Sting in Shreveport

I only saw one or two locals and could not identify them as most was out of state. One pimp was also arrested.
I think most came from other sites such as STG. Originally Posted by Harley Diablo
There were several from eccie that were contacted by LE and came here just got this specific encounter. So now local cops are pulling crime into the area just to bust them and say "look how good we are. We deserve a pat on the back"(which I assume translates to more funding for them/the privatized prisons) Also, the guy arrested wasn't a pump persay. He and his lady friend were just going to rob the client.

The bullshit part is the girls who were in Bossier went to Max and immediately OR'd out with a misdemeanor. No money spent. The ladies in Shreveport sat there through the weekend to have a bond set and they were all charged with FELONY prostitution.

If they don't want these ladies doing it, they shouldn't brand them a felon and kill their chances of getting a decent job.
I personally do not care for opinions from people that do not live in our city. Thank you for not visiting.
The allure is we show people good times and many of the Top ladies from Texas visit us and return.
We also have some of the best local providers in the provider industry.
Why make such negative comments on something you know nothing about.
Yes we have stings and think it is money wasted but I have seen 5 or 6 stings in Texas in the last few months. Does not make your comments relavent.
Just my 2 cents worth.
Thanks Sammi for your input as you are a very good local lady.
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
I personally do not care for opinions from people that do not live in our city. Thank you for not visiting.
The allure is we show people good times and many of the Top ladies from Texas visit us and return.
We also have some of the best local providers in the provider industry.
Why make such negative comments on something you know nothing about.
Yes we have stings and think it is money wasted but I have seen 5 or 6 stings in Texas in the last few months. Does not make your comments relavent.
Just my 2 cents worth. Originally Posted by Harley Diablo

Harley, you and I actually agree 100% on something! Honestly, I'm not in the least bit sarcastic.

I'm not fanning this flame. All the discussion ain't gonna change a thing. I've been coming to SBC to hobby for almost 20 years. It's as safe as you want to make it.

It's a bit safer in Dallas. But only because of size; it's just too much of a pain in the ass to track the gals down. I mean, no one knows where poon-tang alley is. LOL

The blue coats don't really want the ladies; they want bigger things. I don't believe we're allowed to discuss those things here.

The majority of time a gal OR hobbyist gets popped it's because they didn't do their homework, they get greedy, or they let their egos (and little heads) get in the way.

HID (21-HID)

PS I look great in stripes!
cinderbella's Avatar
I personally do not care for opinions from people that do not live in our city. Thank you for not visiting.
The allure is we show people good times and many of the Top ladies from Texas visit us and return.
We also have some of the best local providers in the provider industry.
Why make such negative comments on something you know nothing about.
Yes we have stings and think it is money wasted but I have seen 5 or 6 stings in Texas in the last few months. Does not make your comments relavent.
Just my 2 cents worth. Originally Posted by Harley Diablo

Yeah, I admit I was out of line. My boyfriend was born and raised in Shreveport, he has never been in any trouble with the law. I have many good friends who live in Shreveport. My thoughts were not about people who live in Shreveport.

I am scared by what I see happening. Then today, I thought back about a news story I saw in the very early 1990's. I was on active duty in the military, and had never been anywhere near Texas. The Dateline story was about overzealous policing in that area, targeting out of state licenses and pulling them over on the hwy. for no good reason and accusing the driver of criminal intent and seizing the cars.

That, combined with what my boyfriend tells me about a friend he had who was a very corrupt high ranking LE and all the news of late about stings just bothered me. I was definitely triggered. I just hate to see myself as a person who could get cuffs slapped on me and thrown in jail in an instant, and I get really scared. I have worked all my life and never had a job that I could fully support myself on until I started doing massage ten years ago when I was laid off my last job and had to pay bills.

Until then, I had just assumed that lecherous people and such were in this business. I had absolutely no idea how many wonderful, cool people I would get to know doing this, who were just like me and otherwise not out committing crimes. I don't drink or smoke. I claim everything I make to the IRS. I just wish I was not considered a top priority for the cops to arrest. That really, really bothers me. If I go out and try to get a regular job with no college degree and no possibility to pay for college outside of getting a super expensive student loan, about the best thing I can do is some kind of a driving job because I have a great driving record but that is it.

I just feel very marginalized right now, like so many do nowadays and I feel vulnerable because I hate to think that the cops view me as public enemy number one. I had a former LE friend some years ago who told me that in the eyes of the police, a woman who does what I do is considered worse than a shoplifter. I would never shoplift anything. When I see any sort of police or public service personnel out in public, I ALWAYS look them in the eye and thank them and tell them that I appreciate them because I really do.

I am just really bummed out right now. Sorry for insulting Shreveport. The people who live there are amazing.

P.S. I realize it is difficult to understand, but LE absolutely DOES
want independent ladies. I found out when I read the texts of FBI to
an indie lady who was contacted by a handle on this board and had reviews,
but the handle was not hijacked from a known handle. The FBI used it exclusively, and they texted and called her for well over a week. They presented the handle as an adult male oilfield worker who had lots of money to spend. Unfortunately, the enticement of money will attract ladies as we all know. The handle sounded so nice and friendly and considerate. I was struck by how much time and effort the law went to just to entice. It was over a year ago, the last great FBI sting that was all over the news. If I had not read ALL the texts, I too would not have believed it. I was very disappointed, as it was clear to them that she was a single mom who arranged to have a babysitter and she drove a long way from out of state in the hopes of making 6 or 8 hundred bucks. I think that is very lazy way to police, and the amount of women arrested was huge so it was a big splash in the news. Of course, they caught some horrible scumbags but still.

Sorry for my long winded rant. I am really, really bummed seeing this as standard M.O. when there are much bigger fish to catch.
No problem I understand I also feel things like this upsets all of us that actually care about each other. I have lived in Shreveport all my life and only get nervous when I visit large cities such as New York. Yes I am sure we have some LE that are not good people but I have met both good and bad. Went to school with several but keep my personal business private.
sloop3's Avatar
This really sucks and is pathetic by our so called public servamts. I’ve been reaching out the last two days to a local provider and she seems to have dropped off radar. That’s disappointing and worrisome.
My birthday is in a couple weeks will be 59 & I never thought I would be able to say Texarkana has more providers than Shreveport but it's happened by one. WOW but I don't have that tiggiggly feeling for some reason.
sloop3's Avatar
I scope out the STG website frequently but have yet to see a lady from there. I'm just too worried it's a setup. The site has the feel of an even trashier Backpage. I've noticed that several of the ad now show screenshots of reviews from here. How has this just become a thing? SEVERAL of the suspicious ads include them in their photos.

I've seen one reputable provider since I've been up here in N LA and just don't see me being very active with all this nonsense going on with LE. I want one regular, MAYBE 2. I just have too much to lose to 'play the field' and I can only imagine the stress this puts on the providers that have to make a living in this environment.
MajicPlayground's Avatar
We all have alot to lose, in one way or another. So either stick with reputable ladies (and yes, some of us, including me while I'm in PA, use other sites that may not be like this one), or get the hell out of the hobby. If you think you have That much MORE to lose (and yes I am sick to death of hearing whiny men say they have more to lose than one of us) then again, get the HELL OUT OF THE HOBBY. Because I assure you, you're not that damn special!!

Truly, if you can't handle your business like a grown person, and think that throwing your password and handle to LE when YOU make a bad choice is ok, then you're worse than the cops!! I do promise one thing....karma WILL have her payment from the recent rats, THAT is already in motion. Like my grandma says, if ya can't stand the heat, get out the fire.
KayleighKisses's Avatar
I should have read this before I made this trip to Shreveport...
sloop3's Avatar
Majic, I want you to know that I was not in any way saying that I had more to lose than anyone else. I was just speaking from my own perspective. ALL of our privacy and reputation is equally valuable.

I’ve been lucky enough to have spent time with you and I know what kind of woman you are and I hope you know that would never insinuate that I have more to lose than anyone else. Hell, I’m single so just that right there means I have a lot LESS to lose than many in the hobby.
Richardtx's Avatar
Man this sucks. I had one ATF I used to see over there, she ended up turning her back on me so i figured I'd look for the next, but now I'm rethinking that altogether. I really enjoyed Shreveport but I think I'm going to have to take my mini vacas elsewhere.
Lucuyslove's Avatar
I was recently contacted during this sting and called it for what it was I actually called officer out on his bullshit as well got some flak for it of course as always it seems to me now I've been pulled over four times since then for seatbelt violations wearing my seatbelt I want to say one thing to anyone on this site if anybody here seems to think that they have more to lose than a female provider simply because we're a provider you're sadly mistaken most of us have families children we may not have significant others per se but I do have people in my life that mean a lot to me it would be strongly embarrassed possibly humiliated and possibly never even talk to me to get over this this is my choice and as a decision I will have to make and live in deal with it should something happen to me but in doing what I do let me tell you when I walk into it I don't walk into a blind and neither do you as a hobbyist so why is it that you feel or anyone feels as a hobbyist they have so much more to lose than we do please get the hell over yourself what because we're providers we are less important or our lives are less important good God enough's enough I grew up in a time when snitches get stitches plain and simple you didn't tell on anyone you commit the crime you do the time nowadays people tell on each other and then have coffee with each other a week later what the hell is that just my two cents I was contacted and almost lured into this trap now yes I post on STG sure the hell do I post on other sites as well but I goddamn guarantee you if I go down I'm the only the only bitch that's going down and anyone who knows me has met me or knows anything about me knows that they know that I am 100% always will be always have been screen screen and screen again ladies God knows you're the only one who's got your own ass
tabbitha's Avatar
I really hope I don't jeopardize my reputation with this I'm trying to get some help and I'm looking in the the chat rooms in the forms and everything I was one of those girls but they did not get my phone they could not get into it they might I think they have something on me but they don't I did everything correctly followed all the guidelines in the rules I knew what I was doing and I did it properly along with multiple other girls that I met in there that did it all properly I don't even understand why my handcuffs was left on me but I'm going to fight this tooth and nail I gave up no information absolutely none I give everyone of you my word