Just curious, what's the problem with Dallas?

I'm curious..a couple of months ago I wanted to make a Dallas tour...which I'd never done before. Inquired with local Oklahoma providers from both Tulsa and OKC. Every single one of them said 'don't do it...go to Kansas City if you want to tour just outside Oklahoma'. I took their advise and have fabulous regulars now in KC. But I'm curious why? Why do your providers come here to OK (which we get alot)? Why do we not want to go there? I've lived north, south, east and west of North America...and found people are people.....are people! Everywhere. Both good and bad. What makes Dallas a place to avoid? Not planning a trip, though have always wanted to ask that question. I was recently 'surfed out' on p411 from a gentleman in Texas, tired of the local attitude. He was looking for something refreshing and different. So he found me. I wonder if you gentleman made the OK girls feel a little more welcome, you might get a little more variety in a 'refreshing' attitude like he mentioned. Just thinking...
Sandra Dee Originally Posted by Sandra Dee
I told you I have good luck in DFW when I travel down. I rarely post ad's even when I go.

Unlike you I don't have any luck when trying to tour OKC and Tulsa... so DFW, SA, Houston & KC have always been good to me.
Dallas (it's mentality) has had an inferiority complex for decades. Always smaller than Houston (and now San Antonio!), could never get itself acknowledged as a "world class" city (Thanks Jerry, that stinko Super Bowl experience helped a lot!!!) and had to embrace a ridiculous show called "Dallas" to feel it had "something" special to offer. Dallas politics too often boil over to racially charged remarks or accusations of racism and we're better at dreaming than following thru (how about them CalatravaBridges or the wonderful Central-Park-of-Texas a/k/a Trinity River project!). Attitude? Collective heads up the proverbial ass? Yup, Dallas is certainly No. 1 in that, but the one thing we aren't is short on beautiful Providers. Originally Posted by txcwby6

Sandra Dee,

The explanation above is the worst non sequitur I have seen on this board. People from Dallas don't have an inferiority complex regarding Houston. They don't need to. Even if they did, why would it affect your hobby visits?

Would a client NCNS because he remembered on the way to your incall that Houston's population is bigger?

Would a client treat you like shit because he is embarrassed that he saw an episode of Dallas in 1982?

I just saw a racially motivated argument from the city council, I guess I better show up to an appointment with stinky balls.

The best answer is that there is a lot of competition here, hence many choices.

I do give the poster credit for the remarks about Dallas politics.
Donnie Brasco's Avatar

Sandra Dee,

The explanation above is the worst non sequitur I have seen on this board. People from Dallas don't have an inferiority complex regarding Houston. They don't need to. Even if they did, why would it affect your hobby visits?

Would a client NCNS because he remembered on the way to your incall that Houston's population is bigger?

Would a client treat you like shit because he is embarrassed that he saw an episode of Dallas in 1982?

I just saw a racially motivated argument from the city council, I guess I better show up to an appointment with stinky balls.

The best answer is that there is a lot of competition here, hence many choices.

I do give the poster credit for the remarks about Dallas politics. Originally Posted by internetdown
+ 1,000,000 on your statements.
What about, would a client rip a provider off because, well, Dallas is not a world class city like San Antonio (waaayyy to f@cking funny) and anyway, Jerry is an asshole and he lives here.

You just can't make shit like this up. Some people are not only Dallas haters but, way dumber than s#it. ROTFLMAOL.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
GPS doesn't work too well in DFW.
Hercules's Avatar
Most guys here in Dallas;
* Don't bath, shave or brush their teeth before an appt.
* Show up drunk.
* Fart while getting head.
* Pick our nose and wipe boogers on the bed.
* Blackmail chicks to take BB in the ass.
* Short/stiff the donations envelope.
* Slap women around.
* Make em stay the night and cook breakfast in the morning for free.

And then some of the guys here are REALLY bad!!!
Most guys here in Dallas;
* Don't bath, shave or brush their teeth before an appt.
* Show up drunk.
* Fart while getting head.
* Pick our nose and wipe boogers on the bed.
* Blackmail chicks to take BB in the ass.
* Short/stiff the donations envelope.
* Slap women around.
* Make em stay the night and cook breakfast in the morning for free.

And then some of the guys here are REALLY bad!!! Originally Posted by Hercules
I resemble that!

In my defense, if a provider doesn't know better than to pull my finger while giving me a BJ it's her own damn fault.
GPS doesn't work too well in DFW. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
LMAO maybe I'm special because it works just fine when I'm in town!!

TexRich's Avatar
Jerry is an asshole and he lives here. ROTFLMAOL. Originally Posted by Donnie Brasco

Jerry Jones is an asshole, but he is our asshole!
Sure ladies... c'mon up to Kansas City..! My Timex Girl Challenge list is gonna get longer! woohoo!
London Rayne's Avatar
Based on what I have seen posted, this may be part of it. DFW is one of the most competive markets in the country for providers. We are spoiled because we have such an abundance of providers. I think DFW has over 500 listings on P411 alone. This abundance keeps the prices down compaired to many markets. Many providers coming in from areas with a much higher session rate are dissapointed they get few bookings if at all using their normal rates. Lots of selection at very competive prices. Makes it tough for visiting ladies.

I am sure there is more to it but this is part of it, it seems. Originally Posted by Bubba3452
Thread winner! Why would someone charging 400 go to a place where the average hot 18 year old does greek for only 2? Some women like to remain low volume. Nuff said.
FlyingGorilla's Avatar
Sandra Dee, based on your posted pics, rates, and reviews, I think you could do quite well in Dallas if you actually lived here instead of just toured. I know you'd be on my list.

Others have made good points about the abundance here, but the fact is that there is also a sufficient clientèle base to keep all those ladies gainfully employed. I think the problem also lies with the added complications of 'just visiting':

1. As oldmarine and The Proper Stranger both indicated, we generally all have our 'to do' lists thought out. Moving to the top of that list quickly is difficult to achieve.
2. As barneyrubble mentioned, we might be afraid of liking a visitor 'too much' to have them disappear as quickly as they appeared.
3. Many of us plan our visits well in advance, and many of the ladies here require it. There have been one or two ladies that I saw in other towns, or otherwise caught my eye, that announced an impending visit to Dallas. I invariably couldn't see them as I already had a booking in that time frame set up. (Maybe I've got an unusual degree of ethics here, in that I don't drop an appointment just because there's someone else I'd rather see.) Of course, that can be alleviated by posting your travel plans well in advance.
4. Even if we don't have a provider session planned during the window of your availability, it can still be difficult to schedule the rest of our lives around such a relatively small time frame.
5. There can be a concern that a visitor won't feel the need to perform at her best, as she's not trying to form a local clientèle base.
6. We know we're spoiled, not just in terms of selection, but in performance as well. A provider that provides the same level service in Kansas City might get rave reviews there, but tepid here. So we may not place great weight in reviews from out of town.
7. I just realized I've been putting way too much thought and time into this question. You get the gist; why risk the foreign and unknown when the local is so plentiful and pleasing?

Oh, and Sandra, none of these are directed at you. I still think you'd do well here. These are just some of the reasons I can think of why other providers may not have had successful visits to Dallas.

Time to quit this silly board for the night and get my head in bed.
Many ladies do very well visiting. A week or 2 of ad's and some bite. It also depends on the volume a lady is looking for.

Once again I do VERY well in DFW with out much advertising at all.
I Love Sandra Dee !!
From my perspective, I only hobby when I travel and Dallas is my favorite trip. The ladies their are Awesome!!! So as a provider traveling to Dallas that would tough competition... which cannot be said for visiting football teams last yr, hope you guys have a better yr this yr
Thuck Fat's Avatar
You are your own best judge, come to Dallas and if you hate it, fine. If you make a killing, even better. They probably told you "don't do it" because the market here is saturated with providers, maybe they didn't do well, who knows. Be a free thinker and do what YOU want to do. Form your OWN opinions!

People are people everywhere. There are good ones, there are bad ones. Everywhere, every city, every state. Sorry but I really hate generalizations! Originally Posted by Dannie
+1,000,000 Well said Dannie.