Eccie 2010 or ASPD 2009

Speaking of ECCIE and ASPD, do any of you go far enough back to remember "the Fox Files?" That was where I got my intro to the hobby. :-)
In an to help steer this ship back on point, I believe ECCIE is superior to ASPD. If for no other reason the Provider Showcase feature serves as a dramatic separation between the two.
Whispers's Avatar
Speaking of ECCIE and ASPD, do any of you go far enough back to remember "the Fox Files?" That was where I got my intro to the hobby. :-) Originally Posted by yunguyus

rocker's Avatar
In an to help steer this ship back on point, I believe ECCIE is superior to ASPD. If for no other reason the Provider Showcase feature serves as a dramatic separation between the two. Originally Posted by bigtex
I agree that the showcase is a great
addition, but it's only helpful if the pics
are accurate and up to date, which a
lot arent.

Monk Rasputin's Avatar
THis is definitely NOT your old ASPD... Originally Posted by Whispers
At the old ASPD, "polite and civil" was a value and standard of behavior to which the community aspired. That's not the case here on ECCIE.

knotty man's Avatar
amen to that sir monk!
missi hart's Avatar
At the old ASPD, "polite and civil" was a value and standard of behavior to which the community aspired. That's not the case here on ECCIE.

Monk Originally Posted by Monk Rasputin
add my "amen" to that as well
At the old ASPD, "polite and civil" was a value and standard of behavior to which the community aspired. That's not the case here on ECCIE.

Monk Originally Posted by Monk Rasputin
...and my Amen as well. The lack of civility here not only motivated me to log off for the past few months it seems to have cleared out a large percentage of previous valued posters. Far fewer posters (Especially providers) than three months ago. Civility seems to have improved a bit but you still have your venomous Snoopdoggs popping in here and there.

So which is better? It's a draw. Eccie has showcases which are a huge plus but ASPD was far more pleasant as an environment.
At the old ASPD, "polite and civil" was a value and standard of behavior to which the community aspired. That's not the case here on ECCIE.

Monk Originally Posted by Monk Rasputin
I agree but from a personal perspective I now have a tendency to ignore the posts which are not "polite and civil."
no ones buying your bs whispers
that you're some super player with a "great" life
you spend far too many hours here posting
trying to cast yourself as a winnner
so drop it

I wasn't even going to grace this with a response, but you're just being mean. I can attest to the fact that Whispers spent at least 2 days this week spreading holiday cheer to people outside of the strip clubs. And I'm going to admit it - some of his posts make me so angry I could flog him, I'm quite fond of the guy in person. (And for those of you who are casting judgment on me for saying so publicly... shame on you. Go sit in time-out.)

you fat old bald and probably countless other things
Im the only one who points out who you really are

I find it interesting that you've never met Whispers but can profess to know who he really is.

so Die already fat old white guy

Now you're just being mean. You a hug or a friend very badly.
And kudos for your racist overtones... "fat old WHITE guy" Ohhhh, Whispers. He called you WHITE. BURN.

I post 1 time a month because i actually have a lfe
you post endlessly because....well ....

Because... well... it's his prerogative to post as much as he wants, just as it's your prerogative to post as little as you want. Like them or not, Whispers' posts contribute to the board traffic and dialogue between members. If you don't like what he - or anyone else - is posting, go post something meaningful of your own.
Originally Posted by snoopdogg
Let's all jump on the "be mean to __________ train today. I have nothing better to do than enjoy Mommy's delicious Christmas cookies and hide from my family's overzealous interrogations about my life by sitting in the corner on my Macbook, posting on the board. Bring it.
While ASPD may have been more pleasant and civil, I personally enjoy a stronger sense of actual community since I've moved to ECCIE. That may be because I'm more active on the board, and am more proactive about building and maintaining relationships with people on and off the board. Although several of the reputable providers that have been around awhile don't post as often, they are still here, are still acting as mentors and confidantes to newer ladies, and are attending board-related functions.

I think it's important to remember that the real sense of community lies not in the visible interactions between members on the boards, but how the members treat each other off the boards, behind the scenes and in person. It's easy to hide behind an online persona or pretend to be someone you're not on an Internet forum, but when members are willing to trust each other enough to shed those masks and spend some time together as real people, truly meaningful relationships can develop.
Short and sweet answer cause I don't have much time today.

I like ECCIe. Its been a great year. Was on ASPD the last 6 months before things fell apart.

I like the way thing are going here. Except for a few jack asses.

That said, after reading his posts today, I've come to the conclusion that this "snoopdog" (perhaps a more creative handle next time??) is one of these.

Stop being an ass and stay on topic.
Danger Mouse's Avatar
I love eccie just because the quote function in pm's actually works! Woo hoo!
Whispers's Avatar
While ASPD may have been more pleasant and civil, I personally enjoy a stronger sense of actual community since I've moved to ECCIE.

Personally I believe ASPD Austin 2009 was a lot more about cliques and whether you were aa part of the in crowd or not

That may be because I'm more active on the board, and am more proactive about building and maintaining relationships with people on and off the board. Although several of the reputable providers that have been around awhile don't post as often, they are still here, are still acting as mentors and confidantes to newer ladies, and are attending board-related functions.

Can you imagine even MORE board related functions in 2011 open to an even LARGER part of the community than in the past? I can!

I think it's important to remember that the real sense of community lies not in the visible interactions between members on the boards, but how the members treat each other off the boards, behind the scenes and in person. It's easy to hide behind an online persona or pretend to be someone you're not on an Internet forum, but when members are willing to trust each other enough to shed those masks and spend some time together as real people, truly meaningful relationships can develop. Originally Posted by Natalie Reign
I'm me..... On and off the board..... I am me..... I am honest and open and speak on any and every subject from the point of view of being a hobbyist......

On the board that is what you get and I speak of the BUSINESS side of this thing we call a Hobby as just that... a business..... I truly am sorry if ladies get their feeling hurt as a result. That is not my intention.

Off the board.... In person..... I really don't care to talk business......

As you've seen.......

We've hung out a couple of times now and as you as well as others know... I'm not at all what one expects.....

In the company of attractive ladies or guys whose companies I enjoy there are better things in life to discuss............. we don't talk board shit.... We talk people stuff......

If the subjects here bother people.... Oh Well..... Then maybe they are not cut out for maintaining a presence on a review site.

BEcause that is what this is....

It is not a dating site..... or Social Networking 101....

Whispers's Avatar
At the old ASPD, "polite and civil" was a value and standard of behavior to which the community aspired. That's not the case here on ECCIE.

Monk Originally Posted by Monk Rasputin
I STRONGLY Disagree....

Polite and Civil was the lame excuse applied by a small segment of the community to control the board as well as membership, to stagnate the flow of information and to put down the possibility of fresh new providers having a place in the community.

A lot of injustice was done under the label of "Polite and Civil"..... Threads were made to vanish as well as reviews..... threads were locked before many had a chance to weigh in......

I think that for the most part... around here..... everyone IS Polite and Civil......

But when someone dishes out some shit, whether it be hobbiest or provider... HERE.. they get called on it.....

and that's not necessarily a bad thing......