=== Sex In Public ===

motocrossman39's Avatar
Oh Man...........................
bigmarv's Avatar
Me and my girlfriend were hiking in a state park and I asked her if she would like to have sex on the trail and she said yes so she dropped her shorts around her ankles and bent over a fallen tree beside the trail. Also had sex in my boat on the lake.
SASpurfan's Avatar
I have had such pleasure in a church parking lot one afternoon and a state park on a blanket during a picnic, but my most adventurous was in a Starbuck's bathroom in Oklahoma City two years ago.

Judge Smails's Avatar
Parking garage at DFW, rooftop level.Hey, being away for awhile makes everyone horny
I have had such pleasure in a church parking lot one afternoon and a state park on a blanket during a picnic, but my most adventurous was in a Starbuck's bathroom in Oklahoma City two years ago.

SAS Originally Posted by SASpurfan
While they were making your mochachino
In one of the stand up tanning beds at a tanning salon. And on a jet ski in the middle of the lake. FUN, FUN, TIMES.
Guest100610-2's Avatar
In one of the stand up tanning beds at a tanning salon. And on a jet ski in the middle of the lake. FUN, FUN, TIMES. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
Thats hot Tara..... On the Jet Ski......
My first job out of college, I had an office next to the boss in the corner. He would have a provider come almost everyday for lunch. A few times I had work to do and the noise was to much to work. The boss would give two of us rewards for hour hard work with visits of our own. We worked in a office building that was attached to a hotel. I had a session with one of the hotties and she told me that the boss liked to watch them play and make noise the more the better the tip. It was not public for me but was very funny at the time. I never looked at the boss the same after the girls story
DFK Hunter's Avatar
On her desk during lunch, on her Mom's couch while she cooked dinner (conceived kid#1), my lab at A&M when we were at grad school (in the anechoic chamber no one can hear her scream), on the balcony of a cruise ship, on the living room floor of a friend's (conceived kid#2), in the wave pool at a water park, and in a car parked in the I-45 median.
Funny, our first two kids were conceived during adventures away from home. Number 3 was made the old fashioned way, at home (on the trampoline in the back yard).
Guest100610-2's Avatar
No One has answered my question though,

Would you be willing to do this with a provider? Would you be brave enough and take the risk and do this with a provider?
No One has answered my question though,

Would you be willing to do this with a provider? Would you be brave enough and take the risk and do this with a provider?
Originally Posted by Kristin Keys
If I felt comfortable enough with the situation you betcha..
Kinky, y’all.

(Busily scribbling notes…)
No One has answered my question though,

Would you be willing to do this with a provider? Would you be brave enough and take the risk and do this with a provider?
Originally Posted by Kristin Keys
Bring it on! Yes and yes!
DFK Hunter's Avatar
I'd have to be really comfortable with her. In all the public places I mentioned earlier she initiated it (well, I let her know I was amenable) and it was very spontaneous. Too horny to get a room, or care about getting caught, lol...
That's a key, we were to wound up to care or think rationally. I remember banging away on my wife while her Mom hummed in the kitchen feet away. Neither of us considered what would have happened if Mom had come into the living room.
Time spent with a provider is usually planned. And planning to do it in public in advance might be a bit of a mental hurdle to get over. After all getting caught in public with a provider wouldn't look good in the papers or to an SO.
Boltfan's Avatar
I have done the jetski thing a couple of times. Done the beach thing as well. I have gotten 30,000 ft, head and a hj, never finished the mission though.

And yes I would be open to the situation.