better manners. The Bill of Rights was an attempt to protect people from a democracy otherwise 51% of the American people would have voted (really more like 51% of the 38% who vote) to kick every Arab/Persian/Muslim person out of the country after 9/11.

"Privatizatin" beats centralized government controlled services everytime for efficiency and delivery of services. Imagine if we had a private US Army. We wouldn't have to worry about public opinion and the army could dictate terms to the losers (all that oil) plus we wouldn't have to worry about rules and human rights. We do what has to be done and move on. (should I put a sarcasm alert here or is it obvious?). Otherwise, private beats public because getting services to the public is the goal of private and obeying the rules and regs is the goal of public (see government) services.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
God, what an asshole!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
God, i'm an asshole! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
There. Finally some truth.

HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
The o'blamers will defend anything of the right. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
How true! And the Koch Brothers are a huge monopoly with several smaller corporations under them. Very corrupt and out for one thing: more money and more power!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Deb what is wrong with getting more money. Would you turn down a tip? When the Koch brothers (there are actually five of them) try to make more money it usually results in more jobs created. Do you have something against job creation? In fact, that is how an economy works. Someone has an idea and they raise money or borrow money to make a start. They have to hire some employees and if they're lucky and the idea is good...they make a profit. Now you seem to be against profit but most companies take the profit and plow it back into the business. They buy more equipment, maybe a larger building, and they hire more employees. If the demand increases and they try to increase the demand by marketing then they make more profit which they plow back into the business. Even when you become a millionaire you create jobs in order make more money for yourself.