Black NBA Player Calls Caucasian Opponent “Bitch Ass White Boy”

winn dixie's Avatar

ts and hh had a bonding moment!
  • oeb11
  • 08-26-2020, 06:34 PM
One of many!
Time to shut down the NBA - and leave OBLM with nothing to watch other than Oprah!
BJonesBaby's Avatar
If you don’t understand what this is all about, you should do some research, sir. It is obvious you never played the game.
  • oeb11
  • 08-28-2020, 07:59 AM
Damn right - I never played the 'game' - which is what it is.

Me - short white boy with small hands - the blacks would have made sure I was made a racial farce .

No black BB player will everdrive an F1 or indy car.

fuck the NBA - bunch of privileged, overpaid prima fucking donnas - and racist as hell against white people.
BJonesBaby's Avatar
Education leads to understanding. Understanding leads to cooperation. Cooperation leads to problem solving.

You, sir, can’t get to part two because apparently are not able to educate yourself or understand.
  • oeb11
  • 08-28-2020, 08:50 AM
BB - you speak of education -You are a 'victim' of marxist DPST propaganda programming. In your own marxist DPST lexicon.

none so blind - You are 'victimized ' by teachers union education in shit hole cities run by thieving DPDT leaders - characterized by graft and corruption - look at how many Baltimore and chicago mayors are in prison.

and that is what people like Kim Klacik espouse - is to break away from teh DPST chains on black people - take control and improve lives ini the slums designed to keep blacks in poverty by the DPST masters!

Take a moment from the DPST marxist narrative - listen to ms. Klacik - she has a message worth listening to.

I pray she is not assassinated by a marxist DPST directed murderer to extinguish her voice - as She is a threat to marxist DPST racial identity politics.
winn dixie's Avatar
Education leads to understanding. Understanding leads to cooperation. Cooperation leads to problem solving.

You, sir, can’t get to part two because apparently are not able to educate yourself or understand. Originally Posted by BJonesBaby
You sir are part of the problem! You just dont realize it! Lefties been brain washing the uneducated and gullible for years! Have an open mind and you'll see the error in the leftist agenda.
winn dixie's Avatar
Education leads to understanding. Understanding leads to cooperation. Cooperation leads to problem solving.

You, sir, can’t get to part two because apparently are not able to educate yourself or understand. Originally Posted by BJonesBaby
So its ok to say bitch ass white boy? Or even honkey or cracker because someone feels left out or whatever?
Hollywood and its peers think like you do. The All in the family remake not to long ago allowed the actors to say those words but bleeped out the "N" word! Double standards!
  • oeb11
  • 08-28-2020, 11:20 AM
BB - your OBLM narrative reserves racism to black people - folks like You best toe their line - or you will labelled "Uncle Tom" - and worse.

Yeah - OBLM reserve the 'n' word to use themselves - but it is a death sentence crime to have a white person use it. They are happy to shoot anyone not toeing their gay marxist Line.

Typical DPST racial identity and Plantation politics on display.

Hypocrisy of the XiNN programmed in action.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
They hugged it out before the next game even started. He apologized to Luka before the game because he knew he was wrong.

The Clippers play dirty and talk shit. Luka has been smoking them. There are no rules against trash talking in basketball to try to get in someone's head. Anyone who has played the game knows that.

I had someone call my mother a "slut" during a game when I was in 3rd grade and I didn't even know what the word meant. I had to ask my dad and he just laughed and said, "that's just the game and that kid should have been raised better."

The fucked up part is my dad never even told me what the word meant. I had to ask my older brother for the definition.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Hey! There's an NBA game coming on between <click>
Lucas McCain's Avatar
They'll be coming back soon and I can't wait. I'm stuck at home and bored. I need my Lake show for some me time. I need a Lakers game like crazy just so I can disappear from my family. I can only use work as an excuse so much before they will call bullshit on me.

I just want my relaxing sports watching nights back. Is that too much to ask?
HoeHummer's Avatar
The boys in here should watch more sports. Take their minds off of COVID, I’ll tell yous.

Proud of our boys, boys.

  • oeb11
  • 08-28-2020, 04:33 PM
The NBA has shown itself to reserve Racism to its Black players

The marxist DPST narrative is that blacks cannot be racist.

Yet racism is now the public and approved province of Black NBA players, and other blacks, approved and endorsed by the marxist DPST party and its' OBLM pet terrorists.

Biden and Harris - exemplify black racism against Whites and anyone else - with the demands for reparations, white property, and support and segregation.

It is a horrifying state - that the major leftists political party embraces Racist and racial identity plantation politics to advance their marxist overthrow of representative democracy.

They resemble nothing so much as Bull Connors and George Wallace in their promotion of Racism in America. and the use of violence to cow and control those who oppose their "Institutional black racism".

Fuck lebron and the marxist DPST's!!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
oeb11, I challenge you not to use "racist" when talking about these NBA players. Look up the definition of a racist.

This shit is cute to you with your ridiculous narrative, but sit down and think about it. Why would these rich athletes take a stand? It's not just the NBA, it's even hockey now taking a stand. There is a problem now in this country. All races are taking a stand for justice. How difficult is this for many of you to understand in this forum? To me though, it's pretty easy to comprehend but I'm a hell of a lot smarter than most.