So how do you explain the unexplainable?

Phrodo's Avatar
Hit a curb in Dallas once. (I am not from there!) thought I was totally fucked. Fortunately no damage, I think.
That's easy. You were there to buy something off craigslist but the guy never showed.
Newman's Avatar
Hobbying 101 - have a "beard". A friend who can cover for you in any circumstances and confirm your story, no matter how crazy it is. You can be their beard as well when they need it.

If that fails, deny, deny, deny.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Hobbying 101 - have a "beard". A friend who can cover for you in any circumstances and confirm your story, no matter how crazy it is. You can be their beard as well when they need it.

If that fails, deny, deny, deny. Originally Posted by Newman
I'd cheer ya on about the deny deny deny thing, but it sucks when your gut knows and someone ya love lies in your face. It's the most insulting thing that any man ever did to me. My intuition speaks loudly to me. I allowed a man to make me doubt my greatest intuition. I kinda need's important. Trust that next time I asked a question and got lied to, I already had the proof. Sure jacked his world up. ijs That whole deny deny deny thing.....sux.
if you have to think of an excuse when you need it, you're screwed. excuses are things you have to invest in and cash in on when you need.

for example, i'm looking for a car. not because i need one - i just want one. call it a midlife crisis. i've been doing this for six months. currently, this will provide to be an excuse if i find myself needed to drive out to the other side of town.

while i'm out there, if anything were to happen - i'm covered because i went out to test drive a car.

the car one is an example - two things to remember. 1) never have a routine - never leave at the same time for work and come back at the same time. never. 2) have activities, missions, or just other things that you are involved in which can always provide cover for the - be involved in a charity program, helping the needy, a bible study..something that no one will question. and truly engage in them for what they are worth, but also establish an excuse for getting away in the future.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
if you have to think of an excuse when you need it, you're screwed. excuses are things you have to invest in and cash in on when you need.

for example, i'm looking for a car. not because i need one - i just want one. call it a midlife crisis. i've been doing this for six months. currently, this will provide to be an excuse if i find myself needed to drive out to the other side of town.

while i'm out there, if anything were to happen - i'm covered because i went out to test drive a car.

the car one is an example - two things to remember. 1) never have a routine - never leave at the same time for work and come back at the same time. never. 2) have activities, missions, or just other things that you are involved in which can always provide cover for the - be involved in a charity program, helping the needy, a bible study..something that no one will question. and truly engage in them for what they are worth, but also establish an excuse for getting away in the future. Originally Posted by haramikutha
The bible study thing.....brilliant! I love it! Probably where ya learned this stuff, right? LOL Ya'll are awesomeness today! Have not laughed this much on this site, in forever! thanks! All the other stuff was great too, and no I'm not being was pure awesomeness! Not sure ya meant it to be, but it was to me! I'm easily amused though....I've always admitted that. Thanks!