$300 rates and Up?

lauralucks's Avatar
I haven't read through the posts, but pricing is arbitrary. Some ladies like less $400 sessions than more $200 sessions.

Also, have you seen gas and food prices lately? $100 barely fills the tank.
KristenDiAngelo's Avatar
I am one of those providers that charge in excess of $300...and I'm not for everyone. But I do provide a service that most can't get elsewhere. I stay in 4 and 5 stars hotels, I have travel expenses, and I eat on the road, all adding to the overhead of a business. I provide discretion, compassion, and most of all...experience. More experience than most. This is what I do, I am not just another pretty face. In some areas of the country, and world...( as I've worked in many places)....$500 (my hourly rate), is a lower end experience, it others it is about the most expensive in the area. It's all relative, to where you are and your socioeconomic status in life. I think you will find the same in all service industries, there is a spectrum of cost that ranges from the low end to the high...I know the economy sucks (my technical word for the day), and inflation is effecting everyone. I think the adult industry is unfortunately the same...I have been lucky enough to keep my prices steady for about 8 or 9 years now, and I hope to keep them the same for some time in the future...I'll keep my fingers crossed....in the mean time, if you have never played in this end of the industry, well, you should try it once, and then you tell me if it was worth it, but please do your research, as just like any other experience, you do want to make sure you get what you are looking for...

With all due respect ladies like you are a dime a dozen. You provide an experience. Everyone provides an experience at some level or another. Mouaaah.

You wouldn't need to charge the excessive $300 an hour rate if you didn't stay in 4 and 5 star hotels and eat out every meal. Give us a break. $300 an hour ladies are few and fewer and farther between than the norm.

I've done exceptionally well in life financially and I would never consider excessive rates for "strange".

With all due respect ladies like you are a dime a dozen. You provide an experience. Everyone provides an experience at some level or another. Mouaaah.

You wouldn't need to charge the excessive $300 an hour rate if you didn't stay in 4 and 5 star hotels and eat out every meal. Give us a break. $300 an hour ladies are few and fewer and farther between than the norm.

I've done exceptionally well in life financially and I would never consider excessive rates for "strange". Originally Posted by Pflugerbill

And I would assume that to Kristen you are a dime a dozen as well. To me the experience I seek is more important than the money I spend. That is just the delivery mechanism. I see a lot of these same posts and just have to laugh. It seems the money issue is more important than the experience.

JoeBlow spends $1000 on 5 providers and still lacks what he was seeking in the first place.

JoeSomebody spends $500 on one provider and has the experience of a lifetime.

Who has got the most value for his buck?
KristenDiAngelo's Avatar
It is true I could stay in less desirable settings, but many of my clients would be comfortable in less. As you said it is the whole experience, on top of the assurance of discretion. The places I stay I pick for a reason as one would a store front business, not any place will do. Also, because I'm from California, when on the road, I need to eat out as a kitchen is not easily packable. Not to mention the cost of living in CA. I could also only work locally....but why, my life is in so many cities, as are my memories and my favorite people.

It is a shame that with the internet and this age of instant information, that this art has fallen by the wayside and been replaced with the next "fresh face"...although there is an allure to that and it is very wonderful, and necessary....it doesn't replace a life time of knowledge and experience.

So...I may not be for you, nor may the other women who are true professionals....ummm...but you so don't know what you are missing.....
KristenDiAngelo's Avatar
Thank you Joe....you are such a gentleman...xoxo, k
... next time your in Austin a PM would be welcome
I guess things have changed in the last ten years or so. It seems that every providers these days rates rate $300 and up. Some have even $400 and $450 rates. What happens to the $150-$200 rates?

Out! Originally Posted by Beach81
I wonder if this OP is equally amazed that his dollar buys less (other services/goods) than it did ten years ago. They say inflation is the tool of the rich, it keeps the lower and middle class in check and secures the upper classes position as untouchable. It's easy to inflate when you can print money at will, especially when you do so from the Federal Reserve which is neither "Federal" or "a reserve"
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
I agree with Pflugerbill for the most part. I've payed well over $1000/hr before, and my experience is that there is a diminishing return over $200/250 mark. It's different in every city, and it's different depending on economy and times. However, wherever you are, whenever you are, there is a "sweet spot" in hobbying (as well as other shopping experiences). Above that, you're paying for things that are, for the most part, frivolous - brand name, triple stitching on something that didn't even need double stitching, etc..
Texasquest's Avatar
I find it comical that people will put down what they cant afford..If you go to the grocery store and see steak for $4.99 a lb but you can only want to pay $2.99 a lb...You can either not have steak or shop around untill you find steak in your price range..Lambasting the perceived quality of the steak is assinine..First of all if you hadnt even tasted that particular steak How can you even make an assumption about its tastes and or qualitys..The point is the gals here have the right to set their own prices...The gents have the right to either to pay that price..or not....Obviously some gents find the the higher prices acceptable..because if they didnt the Gals wouldnt have any Business..This is a free market and is driven by supply and demand..If a
provider prices herself too high for what she is offering she will have NO clients..But just because she has enough clients to make her business as profitable as she deems acceptable is her right..Just as with any other business offering any other Service or Item...
I find it comical that people will put down what they cant afford..If you go to the grocery store and see steak for $4.99 a lb but you can only want to pay $2.99 a lb...You can either not have steak or shop around untill you find steak in your price range..Lambasting the perceived quality of the steak is assinine..First of all if you hadnt even tasted that particular steak How can you even make an assumption about its tastes and or qualitys..The point is the gals here have the right to set their own prices...The gents have the right to either to pay that price..or not....Obviously some gents find the the higher prices acceptable..because if they didnt the Gals wouldnt have any Business..This is a free market and is driven by supply and demand..If a
provider prices herself too high for what she is offering she will have NO clients..But just because she has enough clients to make her business as profitable as she deems acceptable is her right..Just as with any other business offering any other Service or Item... Originally Posted by Texasquest

Exactly! I value quality over quantity ever time!
Guest060513's Avatar
Why are they charging as much as they deserve to? Because they can. And if they can then why the heck not? We work hard to RAISE our value over time, not undo all that for no good reason just so Mr. Haggler or Gripe can get a piece of the cherry pie. You want us to be charities? Fine, no problem. But let's see you be as charitable too, eh? lol Yeah, didn't think so. Look at it this way: How would you feel if your boss told you they wanted you to do the same work, but for less money? Pshhh! Eff that. lol

So in regards to the comment about girls being insulted by a man telling them they should be cheaper... I too hate that, it IS insulting! Sure honey, you want me to cut my rate by 50% for ya? Oh ya sure fine. But how would you feel if get rushed & scooted out the door in half the time? You get what you pay for. (Please note I absolutely would never do such a thing, it goes against my personal standards of behaviour, I vowed not to be like that crappy provider experience I had as a client in vegas one time.)

And to the comment about "at that rate her pussy better be lined with gold" Aw cmon Speedracer, don't be like that. I know you were joking so no harm no foul but you know what, you do bring up the exact same thing I have actually heard someone say to me before, in regards to my own rate. And to him I said: How rude. Because the hole between the legs is ALL your "paying for" in your mind, I see. Whatever, suit yourself.* Other more sophisticated men & women here know it is everything ELSE that is what makes the cost different. Do I have to have an upscale high rise private condo incall that costs $2500/mo? Keep it stocked with plush bedding & towels, drinks & refreshments for you in the fridge, etc etc? Have gourmet candles flickering & your favorite music playing when you arrive? Have an extensive collection of very nice & often very expensive lingerie, hosiery, shoes & clothing I carefully select to wear for you based on your personal likes, preferences or fantasies? No. I suppose I could just get a dank little room at the pay by the hour motel on the seedy, sketchy side of town & wait for you in cheap tacky garb or wearing nothing but a vacant dreary look in my eyes for that matter. Just cuz you don't want no frills, all you need is a poosayy to poke & you don't wanna spend over fiddy for it. Lol..
Yeah. No thanks.
I could be cheaper sure, but there are tons of absolutely cute, beautiful, perky, sensual lovely ladies out there who are, and still offer a great time to you while still staying reasonably affordably priced in nicer hotel incalls, etc-- they're all over this board, so take your pick. Me, *I* get turned on more by the more luxurious experience myself, so that is simply what I choose to cater to.

*This guy had me reminded of when I ran a luxury car lot a few years ago. Never failed, this Joe Shmoe would always pull up, park his Tercel, etc, meander around the lot just browsing around.. scowling at every price tag he saw. Were the cars overpriced? Heck no, they were a jem. Low mileage, hard to find, rare beauties & customs. He was just resentful because they were out of his budget. Still, he would try to haggle, get us to practically give a car away at a loss.. as if he would be doing us a favor to take it at that, like we were desperate or something. Lol. I had to explain to him that I simply had no reason to sell him one of my beauties at cost or loss when there was always a buyer who recognized the value & happily purchased my cars at the deal listed. His attitude was basically that a car is just a car, as long as it gets you from point a to point b what else are you really paying for? In the end I finally had to very politely ask him not to kick the tires if he couldn't afford the car. *sigh* Some people just don't get it, never have, never will... UNTIL the day they elevate themselves to afford something more luxurious or high performance-- THEN they WILL see what the fuss is all about.

And inevitably I must implore-- to any of the Ladies, please do not let this be taken as some sort of insult or offensive or personal in any way. I hate seeing these things turn into yet another debate about "what exactly are you trying to say my rate says about me huh?" It's really, truly, not like that AT ALL. The point of the story was the timewasting tirekicker not appreciating what an extra hundred dollars on his monthly car payment could get him. I also worked at Nissan for awhile, among others. And to be honest, I am such an impressed fan of the brand & the cars, I would probably choose me a nice Z over a doubly priced Mercedes from my lux lot any day. So, to each his own.
If some other guy's gotta feel like they're buying the baller experience, live & let live. The great thing about this hobby is there is something for everybody, so let's all just find our perfect fits, yeah?

/rant over. lol
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I am all for a lady pricing herself as she feels fits her...I just personaly never understood what a $300/hr Va jay jay can do different then my $160 lady bits..Just as tight, just as much control even does tricks ....
Guest060513's Avatar
Whew-eeee! Was that long enough for ya'll? Hahaha! Sorry, truly am. I think that was about 5 posts I have been meaning to make that allo came pouring out in one once the related topics were mentioned.
I hope everyone can get that I am not a prissy stuck up snooty b1tchy type, honestly everything I say I tend to say with a smile & a laugh.. I just have a more dry sarcasm, etc.. Ya really gotta know me in person to get a proper gauge on my intended tone & attitude. So I hope the inadvertent diatribe doesn't fuel even more of a heated debate or anything! kthnxbye.
Guest060513's Avatar
I am all for a lady pricing herself as she feels fits her...I just personaly never understood what a $300/hr Va jay jay can do different then my $160 lady bits..Just as tight, just as much control even does tricks .... Originally Posted by VictoriaLyn
Ooh.. you had me at tricks I wanna see I wanna see! lol

But seriously, like I said, IMHO its not the vajayjay that garners the extra $. It's simply the supply & demand, if they are popular, they can bump it up & still have a healthy client supply. Or like others rightfully suggested, these girls would rather take half as many clients at $400 than twice as many at $200.