Debate results

Next Best Thing's Avatar
The pitiful maladaptive coping that woody is attempting would make me feel badly for him if the side he carries water for weren't such dangerous malicious scumbags.

I personally have a different perspective on this than the media gang but we're at the point where making these asshole democrats go away and stay away is priority number one.

woody actually appears to be parroting Dementia Joe's can't wife, praising him for answering questions.

What Dementia Joe actually did was misinterpret basic softball questions and fuck up royally in trying to remember rehearsed talking points.

He also lost his train of thought like the senile imbecile that he is.

This has been on display for years. He's a marionette. In the middle of the performance, a bunch of the strings holding his wooden carcass up broke or fell off or whatever.

But orange man bad.

This is what it always was.

Next Best Thing's Avatar
Sorry, didn't mean can't wife.

Meant cunt wife, which is what she is.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
why repeat Mr he has a cold pep talk to Joe as she helped him off the stage
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Sorry, didn't mean can't wife.

Meant cunt wife, which is what she is. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
she is guilty of lost his mind elder abuse

Possibly the best remark from trump was "I didn't have sex with a porn star". (a lie of course) Originally Posted by woodywouldpekher

Most politicians have sex with anything that moves including escorts and interns.Who cares?
Better to have a president with hard dick than a limp dick.
the format was best have ever watched

finally it wasnt moderators totally spouting their agenda

for most part
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Most politicians have sex with anything that moves including escorts and interns.Who cares?
Better to have a president with hard dick than a limp dick. Originally Posted by hardlikker12
seems ta depend on "IS", is ya a DEM or GOP

mmmm the Jackass was a DEM but now a GOP
Next Best Thing's Avatar

The best remark Biden made is when he looked at trump and said "The only person on this stage who is a convicted felon is the man I'm looking at right now".

Possibly the best remark from trump was "I didn't have sex with a porn star". (a lie of course) Originally Posted by woodywouldpekher
These are the same people ranting and raving about violating institutional norms, and election interference.

This feeble drooling idiot hobbies onto a stage and coughs out bullshit like this, and ordinary hypnotized democrat robots believe he's making a point supporting freedom.

This is a small part of the point, but it's probably roughly on the level of how inept their "president" is.

offshoredrilling's Avatar
Flair4Drama's Avatar
To support trump is to support the end of the America we have endured these past 3 and a half years.

Originally Posted by woodywouldpekher
Hey -- ya got one right after I fify
Flair4Drama's Avatar
Biden answered every question. Maybe it wasn't pretty but he stood there and took every question. Trump chose to attack Biden's responses so he could avoid answering anything related to what his platform or policies might be.
Trump did, of course, remind everyone how skillful he is at lying about anything and everything. Originally Posted by woodywouldpekher
Wow. After 3 and a half years of Brandon's inner circle hiding the FACT he is not and has not been fit for the job as leader of the free world. Just who has been lying to the American people? I saw the podcasts from the basement dummy when he was running and at the same time frame was dealing with a parent who had Alzhimers. I could see then just how bad the desease had rotted his brain. He needed help getting into the Suburban at Arlington and this was well before election day. Save the sanctimonious lectures for someone who is buying the libitard bullshit!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
offshoredrilling's Avatar
it seems Carter is in better health than Joe
Josh Shapiro. Watch him in 2028. Much more electable than Newsome, I think.

And, It’s still 4 months away from Election Day. I don’t think the fuck ups from either side are over yet.

elg…… Originally Posted by elghund
I admit I don’t know much about Josh Shapiro other than he’s Gov of PA. But, I will have to keep an eye on him.

A suggestion: Joe Manchin from West Virginnie? He’s centrist…

The election is over 4 months away, but if I remember correctly, the Dem Convention is next month. Aren’t they required to name a nominee by then or at the convention and not allowed to change after that except for death, or extreme physical health issues?