More $ for Greek? Really!

rachet3375's Avatar
Spoken, like the original post, like a man who has never had a colonoscopy! Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Not quite sure how you took my post. As a matter of fact I have had a colonoscopy and the prep for that was no fun. I like greek to clear that point up just not every time. I don't go into a session with that being foremost item on my agenda, however if I know the lady likes it I am more than willing to oblige. I just don't care to upgrade merely fo rmy own enjoyment. I saw three providers in about a weeks time recently and all three insisted on greek, wow! that was wild! Go for months no mention of greek and then get the hat trick. All I am saying is... I forgot what I was saying, gotta go smoke a cigarette. WALDT, right?
BTW...more power to the ladies that do like the greek and to them that don't.... It is your ass to do with as you damn well wish, I have nothing but respect for that.
PeterParker's Avatar
I love me some Greek and I've never had a problem with the extra charge, precisely because of what Dannie and others have said. It's a premium service.
Everyone knows you can't have my starfish!

A few years ago I posted that if you paid $1oo per every inch you were hard on top of my hrly rate then you could have it!

It was funny until someone really offered to pay I declined!

I WILL NEVER NEVER NEVER GIVE IT UP! Originally Posted by berkleigh
Berk...thanks for terminology update for my vocabulary. When you mentioned your starfish...I thought what. Then when I visualized that is accurate. Another term in my arsenal.
Some women actually enjoy Greek. I presume that some of the Providers offering it here like it too or they wouldn't be willing to slip it up their...well..never mind.

So, if the Hobbyist is seeking a Greek-only session, no other orifices involved, it's an add-on? If the Provider enjoys it (I presume you wouldn't be offering it if you didn't) and the Hobbyist is willing to make it a one-hole session, extra fee? Originally Posted by txcwby6
Of course not, silly. Any girl that offers L1 should include Greek no extra chage. Right?
Please don't include Lexus in the above list Originally Posted by gucio

Though related to the Honda,...Totoya.. ah hell, one of the Japanese makers..still a nice a** ride.

Ive owned 2.