Grammar Cop

Irregardless how bad the grammer is, it all boils down to the size of tits. Originally Posted by KCJoe
good answer

such a lame thread
Waste instead of waist ok I'm done.
malwoody's Avatar
[actually, it's regardless. irregardless is a non-standard word.
Usage note
Irregardless is considered nonstandard because of the two negative elements ir- and -less. It was probably formed on the analogy of such words as irrespective, irrelevant, and irreparable. Those who use it, including on occasion educated speakers, may do so from a desire to add emphasis.]

for me, it all cums down to her attitude, skills, appearance, location, fee :^)

I know and believe me when I say I find the use of the word "irregardless" offensive.
In the spirit of the thread I was trying to be ungrammatical in my response. Originally Posted by KCJoe
I thought so...I started to ask if "irregardless" was really a word but I suspected you were being sarcastic..
growler's Avatar
when/wind, since/sense, there/their.........guilty as charged lol.
03flhrci's Avatar
How about ad versus add.

"I seen her add the last few days."
JRLawrence's Avatar
That is because the research often originated in Nazi concentration camps and/or through the use of prisoners of all kinds. Leaving that aside they really did have some incredible research that even today is relevant.

....... Originally Posted by bartipero
Actually, much of the science I was reading was prior to WWI. A good point can be made that WWII was just a continuation of WWI after the Nazis were able to get the backing of German industry to help regain some of the property taken away from them at the end of WWI (chemical plants in particular). They also were able to get the backing of the German people because of the great hardships encountered after WWI.

At the end of WWII the Marshal Plan helped to restore Europe and promote trade and relations between former enemies. Likewise, General Douglas MacArthur tried to redevelop Japan after WWII.

In the US German holdings were nationalized during WWII, Bayer for instance. It was not until maybe 10 and 15 years ago that Bayer in Germany was able to buy the Bayer plants and business in the US. There was poor feelings because they had to buy their own property back.

War is never nice, but if we look behind the propaganda on both sides we find there are not easy answers. Usually, somewhere, it has to do with money for someone.

JRLawrence's Avatar
I am just trying to help you graduate. LOL Originally Posted by Redwolf
Good corrections!

Thank you,

this thread is mostly everything i hoped it would be, even if it's biased towards posts from the girls. i'd hoped for a more balanced opinion; there's plenty of pretty stupid things guys say.

but something for the record, i think language is more of a cultural and regional thing than it is an indicator of someone's ability to have a good conversation. the whole "your"/"you're", and "seen"/"saw" thing kinda make me wince but i wouldn't want anyone to think i'm so uptight that i'd use that to decide who to see. i'm surprised but glad that i didn't take a beating for that.

and also, ee cummings? meh.