For Now I Believe Justin Fairfax

bambino's Avatar
But the dim-retards ARE embracing racism.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
And they’re asking the black man to resign, not the two white guys.
I B Hankering's Avatar
No problem...Republicans invented the term fake news as an alternate meaning for "I Can't Handle The Truth" Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

All of this technology at your fingertips, and you still manage to be wrong.

Where Does The Term ‘Fake News’ Come From? The 1890s, Apparently

LexusLover's Avatar
... you have another rapist on the SCOTUS Originally Posted by themystic
I don't "have" anyone on the SCOTUS ... do you?

But just to prove how ignorant you are who is "other rapist" on the SCOTUS.....Clarence Thomas?

Now look who is the racist!!!!
LexusLover's Avatar

All of this technology at your fingertips, and you still manage to be wrong.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
He doesn't "manage" he PREFERS to be wrong!

When SocialistLiberalAntiTrumpers look in the mirror they recognize their flaws immediately and venture into deep emotional and intellectual self-flagellation. Their defensive mode is to attack others with the expectation of distracting from their own recognized deficiencies. The insecurity is overwhelming. The ultimate solution is elimination of their opponents.

They are now starting at birth with postpartum abortion.
because you are racists Originally Posted by themystic
You sure he's not a Nazi...
Yet the lefties here neglect to mention that the BLACK Caucus in Virginia has said Fairfax needs to resign. Are those black men and women racist now too? Funny to see the crying when one of theirs gets the Kavanaugh treatment. Only there's actual evidence against Fairfax.
you do not wish to aggravate me because once I'm aggravated you will be issued points. For Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
If you are a MOD why did you cry to the MODS to STOP ANYONE from commenting on your ridiculous race filled are so full of yourself and the BS within yourself you can't even get your lies they say once a liar always a liar.
You said MONTHS ago you were going to self-banned...more of your BS.
I like how you start posts about others that have issues within the hobby and than chest pound about how you're one BIG BAD MOFO and will have every one running and cowering at the sight of I don't want to get you might wipe out an entire army are the biggest blow hard!!
Here is your crying to the MOBS thread...why would you start that thread if you were a MOD?? You say...sometimes I just want to post and not read any feedback...what you should have said IF you were honest...I want to post complete nonsense bullshit and not let ANYONE call me out on it!!
AIN'T that right SC...we do want anyone to aggravate you!!
themystic's Avatar
If you are a MOD why did you cry to the MODS to STOP ANYONE from commenting on your ridiculous race filled are so full of yourself and the BS within yourself you can't even get your lies they say once a liar always a liar.
You said MONTHS ago you were going to self-banned...more of your BS.
I like how you start posts about others that have issues within the hobby and than chest pound about how you're one BIG BAD MOFO and will have every one running and cowering at the sight of I don't want to get you might wipe out an entire army are the biggest blow hard!!
Here is your crying to the MOBS thread...why would you start that thread if you were a MOD?? You say...sometimes I just want to post and not read any feedback...what you should have said IF you were honest...I want to post complete nonsense bullshit and not let ANYONE call me out on it!!
AIN'T that right SC...we do want anyone to aggravate you!! Originally Posted by bb1961
settle the fuck down bb. no need in getting worked up. while I think politically you are mentally retarded, personally you are probably a nice, yet misguided soul. its unfortunate that your city mates Jackie and gnadfly bring so little to the table. I think it was that Vietnam thing when they served with that Indian guy Nathan. btw SC is an American Patriot
settle the fuck down bb. no need in getting worked up. while I think politically you are mentally retarded, personally you are probably a nice, yet misguided soul. its unfortunate that your city mates Jackie and gnadfly bring so little to the table. I think it was that Vietnam thing when they served with that Indian guy Nathan. btw SC is an American Patriot Originally Posted by themystic
You need to get back in your cave...that is where beatniks belong...the nonsense you always post when you have no cogent revert to condescension and name can't defend defenseless nonsense...say your a "capitalist" and do nothing but shill for the left...what other sane capitalist does...that is why Howard Schultz is thinking about running independent...HE CAN"T STOMACH THE LEFT...who can blame him!!

SC an American patriot...WHO HATES AMERICA...Gotcha!!
From a delusional mine comes delusional thought...
themystic's Avatar
You need to get back in your cave...that is where beatniks belong...the nonsense you always post when you have no cogent revert to condescension and name can't defend defenseless nonsense...say your a "capitalist" and do nothing but shill for the left...what other sane capitalist does...that is why Howard Schultz is thinking about running independent...HE CAN"T STOMACH THE LEFT...who can blame him!!

SC an American patriot...WHO HATES AMERICA...Gotcha!!
From a delusional mine comes delusional thought... Originally Posted by bb1961
Im still waiting for the "deep intellectual insight of the Trump voter". What a bunch of deplorable baby killers

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bambino's Avatar
Im still waiting for the "deep intellectual insight of the Trump voter". What a bunch of deplorable baby killers

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by themystic
We’re still waiting for an original thought from you.
themystic's Avatar
We’re still waiting for an original thought from you. Originally Posted by bambino
Here's one. Trump voters are to embarrassed to admit they were conned by a coward and a liar
Here's one. Trump voters are to embarrassed to admit they were conned by a coward and a liar Originally Posted by themystic
Let's see he's now a coward...must be the new talking point from the left...I guess the other derogatory adjectives are getting worn out...TM you definitely can come up with new ones all on your own
Coward is not an original thought...good try though!!
themystic's Avatar
Let's see he's now a coward...must be the new talking point from the left...I guess the other derogatory adjectives are getting worn out...TM you definitely can come up with new ones all on your own
Coward is not an original thought...good try though!! Originally Posted by bb1961
hes a coon man and you know it. you got cooned
LexusLover's Avatar
We’re still waiting for an original thought from you. Originally Posted by bambino
You're not holding your breath are you?

Pisslosi has wet her depends and Trump is on a roll. She's become intellectually insignificant.