You are correct, Max...there is opinion in reviews, lots of subjectivity describing her personality, IOP, etc. what isn't subjective though are her TCB skills...if there is a pattern of reviews saying the guy had to wait 30-40 minutes, her incall was a mess or in a dangerous area...when you see that mentioned in several reviews, it's a red flag. Activities aren't subjective, either. DESCRIBING them is.
You don't get TCB skills, incall info in a Showcase or Ad. I don't care reading about a guy giving her 20 orgasms as much as I care about TCB skills and the incall.
I don't check the Yes or No Recommendation box anymore. It's too black and white. I've made my decision if I'm going to see her before I get to that box, anyway.
Originally Posted by Prolongus
Email Address: -
URL / Website:
Appointment Type:
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?:
Session Length:
Hair Length and Color:
Smoking Status:
Ethnic Background:
Physical Description:
Quick comments:
So, here is the form with no ROS. I'm not overly thrilled about the address portion on it, and kind of think that could be something that gives LE a heads up...blek!
I suggested in another thread, a simple comment box, but it wouldn't be a horrible idea to put a TCB check box with options ranging from "Above and and beyond" to "Be sure to get a tetanus". (I always wondered, but to be honest, I had to look up I guess mine pass muster or maybe I would have known sooner?)
Add TCB with some options the gents believe will cover their preferences, and add a quick comment box to clarify anything the other gents need to know of. Such as, waited 30 mins and watched previous client leave, bad area, place was a pig sty, or pimp hiding in closet. Even nice stuff...greeted me wearing exactly as I specified, she goes out of her way to make others comfy in, Her place is immaculate, enticing smells, great lighting, etc....
Hey, keep ROS, just have those that read and want to write about their play by play exploits, pay for the privilege or something.
It's a way to generate money and that's always good, right?
So, yes again. We agree that the gents should know what they are getting into concerning TCB.