NYDN - Trump's comeuppance is coming

wonder where the umbrage is for the clinton and biden crime families

where they sold out the american people and their offices for a mess of pottage
... The liberal umbrage 'round here all seems to move
in a certain direction -- One Way.

#### Salty
James is running a civil case. The Manhattan District Attorney is running the criminal case. They are separate from each other.

"Her latest court filing on Tuesday is the first time the allegations being levelled at the Trump Organization have been detailed with specific examples.

They involve six of his properties in New York and Scotland, and the "Trump brand".

For example, his large property in Westchester county, north of Manhattan, was valued by the Trump Organization at $291m in 2012 (£189m at the time), however an appraisal in 2016 valued it far lower, at just $56m, the court filing says.

The attorney general also alleges that Mr Trump's lavish three-storey penthouse in New York's Trump Tower was valued based on a size of 30,000 sq ft (2,800 sq m), but it is in fact 10,996 sq ft.

The court filing claims that at least two false statements were made to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) - the main tax body in the US - that "substantially overstated" the value of two properties to get a tax break.

Ms James says this is evidence that the Trump Organization "used fraudulent or misleading asset valuations to obtain a host of economic benefits, including loans, insurance coverage, and tax deductions."

Ms James's civil case is separate to an ongoing criminal investigation in Manhattan into the organization's business practices.
The criminal investigation into the Trump Organization is now being run by the new Manhattan District Attorney, Alvin Bragg. He is using some of the evidence Ms James's team says it has uncovered.
In July, the Trump Organization and its finance chief, Allen Weisselberg, were charged over an alleged 15-year-long scheme of helping executives evade taxes by giving benefits, such as rent and school fees, that were hidden from the authorities."


Here is a very interesting read about Fred Trump and Donald Trump's "shell" game.


never heard of the NY Daily News. what's their circulation? do they deliver to Clarksville?


you do realize .. or not ... nothing the Trump Org did is either criminally illegal or a civil tort issue, right?

this politically grandstanding bitch Leticia James is trying to make a name for herself with false claims so she can run for Governor. all this will quietly go away.

what civil case can James make? that Trump told Deutsche Bank his property is worth 1 trillion dollars and they said "Sounds good to us! here's your money!".


you do know, sport, that banks do their own appraisals, yes? so when all is said and done, Trump and the bank agreed on the value, and they lend Trump the money. this isn't fraud, it's business.

and does James know that a civil suit requires a party involved? James can't decide to file a civil suit on behalf of Deutsche Bank or any other lender. the first thing they'll do is file a motion to be removed from the civil suit and no case.

and they will because by joining a civil suit they'll be wide open to all sorts of discovery motions they don't want public. and no that does not imply anything illegal it's protecting their internal business info with anyone not just Trump. they made the deal and that's that.

where's the fraud?

even more ridiculous is a criminal case. once again James is grasping at straws. if this bitch had evidence she would have filed charges by now. she's trying to fish for something to make a "something" case out of nothing.

what's the crime? how did the City of New York or NY State get harmed in a criminal way? they aren't a party to private business loans last i heard.

tax revenue? the City has their own appraisers who value properties for taxation. Trump or Joe Homeowner does not get to claim their property is valued way low. they can appeal but the tax authority sets the value.

so .. James's case here is what? the tax assessor's office is incompetent? they might be but that's not a crime in general or by Trump in specific.

there is only one way James can make a criminal case out of any tax valuations ... some City tax assessor is going have to come forward ... with proof .. that Trump bribed them to lower the valuation.

call me when that happens. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
nice of you to stop by munch. and this is supposed to show what exactly?

James is running a civil case. The Manhattan District Attorney is running the criminal case. They are separate from each other.

"Her latest court filing on Tuesday is the first time the allegations being levelled at the Trump Organization have been detailed with specific examples.

They involve six of his properties in New York and Scotland, and the "Trump brand".

For example, his large property in Westchester county, north of Manhattan, was valued by the Trump Organization at $291m in 2012 (£189m at the time), however an appraisal in 2016 valued it far lower, at just $56m, the court filing says.

The attorney general also alleges that Mr Trump's lavish three-storey penthouse in New York's Trump Tower was valued based on a size of 30,000 sq ft (2,800 sq m), but it is in fact 10,996 sq ft.

The court filing claims that at least two false statements were made to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) - the main tax body in the US - that "substantially overstated" the value of two properties to get a tax break.

what's the point here? the IRS is incompetent? they probably are but is that a crime? Trump has been audited for the bulk of his adult life. if the IRS does not question a deduction or a valuation then they allowed it as reasonable at the time. Trump has squabbled with the IRS for years over certain deductions he's claimed. he's still involved over some of them. but why is this now an issue?

the IRS has 3 years for personal returns and 7 years for corporate returns to come back and claim there is an issue. it'll be interesting how it's explained that all these issues appear to be past those limits yet "charges" can be filed on them. explain that munch.

Ms James says this is evidence that the Trump Organization "used fraudulent or misleading asset valuations to obtain a host of economic benefits, including loans, insurance coverage, and tax deductions."

once again a non-issue. if Trump wants to take out an insurance policy that is 5 times the actual value of his property and an insurance company agrees what's the crime? where is the fraud? he has to pay the premiums and as long as he does there's no issue here.

as far as loans, once again if ABC Bank accepts Trump's valuation then fine. they don't have to and can in both personal and commercial property loans conduct their own independent appraisal and if it disagrees with Trump's they either decline the loan or they negotiate the value. this happens every day in lending.

once the valuation is agreed upon by both parties .. it's a done deal. no fraud. no crime.

Ms James's civil case is separate to an ongoing criminal investigation in Manhattan into the organization's business practices.
The criminal investigation into the Trump Organization is now being run by the new Manhattan District Attorney, Alvin Bragg. He is using some of the evidence Ms James's team says it has uncovered.

In July, the Trump Organization and its finance chief, Allen Weisselberg, were charged over an alleged 15-year-long scheme of helping executives evade taxes by giving benefits, such as rent and school fees, that were hidden from the authorities."

how is this an issue? corporations give out perks like this all the time to executives. show me the law that says a corporation is responsible for an employee's tax filings? you can't and neither can Bragg.


Here is a very interesting read about Fred Trump and Donald Trump's "shell" game.


Originally Posted by VerySkeptical

how exactly can James make a civil case out of any of this? as i noted she can't file a civil claim of behalf of nobody. so who's she going to file it on behalf of? Deutsche Bank? they'll file a motion to remove themselves as a party. unless they want a ton of their other biz to be looked at also. i don't think they do. and they don't have to either.

where is the crime? what's Bragg going to claim? the tax authority are a bunch of bums? tax assessments are solely determined by the City tax assessor's office. all Trump can do is appeal. if it's declined the tax assessment stands and Trump has to pay the property tax due. no mention he didn't pay.

nice try munch. stop by with your other handle more often. that way you can post about the Dunning-Kruger effect.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
James is running a civil case. The Manhattan District Attorney is running the criminal case. They are separate from each other.

"Her latest court filing on Tuesday is the first time the allegations being levelled at the Trump Organization have been detailed with specific examples.

They involve six of his properties in New York and Scotland, and the "Trump brand".

For example, his large property in Westchester county, north of Manhattan, was valued by the Trump Organization at $291m in 2012 (£189m at the time), however an appraisal in 2016 valued it far lower, at just $56m, the court filing says.

The attorney general also alleges that Mr Trump's lavish three-storey penthouse in New York's Trump Tower was valued based on a size of 30,000 sq ft (2,800 sq m), but it is in fact 10,996 sq ft.

The court filing claims that at least two false statements were made to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) - the main tax body in the US - that "substantially overstated" the value of two properties to get a tax break.

Ms James says this is evidence that the Trump Organization "used fraudulent or misleading asset valuations to obtain a host of economic benefits, including loans, insurance coverage, and tax deductions."

Ms James's civil case is separate to an ongoing criminal investigation in Manhattan into the organization's business practices.
The criminal investigation into the Trump Organization is now being run by the new Manhattan District Attorney, Alvin Bragg. He is using some of the evidence Ms James's team says it has uncovered.
In July, the Trump Organization and its finance chief, Allen Weisselberg, were charged over an alleged 15-year-long scheme of helping executives evade taxes by giving benefits, such as rent and school fees, that were hidden from the authorities."


Here is a very interesting read about Fred Trump and Donald Trump's "shell" game.


Originally Posted by VerySkeptical

insurance explained to munch. enjoy!!!


In your post you claimed James was running both investigations. Wrong.

The article also explained some of the evidence they have.

After proving you don't even know who is running the investigations, you prove you don't know the issues involved.
The article explains some of the evidence. They didn't mention any of the bullshit you did.

Deutsche bank partially took care of their issue with Trump. They cut him off so your asking if they would be a plaintiff is moot. Trump personally guarantied a big chunk of his loan from the bank.

"Fortunately for Deutsche Bank, Trump reportedly agreed to personally guarantee the loans. That means the bank could theoretically go after the properties—as well as other Trump assets—to get its money back."


The plaintiff in a civil case can be an individual, a group, an organization, a governmental body, etc. No shortage of potential plaintiffs.

Anything else you want to say about a subject you should be reading about instead of flapping your gums?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
In your post you claimed James was running both investigations. Wrong.

No i said James couldn't make a civil case.

The article also explained some of the evidence they have.

After proving you don't even know who is running the investigations, you prove you don't know the issues involved.
The article explains some of the evidence. They didn't mention any of the bullshit you did.

James is the politicunt angling to be Gov of NY and fishing for headlines.

Deutsche bank partially took care of their issue with Trump. They cut him off so your asking if they would be a plaintiff is moot. Trump personally guarantied a big chunk of his loan from the bank.

and they can't call the loan early or Trump will rightfully sue them shitless. as he should. the loans are two years out.

"Fortunately for Deutsche Bank, Trump reportedly agreed to personally guarantee the loans. That means the bank could theoretically go after the properties—as well as other Trump assets—to get its money back."


The plaintiff in a civil case can be an individual, a group, an organization, a governmental body, etc. No shortage of potential plaintiffs.

and as i said what governmental body can claim civil damages in a private business issue??

Anything else you want to say about a subject you should be reading about instead of flapping your gums? Originally Posted by VerySkeptical

remember all those banks and investments that were gonna call Trump's loans and deny him dividends?

name one that has done that


you'll have to do better munch.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
How many comeuppances is this now, like 300? Certainly with this bombshell Trump feels the walls closing in and knows that this is the beginning of the end.

Not all tax penalties are limited to the 3-year statute of limitations. No deadline applies where the IRS can establish that a taxpayer has:

Filed a false or fraudulent return;
Willfully attempted to evade tax; or
Failed to file a return.

False or fraudulent filing or tax evasion involves willfully filing false tax information, failing to file, or attempting to evade taxes. Not only will there be no time limit on IRS action against tax fraud or tax evasion but there may be increased interest fees and penalties.

There's the rub TWK. No deadline, they could come back 20 years after and collect. Of course he doesn't have that long.
It's not important you can or can't see a case.
It doesn't matter if I agree with the article.
But I'm agreeing with/trust the New York AG. Your position comes from....where?
Here is a quote from your post. You lied about your own words.

"even more ridiculous is a criminal case. once again James is grasping at straws. if this bitch had evidence she would have filed charges by now. she's trying to fish for something to make a "something" case out of nothing."

Where did you see a claim they (Deutsche Bank) were going to call in his loans?

Where have you seen that Deutsche Bank is involved in either the civil or criminal complaint?

A quote from my post. You don't read well, do you?

"The plaintiff in a civil case can be an individual, a group, an organization, a governmental body, etc. No shortage of potential plaintiffs."

What private business issue? Oh, that's right. You don't read too well.
The detailed information released so far about the evidence in the article says nothing about Deutsche Bank.

What have you gotten right about this? Nothing.

It looks like you have some fellow members in the Dunning-Kruger effect club.
What is your rallying cry? Oh yeah.


remember all those banks and investments that were gonna call Trump's loans and deny him dividends?

name one that has done that


you'll have to do better munch.
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
... Surely seems that Waco did WIN that round!

#### Salty
You're just like whinny the pooh.
Whenever you 2 weigh in on a subject and "call a state for a candidate", you guys are OAN.
Maybe the twitchy one will feel better because at least, as little as he knows, he still knows more than you.

Why hasn't he come back to claim victory?

Because he was ....slapped.
Like you.
... Surely seems that Waco did WIN that round!

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
lustylad's Avatar
Obviously an opinion piece, but kinda telling that this publication would print such "blasphemy." Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
It's telling that you can't even keep your tabloids straight - sorry, but the Daily News ain't the Post.

Ask one of your New York friends (if you have any) to explain it to you.