Who is DavidFree986? You decide

Ignore Chung.

Don't let him tell you what to do.

You need to do what I tell you to do.... Originally Posted by eccienewbie
Yes master
  • EZ.
  • 11-10-2014, 11:30 AM
I would be upset, livid, and want to expose him.. but it doesn't mean BigDog and DavidFree are the same.. I have no idea.. all I know is the evidence presented is not convincing.. and from what I have read from DavidFree's posts and reactions on all matters ECCIE, he doesn't strike me as someone who would do that..

I asked about motive.. the response was that BigDog had an inflated ego, embellished his strip club reviews, to sate his inner self, somehow.. I see none of that in DavidFree's reviews.. quite the contrary, in fact..

did BigDog have a motive to "out" OBSG's friend, and others? what reason did he give for doing so? or is it solid that he even did so? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I can't answer about motive to the reviews. Hopefully OBSG can answer that.

I can't think of a reasonable explanation to out anyone to their family or get someone fired, for that matter. The person behind those other handles was banned, obviously for a reason. It is like herpes, it just keeps coming back.
  • !VI!
  • 11-10-2014, 12:01 PM
He has admitted to being NHR:


Specifically: "...you thought you were so bad ass about getting my p411 account revoked..."

That isolated incident happened with NHR, not davidfree986. So he did give himself away there. Not that it matters anymore. The people have spoken and no one really cares anyway. Even if he does get banned again, he will just keep coming back with new handles and the merry-go-round continues.

I agree with moving on, OSBG. Way better things (and people) to focus your energy on in the world.

Welcome back, en! Seeing your name pop up on the right of coed made me smile (and cream in my panties a little too). Originally Posted by thathottnurse

any chance to advertise huh THN lol
Look, I am taking a risk by starting this thread. I think the evidence is solid. Will it convince everyone? No. Don't expect it to. And, if the staff does not agree, they may point me or even give me a vacation. I think it was worth the risk. People should know they are dealing with someone of Bigdog's history.

Oh, and I am not saying the over 200 reviews Bigdog has done under his many handles are all fake. Far from it. Most are probably as legit as most reviews on this site. But which are which?

And there are still all the many other issues with his behavior.
Your happiness should not be influenced by anyone here. Can I recommend some help?

Chung Tran's Avatar
here's how I might be convinced...

you said BigDog and DavidFree's posts had such similarity, that you were tipped off that they were one and the same... so..

why not focus on who DavidFree is, surely if he is the erstwhile BigDog, that leopard (or dog) couldn't change spots so easily.. then there is no need to link BigDog.. if DavidFree is a bad guy, show me how.
broes's Avatar
  • broes
  • 11-10-2014, 12:14 PM
Its pretty easy to discern if you want to. Just compare a sample set of their posts. Is the writing style the same? Are the subjects, opinions, and general tone the same? That's how you get your answer. Wulf Princess could change her handle to BigBlackBooty and it would take us all about 2 sentences before we knew it was her because she has a very unique writing style. Perhaps the same could be said about BigDog and DavidFree.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Its pretty easy to discern if you want to. Just compare a sample set of their posts. Is the writing style the same? Are the subjects, opinions, and general tone the same? That's how you get your answer. Wulf Princess could change her handle to BigBlackBooty and it would take us all about 2 sentences before we knew it was her because she has a very unique writing style. Perhaps the same could be said about BigDog and DavidFree. Originally Posted by broes
exactly right.. that's what I have done, in fact.. read some old BigDog posts.. I've seen plenty from DavidFree.. and I totally don't see any comparison..
It's an easy thing to alter your writing style if you have a certain level of intelligence. Not so easy if you're dumber than dirt (see the examples cited above -- dumb only writes one way). I don't think anybody's gonna mistake BD for a rocket scientist, but I imagine he could alter his writing style a little bit to facilitate the establishment of a new identity. But they all slip up, eventually. See NHR as a prime example. He pulled it off for a while, but then he got sloppy one day and, BAM! Maybe the same thing will happen this time around. Maybe it already has. I don't know, 'cause I haven't checked. And I'm not gonna check. My only concern is keeping this thread going. So far, so good.....
If his post that he is the guy I am talking about when I say I want to get rid of Bigdog0311, then nothing will. Simple as that.

Bigdog and all his other handles did the same things. Fake reviews, multiple handles, etc. Why would you think he is not doing the same things now? He simply has learned how to tone things down a little in an effort to avoid being detected. If a thief robs you once, would you say welcome into my home. You have not robbed me lately?
broes's Avatar
  • broes
  • 11-10-2014, 12:31 PM
exactly right.. that's what I have done, in fact.. read some old BigDog posts.. I've seen plenty from DavidFree.. and I totally don't see any comparison.. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I can't speak on review styles because I don't have or care about having premium access. You really didn't notice any commonalities? You must not have read their takes on YMMV.
The oddest thing about this tread is no reply from Davidfree - someone that responds to everything is quiet about this.

Probably busy getting his next profile ready but as they say, that's none of my business
Chung Tran's Avatar
If a thief robs you once, would you say welcome into my home. You have not robbed me lately? Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
no, but if he shows me a current I.D. complete with Police report history, with no charges for theft, I assume he is not a thief

I can't speak on review styles because I don't have or care about having premium access. You really didn't notice any commonalities? You must not have read their takes on YMMV. Originally Posted by broes
I have read the YMMV takes.. but once again, insert "innuendo".. you Guys do a lot of beating around bushes..
The oddest thing about this tread is no reply from Davidfree - someone that responds to everything is quiet about this. Originally Posted by EasyLover214
Oh, maybe he has replied.

Under a different handle with a slightly altered writing style. Or maybe a radically altered writing style.

Ya nevAr know....
Chung Tran's Avatar
The oddest thing about this tread is no reply from Davidfree - someone that responds to everything is quiet about this.

Probably busy getting his next profile ready but as they say, that's none of my business Originally Posted by EasyLover214
well it's not like he hasn't gone over this stuff plenty of times.. I've seen the back-and-forth with THN, OBSG... seems to defend himself well.