Obama's legacy: Initiating a civil war in Syris

Obama, at Hillary's behest, initiated a civil war in Syria. Syria has been in conflict for decades, and had an efficient, stalinistic, program for controlling the political thought, activity, and economics through the use of torture, surveillence, and abject violence. Syria was the likely disposition for the chemical weapons produced by Hussein. Syrian fighters were a substantial portion of the effective regime defenders when Baghdad fell during the Iraqi war.


I don't see any upside to this "adventure", and most of the results were forseeable. It is likely that "upside" looked for was "burnishing Hillary's status". This war won't end. Assad understands that, if he loses power, he, and his whole family, will end up dead. Originally Posted by kehaar
Don't forget, 500 thousand plus dead and still going..

kehaar, are you the boy in the Bubble?. I bet not 10 bloods or crips in the whole country voted Originally Posted by kehaar
Are you saying that none of them made it to adulthood, and a left-the-gang-behind life? I'd be surprised if that is true, but I could learn something new. I get your point that they may not be eligible to vote, but it is unlikely that would stop them from doing so.
themystic's Avatar

Are you saying that none of them made it to adulthood, and a left-the-gang-behind life? I'd be surprised if that is true, but I could learn something new. I get your point that they may not be eligible to vote, but it is unlikely that would stop them from doing so. Originally Posted by themystic
Ok. You really buy into all that "fake news" about rampant voter fraud. Hillary didnt really win the popular vote, right? The 3 million were illegal voters, all Democrats.

I know polls dont matter but Trump overall is very unpopular
Reagan's gang(though likely not Reagan himself) used the proceeds of the Iranian arms transaction to arm Ant-Sandinista's. That was well known, illegal, and part of their legacy.

It doesn't have anything to do with the rational for selling arms to Iran, letting Iran develop and maintain the capability to build nuclear weapons , nor the behavior and funding of leftwing fascist thugs in the inner cities.
Are you saying that there would be enough bloods or crips to matter about concerning voter fraud? I don't think so.

Why bring up Trumps polls, or the popular vote, in this discussion?
lustylad's Avatar
The "Arab Spring" was clearly Bush's legacy, and was a consequence of the war in Iraq. Originally Posted by kehaar
This statement is unbelievably stupid. The Arab Spring started in December 2010 in Tunisia when a fruit vendor set himself on fire to protest government harassment of his sidewalk business. It had nothing to do with Bush or Iraq. Look at a fucking map. Tunisia is a continent away from Iraq (which was calm by the time the Arab Spring erupted).
This statement is unbelievably stupid. The Arab Spring started in December 2010 in Tunisia when a fruit vendor set himself on fire to protest government harassment of his sidewalk business. It had nothing to do with Bush or Iraq. Look at a fucking map. Tunisia is a continent away from Iraq (which was calm by the time the Arab Spring erupted). Originally Posted by lustylad
Without the overthrow of Saddam(and the support for that effort by the other arab/north african governments), I don't believe the Arab Spring would have happened. In general, except where Obama involved himself, it turned out to be less bad than the status quo.

That area was inherently unstable. I believe that release of that instability was triggered by Bush's actions.
You can not prove that....even if I agree.

WWII..One could make the argument that had we not intervened that war would have ended sooner.

So is Trumps opposition of groups opposed to Assad continuing Obama's Legacy? Originally Posted by WTF
It is if he doesn't stop it. I do believe that the US involvement in Syria is nearing its end.

If you look at the past, progressives have a history of starting wars. Republicans have a history of ending them. Historically, Democrats have attempted to lay blame for their failures at other's feet.

If Republican's start something, they try like hell to finish it before they leave. Bush failed to do so in Afghanistan.
I'm not here to make you retarded fuck boys feel good about yourselves because you know Trump is destroying the fucking country. You won't get any help from a negro like me. Focus on Trumps incestuous hillbilly ass. I won't play your fucking hunger retard games....you sons of bitches thirsty as fuck and will remain so.. ;-) Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
I get it. You are here to insult, and cause turmoil because you have been oppressed. You have the right to do so by the nature of your skin color and culture.

You don't have anything to say about President Obama's legacy. That fact that he was black(and therefore inherently cool) is enough!

Thanks for clearing that up.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
If the Obama administration had not armed the "rebels", the Syrian civil war would be settled. The fact that it is being used to excuse the invasion of Europe by millions of economic immigrants every year is a consequence of Obama's policy. Originally Posted by kehaar
If Regaan would not have armed the Bloods and Crips the Gang violence would have been settled by now. I know Thats BS, just like your "opinion". As Kip Dynamite once said, " Like anyone could really know that"

You look at the Middle East pre George W and look at it now. Originally Posted by themystic
Are you saying that Obama didn't arm the Syrian rebels to the tune of 1 billion$/year? Originally Posted by kehaar
obama/clinton also did the same thing arming the libyan rebels. And very likely, Q would have crushed the rebellion.
Without the overthrow of Saddam(and the support for that effort by the other arab/north african governments), I don't believe the Arab Spring would have happened. In general, except where Obama involved himself, it turned out to be less bad than the status quo.

That area was inherently unstable. I believe that release of that instability was triggered by Bush's actions. Originally Posted by kehaar
IMO it was also the ousting of Gadaffi from Libya that spurred on a # of other countries to do the same, making the Arab spring more than just one country..
themystic's Avatar
I get it. You are here to insult, and cause turmoil because you have been oppressed. You have the right to do so by the nature of your skin color and culture.

You don't have anything to say about President Obama's legacy. That fact that he was black(and therefore inherently cool) is enough!

Thanks for clearing that up. Originally Posted by kehaar
I love Obama. And he is Cool. 3rd Best President Ever

1. Thomas Jefferson
2. William Jefferson Clinton
3. Obama
I love Obama. And he is Cool. 3rd Best President Ever

1. Thomas Jefferson
2. William Jefferson Clinton
3. Obama Originally Posted by themystic
That is why we need to discuss his legacy. In my opinion, it is little different than LBJ and Carter, who were horrible presidents. We all judge by our own value sets.
Wow.. Obama's your third and Bill's your 2nd fave president. You must be smoking some real good shit there, to come up with that..
Wow.. Obama's your third and Bill's your 2nd fave president. You must be smoking some real good shit there, to come up with that.. Originally Posted by garhkal
And he left out the OTHER hero's of the lying liberals, Mr. " Box 13 " hisself, Lyin Lyndon Johnson and Jimmuh " I like HAMAS , I pardoned the draft dodgers and I gave away the Panama canal for MY legacy " Carter !