It doesn't bother me that some ladies feel comfortable bartering. I feel it should be up to the lady to make that suggestion, and if he's interested, what happens is between the two of them.Sounds like a double standard there Summersault.....:th umbdown:
I am highly offended by photographers who approach me hoping I'll barter.
I'm more then happy to pay a professional for their work, and will only deal with photographers that treat their work like a business, not a way to get laid cheap. If a photographer initiates the bartering conversation, he's guaranteed to be turned down and loose the possibility of having me as a paying client.
It reminds me of porn directors who tell new girls they want to audition them in private before putting them on set Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
If I'm a successful in demand professional & someone wants my valuable services & all they offer in return in a lay, isn't that kind of "highly offensive" as well to me as well???