Noob here. Not on a side really. Out of curiosity. But a bit of a question on future outcomes in voting

LexusLover's Avatar
It is a pigeon hole label that attempts to add value by generalizing a group into a large number. Typical Liberal media BS. It marginalizes the individual thinkers by throwing them in a group.
It is a pigeon hole label that attempts to add value by generalizing a group into a large number. Typical Liberal media BS. It marginalizes the individual thinkers by throwing them in a group. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Speaking of ("the millennials").....polls also indicated less than 40% identify (themselves) as even being part of that generation (or being labeled "as such")....
LexusLover's Avatar
Speaking of ("the millennials").....polls also indicated less than 40% identify (themselves) as even being part of that generation (or being labeled "as such").... Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
That doesn't surprise me at all. There are a lot of people who don't NEED to belong to a "we" or "use," but manage to do fine INDEPENDENTLY without an addiction to a "group identity"!

I perceive occasionally that the "group labeling" is like the "name-calling," it's based on ignorance and an addiction for belonging to "a group," so the labeler or name-caller judges others as they perceived themselves as: "racist" or "________"!

Recent events and revelations have suggested there is a reality basis for that perception: accusers are revealed as the abusers and accusers are exposed as colluders. The list is growing daily.

I suppose it would be appropriate to ask if less than 40% identify themselves as such then how does one know how many actually voted in the past election? Or is someone labeling them as such regardless of whether they want to be or not? Another Liberal notion, and confirmation of the pigeon-holing practiced by the Liberals: like calling people who live in Texas ... "Deplorables"!
Munchmasterman's Avatar
The hypocrisy and irony of these 2 posts are unbelievable.
In both of them, you fail to see you do exactly what you complain about. You include multiple examples.
You personally assign people to groups of your choosing with no regard for an individual's self-classification.
Add in the fact you see your opinions as facts and you belittle opinions that differ from yours.
When I "judge" your attributes or characteristics, none are based on groups. I get all the info I need from @40000a posts.
That's plenty to arrive at the conclusion that hubris is a major part of your life.

It is a pigeon hole label that attempts to add value by generalizing a group into a large number. Typical Liberal media BS. It marginalizes the individual thinkers by throwing them in a group. Originally Posted by LexusLover
That doesn't surprise me at all. There are a lot of people who don't NEED to belong to a "we" or "use," Did you mean "us" instead of "use"?but manage to do fine INDEPENDENTLY without an addiction to a "group identity"!

I perceive occasionally that the "group labeling" is like the "name-calling," it's based on ignorance and an addiction for belonging to "a group," so the labeler or name-caller judges others as they perceived themselves as: "racist" or "________"!
That might be how you decide how to group or what names to call. Other people base grouping on statements a person has made
Recent events and revelations have suggested there is a reality basis for that perception: accusers are revealed as the abusers and accusers are exposed as colluders. The list is growing daily.
What accusers are revealed as abusers? What accusers are revealed as proven colluders? What lists are growing daily?
I suppose it would be appropriate to ask if less than 40% identify themselves as such then how does one know how many actually voted in the past election? Or is someone labeling them as such regardless of whether they want to be or not? Another Liberal notion, and confirmation of the pigeon-holing practiced by the Liberals: like calling people who live in Texas ... "Deplorables"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Consider the following excerpt from the above post, "Another Liberal notion, and confirmation of the pigeon-holing practiced by the Liberals". It backs up his opinion about his own perceived self while proving he does in fact group for all the reasons he stated. It does not confirm "Liberals" call people "deplorables" because they live in Texas.
Self-proclaimed information shows how he perceives himself to be and the reasons he groups people the way he does. Many of his posts back that up. Especially these 2.

When I call you a flaming asshole it has nothing to do with a group. I can give you many reasons without diving into your "complicated and not necessarily relevant to others" line of "reasoning".
And for someone who constantly rails about "mind reading", what term could describe him claiming to know someone else's mind or motivations?


premptive link.

Did Hillary Clinton collude with the Russians to get ‘dirt’ on Trump to feed it to the FBI? - The Washington Post

Share The Facts

Devin Nunes

Member of Congress (R-Calif.)

“The truth is that they [Democrats] are covering up that Hillary Clinton colluded with the Russians to get dirt on Trump to feed it to the FBI to open up an investigation into the other campaign.”

in an interview on the Hugh Hewitt Show – Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Rating 4 Pinocchios

LexusLover's Avatar
The hypocrisy and irony of these 2 posts are unbelievable. In both of them, you fail to see you do exactly what you complain about. You include multiple examples.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
If you would get laid more, you'd probably have a better outlook on life, and quit being so angry and pissed off all the time.

Or do you talk to them like that while you are "seducing" them?

I keep forgetting you actually voted for HillariousNoMore!