When Is It Stalking

I think this started out as a thread about buff, but it is also a about colleen, Scarlet Rae etc... I can't remember all her handles.

Did he cross a line, not sure, we don't know everything that happened to him. He beats his chest loudly to let everyone know he was wronged and you are calling him out for not letting it go.

Her- Proven multiple handles, proven dissever and liar. She's been called out by multiple people for getting angry text, emails, being blackmailed. Her excuse or answer to all this - wasn't me, I am one person, no extra handles.

Month later- I'm sorry, let's move on. Everything is fine, nothing bad will happen again.

Sorry but she still has never owned up to being 4 or more people. She has never owned up for all the lying, poor service, bad tcb. She called out other providers and aired their dirty laundry to try and spotlight off her (of course it could have been one of her multiple personalities or handles she called out, hard to keep track at this point)

You want to say, forget it, might not have been her, she has a kid, lets support her. Problem is she broke the rules, several rules. In life when that happens there are consequences. Pete Rose is still out of baseball for gambling. bottom line is if she can't be trusted she shouldn't be welcomed back or she should at least have to wait longer then 1 month.

Again I say reverse it and tell me how welcome the gentleman would be back and if you would so adamantly fight for him like you are for her and would any providers stand up for him.

Did he cross a line, not sure, we don't know everything that happened to him. He beats his chest loudly to let everyone know he was wronged and you are calling him out for not letting it go. Originally Posted by homer13
Mostly called it because he was a wuss who wouldn't stand up for himself in the first place.
Text: Why you see hookers?
Because I feel like it, what business is it of yours?
Email: I have video of you fucking.
Could you send me a copy? Better yet I've got a twelve pack bring it over we can watch and I'll give you pointers!

All he had to do is grow a pair. Instead he attacks a girl for 3 or 4 months hiding behind a fake handle , instead of using a real one that might have credibility.

And just a reminder when you knock on door and (insert name here) answers that's not her name - they are all deceiving you.
And unless I'm mistaken so are hobbyist.
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Rockerrick - Why do you care, have some dog in this hunt? After this thread, you're starting to look like buff's stalker...
No dog in the hunt never seen her.
So are you buff - screwey ?
If I were walking down the street and saw someone picking on a girl I would do the same.
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No dog in the hunt never seen her.
So are you buff - screwey ?
.... Originally Posted by rockerrick
Not in any sense of the word for a few years now...
Mostly called it because he was a wuss who wouldn't stand up for himself in the first place.
Text: Why you see hookers?
Because I feel like it, what business is it of yours?
Email: I have video of you fucking.
Could you send me a copy? Better yet I've got a twelve pack bring it over we can watch and I'll give you pointers!

All he had to do is grow a pair. Instead he attacks a girl for 3 or 4 months hiding behind a fake handle , instead of using a real one that might have credibility.

And just a reminder when you knock on door and (insert name here) answers that's not her name - they are all deceiving you.
And unless I'm mistaken so are hobbyist. Originally Posted by rockerrick

Dude, the issue is you can't relate, empathize, etc... Your single, and prolly not worry about being outed. It is her responsibility to protect his info. If she has a crazy b-friend/fiance then she should no better or shouldn't be doing this. And when confronted with all this she lied, told people to fuck off and leave her alone. She blames everyone for everything and takes no responsibilty. Doesn't really matter if it was her ( I personally think it was) or him, it's her responsibility. Lots of providers have boy friends or maybe husbands but we don't here about this shit happening everyday. That's because they take care of their business, she did not. She still hasn't admitted anything, IMHO the only reason we even got the b.s. apology is because her business totally died. Bottom line she denied, lied and was a bitch when confronted. He was one of her victims.

You give him shit for being a victim, you say he should have done this. You can't say how you would have responded, especially if you have no fear of outing. Only a married man (or I guess a divorced man) can truly understand what can happen and how it can all go so terrible wrong so quick. It's easy to be a big baller and shit talker from the sideline.

If this shit happens again with her how will you treat those guys???? If you see her and it happens to you, how do you want to be treated.

As far as using his main handle, A-we don't know that he isn't, you want to call her inocent but he's lying. B- look at how your treating him, he wants to be heard but doesn't want to not get another appointment so I can understand him using another handle. You have no issue with Colleen having 4, so why have an issue with him having 2?

p.s.-- Were still totally cool, just don't agree here.
Rock - I enjoy alot of your post... but I will admit, the # of post you have involving this topic does look a bit odd. (and I can't understand how any hobbysist would be willing to look the other way on this chick) That said, maybe the topic just interest you for other reasons? I dunno...if someone claimed to be filiming me participating in an illegal activity...I'm not sure I'd really let it go either...

Ztonk... I'll go no comment.
Hey guys first I never said he was lying. I actually said that a few people had it happen. I said it was time for him to let it go. It's been almost 4 months. Others also told him he should drop it and move on. Do you think I'm happy he disabled his account? I'm not. I wish he would have just let go. That being said I hear you guys and what you are saying , and I will do the right thing!

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  • ztonk
  • 03-26-2012, 03:55 PM
Thread closed at OP's request.
