Sponser ad

annie@christophers's Avatar
ANNIE you silly boy!! LOL!
SkipperRon's Avatar
I certainly want to know if an ad is for an agency girl or independent.

Sometimes the definition of agency is not cut and dry, but if someone (say "Anna") is scheduling all their appointments, monitoring the time of appointment (like, call at the 45min mark to point out the time, etc.) - I would classify that as an agency.

If anything - I would ask ECCIE to make clear guidlines and enforce them better. Not to blur the lines between the two.

But it is true that the rules should apply to everyone equally. I also believe that the entire "elfs" stable should be considered agency girls.

"Santa" just made it clear when he informed us lately that he let go three of the girls for whatever reason ...
annie@christophers's Avatar
CC's falls between the lines... I do not ever call them out, most of our customers are regulars and pick how long they will stay.. Thank you all for pointing this out but as you can see it is of no use ....so please just remember to look for our ladies in the section they allow and dont think they are ANY different than the indies > As a matter of fact i think it would startle you to see how many sign in for extra calls through us while passing through to make more cash, but god forbid they state that here for some reason..hmmmm. Anyway like i said its B/s. annie
BIG C's Avatar
  • BIG C
  • 01-22-2010, 09:15 AM
You know one of the things I really do like about being a moddy rator is that whenever I want to, I CAN do a power play and when I think a thread has served its purpose, or when I think a thread has gone way off topic, or when I just really get tired of a thread, then I can shut it down so that we can all move on to something else (hopefully something that's more useful and productive than this).....As I stated many times on another board: "Sometimes it's good to be the king".....lol