Tell Me Why I should Vote a Straight Democrat Ticket . . .Without Referring to either Biden or Trump.

HedonistForever's Avatar
I voted for Biden and say no to every statement you just made. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Then, pray tell, what is it Biden is doing that you do support or is it all just a vote to keep the other party out of power, which I understand. Just wondering if you are prepared to say that is your sole reason or you have others. If there are policies you do agree with, what are they?

While I am an Independent, meaning I am not a registered Republican and dislike Trump, I support virtually all the polices being but forth by Republicans. Close the border but have a workable asylum and guest worker program. Come down hard and I mean hard on crime. "Broken Windows" policy will be the new policy of the federal government and encouraged that every state adopt that policy. All this woke crap in the military, especially in schools and in business must come to an end and free speech restored to the land. Those are my major concerns and I think the Republican party, far from being perfect, is the best chance we have to bring this country back to sanity.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
The Federal Budget deficit was reduced by 1.4 Trillion dollars in fiscal year 2022. The deficit went up under Trump in all four years of his presidency. Enough said. Originally Posted by adav8s28
The debt went up and the deficit went down. How is that possible? Simple really. It's called slight of hand and lying statistics. In 2021, the deficit was high and because they spent less in 2022 they can claim that they reduced the deficit. Like a wife spending $1000 to save $200 on all the sale items. To put numbers to it, in 2020, the US spent over 4 trillion dollars increasing the debt by 3 trillion dollars. In 2021, the US spent "only" 1.5 trillion dollars but the debt went up 2.7 trillion. What? Shouldn't the debt have gone up less than 1.5 trillion and not increased by 2.7 trillion? You'd think so but what they don't tell you about is all those obligations that have to be paid. So even if the deficit was zero, the debt would still increase.

So...when someone throws out a few numbers without explanation, they're either lying to you and themselves or they're very ignorant.
ICU 812's Avatar

While I am an Independent, meaning I am not a registered Republican and dislike Trump, I support virtually all the polices being but forth by Republicans. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

Welcome. That is the sub-text of what I have been trying to suggest in several threads now: Vote for policy not personality.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Then, pray tell, what is it Biden is doing that you do support or is it all just a vote to keep the other party out of power, which I understand. Just wondering if you are prepared to say that is your sole reason or you have others. If there are policies you do agree with, what are they?

While I am an Independent, meaning I am not a registered Republican and dislike Trump, I support virtually all the polices being but forth by Republicans. Close the border but have a workable asylum and guest worker program. Come down hard and I mean hard on crime. "Broken Windows" policy will be the new policy of the federal government and encouraged that every state adopt that policy. All this woke crap in the military, especially in schools and in business must come to an end and free speech restored to the land. Those are my major concerns and I think the Republican party, far from being perfect, is the best chance we have to bring this country back to sanity. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
First, questions for you. How do you "close the border"? What can the federal government do on crime? I look at coming down hard on crime to be a state and local problem.

I voted for Biden because I could not vote for Trump. His actions since the election are a perfect example of what I saw in his character that kept me from even considering voting for him, even against Hillary Clinton, a candidate I never cared for.

I think Biden has had several successes since taking office-- effectively fought Covid, passed the infrastructure bill, support of the Ukraine and NATO, the poorly named Inflation Reduction Act, got us back into the Paris Accord. I also believe that Biden's policies are for the U.S. to be more global than the Trump isolationist policies. And I realize there have been several negatives under Biden. But Also look at $ years under Trump and his successes,in my opinion, are minimal.
HedonistForever's Avatar
First, questions for you. How do you "close the border"? What can the federal government do on crime? I look at coming down hard on crime to be a state and local problem.

I voted for Biden because I could not vote for Trump. That I can understand, just wanted to hear that it was your biggest motivator. There is hope for you yet. His actions since the election are a perfect example of what I saw in his character that kept me from even considering voting for him, even against Hillary Clinton, a candidate I never cared for.

I think Biden has had several successes since taking office-- effectively fought Covid, effectively lied about Covid telling us that if you just got vaccinated you couldn't get Covid and you couldn't pass Covid. That turned out to be the biggest lie of all. passed the infrastructure bill, support of the Ukraine and NATO, the poorly named Inflation Reduction Act, got us back into the Paris Accord. I also believe that Biden's policies are for the U.S. to be more global than the Trump isolationist policies. And I realize there have been several negatives under Biden. But Also look at $ years under Trump and his successes,in my opinion, are minimal. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

How do you close the border? First, you continue to build the wall with the hundreds of millions of material being left to rust. Then you restore in full the remain in Mexico policy and turn back every single person they can catch, back to Mexico or their home country but Everybody without a provable fear of persecution should be turned away until we can put a system in place that works but Democrats obviously don't want a system the actually secures our border.

The federal government dolls out the money. The money will only go to states that make an effort to curb crime but mostly we need a President who will say SOMETHING about the crime instead of completely ignoring it but you are right, it will be up to the states to solve this problem but it would be so much easier with a President that saw it as the number one problem in America right now. Crime is destroying America.
Hedonist, you are correct that crime is destroying America, but at least in my locale (and we suffer little compared to other regions), it is the drug trade and underlying gangs/organizations, even pharma fueling the trade that is the root cause, other than the high profile mentally ill mass shooters.

A multi billion dollar wall might momentarily slow the flow, but the cartels and desperate will find other ways quicker than we can legislate. If not from Mexico, then from China, or then from ....

I'd much rather spend $ finding legitimate alternative ways for our youth to make good $ without risk of prison rather than in the drug trade. I've witnessed too many kids from good/rich families and too many bright kids from poor/ disadvantaged families get caught up and go to prison or even die because dealing is lucrative, or the profitable option. We need a fix from within, not without and it requires investment in opportunity, not jail or a wall.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
You’re saying to give up, just let people and their illicit wares flow into the country unabated because they’ll just find another way. That’s crazy, imo. I’ve got nothing against youth programs, but think we can walk and chew gum. Borders are a defining characteristic of any country, abandon them and there is no country.
The wall issue is a diversion (and to give the Devil his due a rather good one) to focus attention to a "palatable" solution that conveniently doesn't address the root problem...loss of livable single wage blue collar jobs, decreased opportunity/funding for higher education scholarships, funding for infrastructure maintenance/enhancements that fund above because we're all a bunch of cheap asses that don't vote for US, but Me. Coupled with two generations where single parenthood seems to be ok, even though the single parent can't make it financially.

Build the wall, fine by me. Same problems remain, except who's going to pick lettuce in California, roof and build houses in Missouri, or even work the drive Tru at Taco Bell? Not going to be the fruit of our sorry loins, I'm afraid. Don't like Taco Bell anyway, so be it.
ICU 812's Avatar
First, questions for you. How do you "close the border"? What can the federal government do on crime? I look at coming down hard on crime to be a state and local problem.

Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Border: There were policies in place during the previous administration that required those who claimed asylum to remain in Mexico while their case was being delt with. Mexico was on board with this, and would-be migrants were discouraged from making the trip. With fewer asylum seekers actually at the border, ICE and Border Patrol had almost enough personnel to deal with illegal crossers and smugglers.

Crime: " Catch and Release" along with bail system dysfunction are significant parts of this problem resulting in multiple repeat offenders escalating the level of their anti-social behavior. This is indeed a local and State issue. That is why it is my recommendation to vote out those who are currently in authority at the State and local levels. Many judges and prosecutors are elected. Those who state not elected are appointed by someone who is elected.

Can someone show how I have got these issues wrong? If so, what actually IS the fix?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
someday everyone will vote straight DEM. By who is the question.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
How do you close the border? First, you continue to build the wall with the hundreds of millions of material being left to rust. Then you restore in full the remain in Mexico policy and turn back every single person they can catch, back to Mexico or their home country but Everybody without a provable fear of persecution should be turned away until we can put a system in place that works but Democrats obviously don't want a system the actually secures our border.

The federal government dolls out the money. The money will only go to states that make an effort to curb crime but mostly we need a President who will say SOMETHING about the crime instead of completely ignoring it but you are right, it will be up to the states to solve this problem but it would be so much easier with a President that saw it as the number one problem in America right now. Crime is destroying America. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
The border wall was never funded. Trump "stole" money that congress allocated to the Pentagon for specific needed projects that were then unfunded. Biden restored the funding to the proper recipients. What I do not support is "catch and release" while the people await court appearances. Biden raised the refugee quota from a ridiculous 15,000 a year under Trump to over 100,000, as it was under previous presidents. Trump did not put into effect a system that works. Neither has Biden.

I so not look at crime as the #1 problem in this country but I live in the suburbs where violent crime is rare. Crime rose dramatically in 2020, when Trump was in office, as shown in the following article. It is easy for the POTUS to stand up and say they are against crime. It is much more difficult to implement policies at the federal level to combat crime. Every state and city makes "efforts" to commbat crime.
HedonistForever's Avatar
The border wall was never funded. And why is that when virtually every Democrat prior to Trump being elected voted for or supported the "Secure Fence Act" including Obama, Pelosi and Biden.

Democrats had supported a fence at the border

Trump in his address said that Sen. Charles E. Schumer “has repeatedly supported a physical barrier in the past along with many other Democrats. They changed their mind only after I was elected.”
Schumer, Hillary Clinton and many other Democrats voted for the Secure Fence Act of 2006, which authorized building a fence along about 700 miles of the border between the United States and Mexico. It passed 283-138 in the House, with 64 Democrat votes, and 80-19 in the Senate, with 26 Democrat votes.
Trump "stole" money that congress allocated to the Pentagon for specific needed projects that were then unfunded. Biden restored the funding to the proper recipients. What I do not support is "catch and release" while the people await court appearances.

Biden raised the refugee quota from a ridiculous 15,000 a year under Trump to over 100,000, as it was under previous presidents. Trump did not put into effect a system that works. Neither has Biden.

The Congress will never put in a system that works because the Democrats support the very things you just said you don't support. Let the Democrats ( or wait for Republican control ) put up a" stand alone" immigration bill, nothing else added. Make it a reasonable quota number with a workable guest worker program that Democrats seem to reject out of hand

I so not look at crime as the #1 problem in this country but I live in the suburbs where violent crime is rare.

A problem in and of itself when we only see what affects us. I too live in a very secure suburb but I don't ignore the plight of others when I see the damage it is doing to innocents.

Crime rose dramatically in 2020, when Trump was in office, as shown in the following article.

That might have worked if you hadn't already said that crime is not a Federal problem nor can a President do anything but speak about it. What has President Biden said about crime? Literally nothing of substance. I want to see and hear from a President about what seems to be the second biggest concern in the country right now. And it is at it's worst in Democrat run cities, even the one in Red States as we have discussed before. Progressive politicians and Progressive DA's are the problem here.

It is easy for the POTUS to stand up and say they are against crime. It is much more difficult to implement policies at the federal level to combat crime. Every state and city makes "efforts" to combat crime. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Obviously not enough with New York and LA being the poster boys. It will be interesting when we hear what motivated voters to get out and vote. I predict crime and the border will be right there in the top 4.
  • Tiny
  • 10-25-2022, 07:45 PM
Why should I, or any conservative, flip and vote a straight Democrat ticket come November?. Tell us without referring to either President Trump or President Biden. . . .and without calling us something derogatory ending in "-tard".

What will a Democrat sweep bring to the policy arena that will address inflation, Homelessness, street crime, or promote domestic and/or international tranquility? Originally Posted by ICU 812
I've got an answer of sorts from my cousin. She always used to vote for Republicans and Libertarians. She just marked her ballot and told me she voted straight Democratic Party, except for the county surveyor. He's a Republican, but there was nobody running against him.

Why? Abortion. She's mad as hell about the Supreme Court decision. She actually participated in a couple of pro choice protest marches, even though she's well beyond childbearing age.

She says Libertarians don't really take a position on abortion, except perhaps it should be left up to the states. But the Democratic Party does. So that's why she's voting for Democrats.

She's informed enough about this issue that she could quote several Biblical passages that would appear to justify abortion. She's not deeply religious, but apparently has been reading up on what she believes to be the hypocrisies of the pro lifers.

She's also concerned about whether some of the current crop of Republicans will try to put selection of presidential electors in the hands of the state legislators. But that's apparently not enough to make her vote a straight Democratic ticket.

It's interesting reading what Bernie Sanders said about abortion, in what Eccieuser posted,

As someone who has a lifetime 100% pro-choice voting record, and is outraged by the Supreme Court’s horrific decision to overturn Roe v Wade, there is no question that Democrats must continue to focus on the right of women to control their own bodies. This is a fight that most Americans want us to wage and, given the Republicans’ extremist position on the issue, makes them genuinely vulnerable.

But, as we enter the final weeks of the 2022 midterm elections, I am alarmed to hear the advice that many Democratic candidates are getting from establishment consultants and directors of well-funded super PACs that the closing argument of Democrats should focus only on abortion. Cut the 30-second abortion ads and coast to victory.

Based on Bernie's comments, there must be a lot of women out there like my cousin. And some Democratic Party consultants and PAC's are trying to get them to show up to the polls by emphasizing abortion, to the exclusion of other issues.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I've got an answer of sorts from my cousin. She always used to vote for Republicans and Libertarians. She just marked her ballot and told me she voted straight Democratic Party, except for the county surveyor. He's a Republican, but there was nobody running against him.

Why? Abortion. She's mad as hell about the Supreme Court decision. She actually participated in a couple of pro choice protest marches, even though she's well beyond childbearing age.

She says Libertarians don't really take a position on abortion, except perhaps it should be left up to the states. But the Democratic Party does. So that's why she's voting for Democrats.

She's informed enough about this issue that she could quote several Biblical passages that would appear to justify abortion. She's not deeply religious, but apparently has been reading up on what she believes to be the hypocrisies of the pro lifers.

She's also concerned about whether some of the current crop of Republicans will try to put selection of presidential electors in the hands of the state legislators. But that's apparently not enough to make her vote a straight Democratic ticket.

It's interesting reading what Bernie Sanders said about abortion, in what Eccieuser posted,

As someone who has a lifetime 100% pro-choice voting record, and is outraged by the Supreme Court’s horrific decision to overturn Roe v Wade, there is no question that Democrats must continue to focus on the right of women to control their own bodies. This is a fight that most Americans want us to wage and, given the Republicans’ extremist position on the issue, makes them genuinely vulnerable.

But, as we enter the final weeks of the 2022 midterm elections, I am alarmed to hear the advice that many Democratic candidates are getting from establishment consultants and directors of well-funded super PACs that the closing argument of Democrats should focus only on abortion. Cut the 30-second abortion ads and coast to victory.

Based on Bernie's comments, there must be a lot of women out there like my cousin. And some Democratic Party consultants and PAC's are trying to get them to show up to the polls by emphasizing abortion, to the exclusion of other issues. Originally Posted by Tiny

And I hate that. I mean, the issue of access to guns by the unstable is another huge wound to exploit on the GOP side. That's an easy one to hammer home. Too fuckin' late now.

I hope it works for Burrito O'Dork. (That is funny, must admit.)
  • Tiny
  • 10-25-2022, 09:09 PM
And I hate that. I mean, the issue of access to guns by the unstable is another huge wound to exploit on the GOP side. That's an easy one to hammer home. Too fuckin' late now.

I hope it works for Burrito O'Dork. (That is funny, must admit.) Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
The big one I'd play up if I were a Democratic Party operative would be what Trump & Company were up to after the 2020 election. The assault on American democracy.