More gun violence, Connecticut School Shooting

Randy4Candy's Avatar
Lined up by the Gov.their is a winger idea..What a cunt... Originally Posted by i'va biggen

People that imagine others are doing this are only building the "rationale" to do it themselves.

I mean, they will have had no choice when THEY do it because all the "others" have already been doing it. Right?
You insensitive fucks. No wonder shit is fucked up in the NE. You are a bunch of attention lookers.
Here is a link to a crazed madman at a school in China that WOUNDED 22 children with a KNIFE:

The difference obviously is the difference in damage caused by the knife versus the gun - 22 wounded versus 27 or so dead.

I've always been a 2nd Amendment supporter. But I think it is time we rethink things.

I just cannot make any excuses for this.

I can live with eliminating automatics for personal protection. Let everyone get a 6 shot revolver. And limit the caliber to a .32, maybe a .38.

For hunting all you get is a twin barrel shot gun or a bolt action rifle that is reloaded after every shot. No more big magazines on rifles.

I know I'll get ripped for this, but there are TOO many psychopaths out there who are willing to commit a heinous crime in order to draw attention to themselves.

And, yeah, I know that a gunman who cannot get his hands on an automatic with 2 12-round clips can still carry four 6-shot revolvers to get the same effect, but it is HARDER and you have more time to react and overcome him or run away from him.
The problem is that there are already so many guns in circulation. People are not going to turn in their guns.....a law requiring that would be unconstitutional anyway.

I don't know what the solution is....but,its hard to say the status quo is fine after events like today's in Connecticut. We've got to at least try to do something.
LexusLover's Avatar
I don't know what the solution is..... Originally Posted by timpage
After Columbine a solution, not "the solution," was to establish a trained presence of two officers at each school and implement external security hardware around the school with off campus monitoring of activity around the perimeter of the facility to assure that unauthorized persons do not enter without having first been verified.

A problem with "educators" is they tend to be liberal in their thinking and resistant to modifications that seem oppressive and restrictive of their "freedoms" ... it makes an elementary school particularly vulnerable and a soft target, because the focus is not on student vs. student problems in the higher grade campuses.

"We" have the same debate regarding movie theaters and shopping malls. The primary distinction is that going to the movie or shopping is volunatary .. as opposed to school being required by government ... and whenever government requires people to be in a particular place for a period of time .. government must provide protection.
I B Hankering's Avatar
What a surprise. The gun nuts don't want to talk about the murder of 18 elementary school children...with a gun.

Coulda been a knife, though right? Or all of these children could have been drowned in a bath tub. But, it wasn't, was it....

What a shame that we can't at least have a discussion about taking some sort of action to prevent this shit from happening again and again and again....other than the gun weirdos saying "that's terrible, but tough shit." Because that's what they're going to say. Originally Posted by timpage
"Great White" killed 93 and injured 187 with pyrotechnics, and they weren't even trying to hurt anyone; plus, Timothy McVeigh killed 168 people and injured over 800 with motor fuel and fertilizer, so fuck you and your pretentiousness, Little Timmy. COG's post is still on point.
"Great White" killed 93 and injured 187 with pyrotechnics, and they weren't even trying to hurt anyone; plus, Timothy McVeigh killed 168 people and injured over 800 with motor fuel and fertilizer, so fuck you and your pretentiousness, Little Timmy. COG's post is still on point. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I don't typically waste time responding to the halfwitted shit you post up but, just this once.

What does the fact that there are lots of ways to die violently have to do with the fact that maybe we could do something to control gun violence? And, is there some sort of analogy I am missing between these poor kids being slaughtered with an assault rifle while at school, and a fire in a night club? Other than, everybody's gotta die sometime?

Back to the shallow end of the pool IB.
LovingKayla's Avatar
You ought to be ASHAMED of yourselves. How many posts in this thread did you use trying to insult me when yall JUST SAID, let it be for the victims?

Pot meet kettle... kettle meet pot. Now go fuck yourselves in the ass. I'm PMSing like a mutherfucker today.

Go ahead, how many more posts can you fools waste WASTE on trying to take a stab at someone in this thread. I was wrong to let anyone know what I was thinking, but you fuckers are wrong for not ignoring me. I'm sure you would have if I'd kept inside the lines for you, but any chance you get to fuck with someone, you take. Bastards. Hypocrite motherfucking bastards.

My heart bleeds for those familys. I can't even imagine what I'd do if it were me.
After Columbine a solution, not "the solution," was to establish a trained presence of two officers at each school and implement external security hardware around the school with off campus monitoring of activity around the perimeter of the facility to assure that unauthorized persons do not enter without having first been verified.

A problem with "educators" is they tend to be liberal in their thinking and resistant to modifications that seem oppressive and restrictive of their "freedoms" ... it makes an elementary school particularly vulnerable and a soft target, because the focus is not on student vs. student problems in the higher grade campuses.

"We" have the same debate regarding movie theaters and shopping malls. The primary distinction is that going to the movie or shopping is volunatary .. as opposed to school being required by government ... and whenever government requires people to be in a particular place for a period of time .. government must provide protection. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I dunno LL. This guy killed 26 people in a few minutes. What if the first thing he does is shoot the security officers? In fact, wouldn't you expect that would be the first thing he would do?

Regarding hardware, all the doors at my kids' schools are, in large part, glass. They are locked AR-15 or a Glock will solve that obstacle pretty quickly.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Here is a link to a crazed madman at a school in China that WOUNDED 22 children with a KNIFE:

The difference obviously is the difference in damage caused by the knife versus the gun - 22 wounded versus 27 or so dead.

I've always been a 2nd Amendment supporter. But I think it is time we rethink things.

I just cannot make any excuses for this.

I can live with eliminating automatics for personal protection. Let everyone get a 6 shot revolver. And limit the caliber to a .32, maybe a .38.

For hunting all you get is a twin barrel shot gun or a bolt action rifle that is reloaded after every shot. No more big magazines on rifles.

I know I'll get ripped for this, but there are TOO many psychopaths out there who are willing to commit a heinous crime in order to draw attention to themselves.

And, yeah, I know that a gunman who cannot get his hands on an automatic with 2 12-round clips can still carry four 6-shot revolvers to get the same effect, but it is HARDER and you have more time to react and overcome him or run away from him. Originally Posted by ExNYer
The M1911 .45 cal pistol was developed to replace the M1873 .38 cal pistol during the American-Philippine War. The .38 cal would not stop Moros hyped up on drugs during battles in the early 20th century, and the .38 cal will still not stop drugged-up, insensate burglars, rapists, thieves and murderers in the 21st century.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I don't typically waste time responding to the halfwitted shit you post up but, just this once.

What does the fact that there are lots of ways to die violently have to do with the fact that maybe we could do something to control gun violence?
That's precisely the point, jackass. What you Kool Aid sotted liberals don't understand is that it is the perpetrator's "intent" that matters: not the weapon. And, is there some sort of analogy I am missing between these poor kids being slaughtered with an assault rifle while at school, and a fire in a night club? Yes, you are missing the point if your lame-ass is denying the lethality of other commonly available commercial items. Other than, everybody's gotta die sometime?

Back to the shallow end of the pool IB. Fuck you, Little Timmy Boy! Don't you dare be calling for help at this late date! You can stay in the shallow end of the gene pool all by your lonesome. If you drown in your own stupidity, it's all on you.

Originally Posted by timpage
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-14-2012, 02:32 PM
The M1911 .45 cal pistol was developed to replace the M1873 .38 cal pistol during the American-Philippine War. The .38 cal would not stop Moros hyped up on drugs during battles in the early 20th century, and the .38 cal will still not stop drugged-up, insensate burglars, rapists, thieves and murderers in the 21st century. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Did you notice that only 9 of the 22 kids in the knife attack had to be hospitalized? And that none are dead?

Can you connect those dots... or are you too fucking stupid to figure that one out?
I B Hankering's Avatar
unfuckingbelieveable Originally Posted by CJ7
Did you notice that only 9 of the 22 kids in the knife attack had to be hospitalized? And that none are dead?

Can you connect those dots... or are you too fucking stupid to figure that one out? Originally Posted by timpage
You're the ones too stupid to connect the dots, morons. Timothy McVeigh killed 168 people and injured over 800 with motor fuel and fertilizer. Someone intent on killing others always has a weapon available.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-14-2012, 02:40 PM
I was talking about you, IBBQ