The poor didn't get helped in Texas. Medicaid was not expanded, so if you make little enough to qualify for Medicaid, you are without coverage because you cannot get subsidy. So dropping Medicaid at Baylor really has little of nothing to do with Obamacare. Baylor HAS dropped a couple of common carriers, but they will always accept BCBS, because BCBS is wholly owned by Baylor.
Originally Posted by GracePreston
Texas declined because the government only subsidizes it for two to three years. After that, Texas would have to pay the full amount.
It is believed that people were encouraged to understate their incomes for the subsidies. The IRS will be looking at their incomes and charging them back.
Many young people are just willing to pay the fine. If they get sick, they will just sign up preexisting conditions.
I read that under medicare, people can get sex change operations. Seriously? For people that are 65 years old? Your tax dollars at work.
The government still refuses to give out information about who signed up, who paid, demographics etc..