Since I seem to no longer be of any value to this community, I quit.....

Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Don't resort to that level. You let the undesirables bring down the level of civility. Simply tell him comments like that should best kept to himself. Originally Posted by cpi3000
Can I say "he has a brain of feathers and a heart of lead?"

or, "Like rotten mackerel by moonlight he shines and stinks?"

I did not make that up...some high falutin' other fellers did...they did not like jackasses kicking folks when they got the damn blues. And we all get the low down blues every now and again.

Crank that chin up, Meg.
steviewinwood you are notorious for your tasteless comments.

Furthermore, business is booming for me and I'm definitely not the thin spinner type and my rates are equivelent to theirs, so.... not sure where you came up with your logic, but if I were you I'd keep take a class on how to be respectful. If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all. Meg is beautiful and valued around here despite what you say and she does not need to lower her rates.

With that said, Meg I will miss you! Hope things work out for you
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I can understand your need to get away. It has proven to be brutal on this board from time to time and there are those who make it harder and harder to actually want to participate in CO-ED discussions. I definitely understand why most members don't.

Might be great if you decide to share some of your new exploits from time to time. I wish I had the freedom to travel and am excited for you, but I have many obligations in the area still, other than my biz, so that's not feasible right now. Someday. :-) Best of Luck and keep you chin up, Miss Yankee Doodle..... '-)
We get it, you did not care for big girls.......anything else. Are you sitting by all the big girl phones seeing if they get calls.......

I do not remember reading in this thread where Meg asked for criticism, and you seem the be only dude in this thread resorting to rude comments.
dodger's Avatar
If she's such a good value, why don't you write a review that will make her phone ring off the hook? Originally Posted by steviewinwood
"You see what we have here? This is an example of 'schmartness'!" - Kenneth Mars in the Producers

Fact is, I did write a review. I posted it on ASPD and TER after our session. You can go read them, if you care, but I believe you would rather keep being obnoxious.

Your postings make me think of: "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt"

Why is that? I mean, being unpleasant is a choice you can make ... but do you have to so proud of it?

Guest081910's Avatar
Meg, first of all, I don't know you outside of ECCIE Chat and the Boards, but I have always thought of you as a stallworth and a classy lady. Like someother girls, you speak your mind, and because you are outspoken, you may catch some heat for that . . .you've been around long enough to know that. I will agree, there is no reason for tasteless comments and hurting someone's feelings.

I for one, hope you decide to stick around. This board of the Dallas community needs someone like JUST LIKE you.

Whether you stay or go, please keep your head up and your eyes fixed on your goals, one of which is making others happy, and THAT goal, gurl friend, is one of the greatest treasures anyone can posssess . . .to make others happy.
Charlie Brown's Avatar
Love you babe!

Please discard any negatives from others..........another veteran provider recently and privately said the wayward banter is surely coming here......some lurk in the darkness thinking their comments, although unwarranted in a normal nature, must be heard to draw attention to themselves.....we are a group of fuckers I guess.

I know you as one with spunk, big tits, charisma, style, pretty face, grace, intelligence, excellent bedroom activities, and one never forgotten.

When a civilian finds your fine ass, if you have that interest, he's going to think he's found the holy grail of love, cerebral stimulation, sex, and passion.

You are a pistol!
TexTushHog's Avatar
Meg, life in general take a tough hide. Life as a provider, a tougher hide still.

I don't follow all the threads on the board, so I guess I didn't read the one that has gotten you all upset. But it's not worth letting what others think get you down. I know that's easier said that done, but you still need to keep you head up and ignore the bullshit. I hope after a few days of taking a step away and clearing you head, you will reconsider and come back. Although I've had the opportunity to see you, I've certainly enjoyed your posts. The community would be much the poorer were you to stay away.

My dad taught me a good and wise saying: "Opinions are like assholes -- everybody has one and most of them stink." Remember that.
St.Mateo's Avatar

By just most of the comments here it seems like you are thought of very highly and certainly I think of you with very good thoughts.
Sometimes people just dont say things at the right time. But do know you are a special gal regardless of some other peoples thoughts

road trips can do wonders for the soul!!!

If ya need to talk get in touch??
sky_wire's Avatar
Hey Hotlips,

99% of the people in this forum are a [reader may fill in the blank].

You're a 1%'er.
Lanny's Avatar
  • Lanny
  • 07-17-2010, 06:34 AM
If you weren't such a drama queen and were more reasonably priced for a girl your size, you'd probably do a lot of business. I know I'd see you. Your online persona makes me think of you as a man with a vagina. Just keeping it real. Good luck, whatever you do. Originally Posted by steviewinwood
Winwood...if you coveyed the above sentiment in a PM...and used at least a tiny bit of tact in your might have had a chance of hiding behind your pathetic explanation of "just trying to help"...BUT in a public forum...??? WOW...

BEST OF LUCK, MEG..whether your change is temporary or an entirely fulfilling and permanent one...

Guest032213-02's Avatar
Meg, our meeting was wondrous. I apologize on behalf of other members in this forum who can't see that beauty isn't stuck on one body type.

Everybody's brain needs a little time to reboot, just know that I, for one, am happy you are around. You are giving and generous.
Hate to see this. It seems like a lot of nice girls have been dumped on lately.
Winwood...if you coveyed the above sentiment in a PM...and used at least a tiny bit of tact in your might have had a chance of hiding behind your pathetic explanation of "just trying to help"...BUT in a public forum...??? WOW...

BEST OF LUCK, MEG..whether your change is temporary or an entirely fulfilling and permanent one...

Lanny Originally Posted by Lanny
Interesting. However, you're defending a woman who has no tact. She's had to change her name because of her lack of tact. She begs for money, which is lacking in tact. She posts her lack of tact publicly, rather than in PM's. Her lack of tact caused her to start this thread and draw attention to herself. If she makes corrections to what I pointed out, she will make money. If she does nothing, which you are suggesting is what she should do, she will continue to beg for money. She's the one who has something to gain by what I've said, not me.

By the way...when is the last time YOU paid her a visit? She doesn't need yoiu criticizing me, she needs you to do business with her!
Lana Warren's Avatar
Oh my, this thread has gotten way off track and insulting! No matter what the circumstances are, no one deserves to be attacked in this manner! Instead of dogging Meg, help her find a solution to the problem that she is having!

Steve, didn't you learn that 2 wrongs don't make a right? Sweetie, please make it right........good guys come out on top!